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in this new cancel culture and everyone is racist world we live in, dialogue and debate is stifled BECAUSE people are scared of being labeled such (especially when the media will take everything out of context).

in his time at UND MM better own up to his past and TALK and SPEAK about what he did and hopefully bullying  will be a thing of the past

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3 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

I still ask how this (juvenile court, 14 year olds) wasn't sealed. That said, ...

Berry owns this now. 

And that leash length is measured in angstroms. 


In most states courts have the right to open juvenile records and/or proceedings to the public/media if public interest outweighs privacy issues.  This looks to be the case here; I'm guessing out of community parental concerns, school safety, etc.    

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31 minutes ago, scpa0305 said:

I don’t think keane stands a chance. That D core is deep. Moore is a 5th rounder. Miller would obviously play but his situation is iffy.

If we are talking about starting the season that may be the case, but with 10 games in 20 days, Berry pretty much said everyone will be playing.  Hopefully that depth pays off for us as most teams won’t be in game condition.  Being able to play so many guys without a big drop off could be a nice advantage if they can get the right combinations together.

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Brad Miller is dead on accurate with his observations.  There is a difference between being a loyal UND hockey fan and being a blind follower.  Try looking at this objectively and be honest with yourself if your opinion would stay the same if the victim was.someone you knew.  

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4 hours ago, nodakgirl93 said:



Wait a second here.   So she's claiming Miller was still taunting the kid as of 2 years ago?  That's 2 years after his conviction.    If that's the case, drop him.  Miller needs to go.    That said, it's odd that such actions wouldn't be in violation of probation or no-contact orders that would've undoubtedly been issued.     My, my, such drama.???

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2 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


Wait a second here.   So she's claiming Miller was still taunting the kid 2 years ago?  That's 2 years after his conviction.    If that's the case, drop him.  Miller needs to go.    That said, it's odd that such actions wouldn't be in violation of any probation or no-contact orders that would've undoubtedly been issued.       My, my, such drama.???

And that drama begs the question of authenticity as well to an extent. 

Good lord, it's a mess. Really unhappy to have the program involved in it, but Im sticking to my conclusion.

*I'm hurt and angered to read these details. I feel for this bullied kid.

*I dont know this Miller kids' heart today.

*I trust Berry, coaches, athletic dept, school, has more info and knowledge about him, his heart, and his potential as a human.

*I expect the all of those parties to present a better messege than what has come out so far.


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5 hours ago, Frozen4sioux said:

*I expect the all of those parties to present a better messege than what has come out so far.

Do people seriously expect something more than has already been said? You do realize that athletics departments have since the dawn of time embraced minimalism vis-a-vis SA behavior. Do either of the phrases “the team is handling this matter internally” and “federal student privacy laws prevent us from...” ring a bell?

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6 hours ago, Frozen4sioux said:

And that drama begs the question of authenticity as well to an extent. 

Good lord, it's a mess. Really unhappy to have the program involved in it, but Im sticking to my conclusion.

*I'm hurt and angered to read these details. I feel for this bullied kid.

*I dont know this Miller kids' heart today.

*I trust Berry, coaches, athletic dept, school, has more info and knowledge about him, his heart, and his potential as a human.

*I expect the all of those parties to present a better messege than what has come out so far.


I hadn't really thought of this much, but I fear that the focus we are putting on this when we should be talking about and enjoying the upcoming season is what we may hear quite frequently from the media and fanbases each week, and possibly if we get into the National Tournament.    Like most people said, I would suspect he will be on short leash so he better be prepared to be scrutinized on and off the ice and hold his tongue and actions when the opposition tries to push his buttons.   With all we have going for us this season, I would hate for it to blow up by him screwing up and derailing it.   Hopefully this isn't an issue and redemption becomes a theme instead, but it seems a bit of a risk to leave that fate in the hands of one person, especially one with that kind of background.  I would gather after all of this, there is no way the USA World Junior team takes a flyer on him though.  

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6 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:

... she's claiming Miller was still taunting the kid as of 2 years ago?  That's 2 years after his conviction.    

If that's so, that means nothing was learned. 

As I've said, mistakes concern me; but, what I'm really interested in is what is learned from them. 

Again, if that claim is so, nothing was learned. 

