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2020 Dumpster Fire (Enter at your own risk)


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36 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

Without a doubt.  

Not only are we a divided country, both parties are fracturing.  

I’d say your half right:

One is fracturing; one appears to be forming a new coalition that few expected. 

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1 hour ago, Hambone said:

I'm very, very hopeful that 2024 will bring us some better candidates, on both sides.  I don't think Biden will run again (I also personally think he doesn't make it but a couple years), but in either case you'd think Harris would be at the top of the list.  I don't care for her, and I think she'd be a terrible president, but I'm not sure who else the Democrats can trot out other than a rehash of this years.

On the Republican side, I think you've got Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Tom Cotton, possibly DeSantis that you'd be looking at the most.  Maybe Rick Scott, Marco Rubio.  I'm guessing Noem would get a hard look at VP depending on how the next 3 years go.

Personally would prefer there be no Trumps involved.  I'm guessing Don Jr will kick the tires though, but Ivanka could be a wildcard for lesser office to try to work her way up.

Thoughts on both sides looking ahead to 2024?

I think Buttgieg did his best at the end of the election to try and position himself for 2024 for the Dems   His campaigning was for himself as much as Biden   Very well spoken   

I don’t see anything wrong with Tim Scott in 2024.  Justice reform following a year a republican candidate got 20% of the black male vote would likely get a lot of attention.  

I imagine TNN will be announced the day after Trump leaves office and will instantly become the most watched news channel in the US and have a following leading to 2024    Republican Party will be just as much on notice if they want to retain the minority vote   


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31 minutes ago, homer said:

I think Buttgieg did his best at the end of the election to try and position himself for 2024 for the Dems   His campaigning was for himself as much as Biden   Very well spoken   

Buttigieg is the gay Obama. 

He was simply ahead of his time. 

He started at zero name recognition.

Equivalent to Sioux Falls mayor.

He can easily get the nomination when his time comes.

Hes got that "deep state" money behind him.

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20 minutes ago, Cratter said:

Buttigieg is the gay Obama. 

He was simply ahead of his time. 

He started at zero name recognition.

Equivalent to Sioux Falls mayor.

He can easily get the nomination when his time comes.

Hes got that "deep state" money behind him.

Boot Edge Edge is a political idiot despite being a bright person.. I believe his quote was "our opponents call us socialists so maybe we should  be" or something along those lines. 

That alone likely sinks you in a general election I would think. 

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2 hours ago, Cratter said:

Haven't heard that kinda news from the local news.

Look at the new article just released.

They seem to put out the same article every day.

Switch the words around, add in new data, and put on a new date.

ND reports 29 deaths, record case count on 'worst day' of pandemic


North Dakota's COVID-19 outbreak, already among the nation's worst, continues to spiral out of control.


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12 minutes ago, JohnboyND7 said:

Boot Edge Edge is a political idiot despite being a bright person.. I believe his quote was "our opponents call us socialists so maybe we should  be" or something along those lines. 

That alone likely sinks you in a general election I would think. 

They all do that to get the nomination.

Then suddenly flip after they get the nomination.

Biden wanted to get rid of fracking.

And then flipped and didn't.....until he forgot during the last debate...and had to "issue a correction" to not believe what he just said the day before.

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3 hours ago, Cratter said:

Biden wins but "most" Republicans don't have that much of a problem with it.

Biden is a docile old man.

He's polite and a moderate (for a democrat).

If there was a Democrat the Republicans were okay with, it would be Biden.


It's not Biden that the majority are afraid of...it's Harris.

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6 hours ago, Hayduke1 said:

Here is an observation.

Wear a mask, Trumptard 

No worries here, Hayduke1.  We’ll ALL be wearing them come January 21st...or else we can expect to hauled away in a squad car.  National mask mandate, here we come!  

Hopefully Biden can figure out how to warm up all the homes this winter for those folks in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota who helped get him into office...might be some buyer’s remorse on those -20 degree nights when the heat’s off.

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35 minutes ago, MafiaMan said:

No worries here, Hayduke1.  We’ll ALL be wearing them come January 21st...or else we can expect to hauled away in a squad car.  National mask mandate, here we come!  

Hopefully Biden can figure out how to warm up all the homes this winter for those folks in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota who helped get him into office...might be some buyer’s remorse on those -20 degree nights when the heat’s off.

Tough to institute a mandate when it ain't enforceable lol

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17 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:

If no blue wave existed, Trump wouldn't be attempting to sue everything in sight; nor would he have claimed victory early.  The timing/composition of incoming ballots were as expected.  Early returns Red, later returns Blue. 

President Manchild is behaving like everybody predicted he would.    

There was no blue wave.

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