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7 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:


Wait a second here.   So she's claiming Miller was still taunting the kid as of 2 years ago?  That's 2 years after his conviction.    If that's the case, drop him.  Miller needs to go.    That said, it's odd that such actions wouldn't be in violation of probation or no-contact orders that would've undoubtedly been issued.     My, my, such drama.???

She also claimed that him rollerblading past their house was him taunting the family. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Who is going to give the entire truth on this, and again, where the heck are his parent on all of this?

- I really feel for the kid that was bullied

- I seriously question the bullied kid's parents to a degree as well, as they clearly have some issues of their own. Not questioning whether any bullying took place, clearly it did, but did the bullying actually continue as recently as two years ago? Who knows?

- I assume the coaches saw something in the kid, other than hockey skill to make him worth taking a chance on; but I think a better statement from Berry and the school, and Miller are warranted here.

- I'm already sick of hearing about this story, purely from a hockey fan perspective. That's not intended to be insensitive .... I watch sports to get away from all other crap, sucks when this stuff seeps into what should be entertainment.

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Some of the comments on here and other social media platforms are hilarious.  If MM was your kid would you have the same reaction?  Honest question.

I'm not saying he deserves a break but it's odd when you can draw the line?  The incident occurred when he was 13, none of us know what happened to him outside a court order. No one knows what type of punishment came from the parents (at that time), etc.  

Let's assume this kid has turned things around, when can he get past this? When can he live his life?  We live in an interesting world (interest, twitter, etc.) where it's easy to dig up old dirt and everybody loves to slam on people.  I think what he did was absolutely disgusting, but maybe he's already paid for it, we have no clue. I just think he should be given a chance.

If he hasn't correct his ways....something will pop up and Bubs will deal with it swiftly I would assume.

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On a radio show, Darren Dreger said he believes UND and the Coyotes are working together to make Miller part of an anti-bullying campaign, but haven't yet worked out all the details.

IF true, Miller still doesn't have to face the full consequences of his actions. UND and the Coyotes are handling it for him. Also, a move of this sort is incredibly transparent. It will end up being performative just like the court-ordered mandates. He'll do what he has to do for appearances but won't actually change and learn, as we have already seen.

Also, I don't understand why UND is batting so hard for this kid.

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Just now, MissSioux85 said:

Also, I don't understand why UND is batting so hard for this kid.

Sports has a unique and powerful capacity for change, and redemption.  There is a good story for every bad.  A good outcome for every poor.

Maybe you should binge watch Real Sports on HBO...they do a great job of humanizing a lot of these issues.

Forgiveness and opportunity are hallmarks of both Christianity and Americana.  Only a cold hearted SOB or a blatant hypocrite would take a hard line.

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Interesting podcast by Miller. Good point for discussion. Nice to hear someone who has had the opportunity of playing at a school like UND speak to the issue, and he does make some solid points.

Do I think the kid should be condemned for life, No. Though the podcast does have me somewhat reconsidering my position on does this kid deserve to play at one of the most prestigious schools in the country? He may have made a mistake, but those mistake do have some consequences.

UND could have easily washed their hands of this and moved on. At this point, I think it would be tacky to do so, because it would have nothing to do with their opinion of the kid, or the situation or taking a moral stance. It would only be because it is becoming a public spectacle in the hockey world; something they should have seen coming.

I would not go as far as Miller does, to say the kid should never play in the NHL. Maybe he has to go a different route, maybe he should have gotten drafted when he did, and should have needed to find another way to work his way up. But we don't get to control all of that either. Truth is, if UND didn't take him, another school would have, or a major junior team ... trying to make an ethical point from one perspective won't convince everyone else to take that same approach. Its sad, but there are too many schools, programs, etc. that are going to say (not publicly) the kid is just too talented to not take. I am hoping it wasn't that direct with UND, as they could have found other top talent. Hopefully they did their due diligence on the situation, set the expectations, and assessed the risk in bringing in a kid with this type of history.

What a bizarre story for UND though.

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7 minutes ago, NoiseInsideMyHead said:

Sports has a unique and powerful capacity for change, and redemption.  There is a good story for every bad.  A good outcome for every poor.

Maybe you should binge watch Real Sports on HBO...they do a great job of humanizing a lot of these issues.

Forgiveness and opportunity are hallmarks of both Christianity and Americana.  Only a cold hearted SOB or a blatant hypocrite would take a hard line.

The issue is NOT on my end, but thanks for the mansplain. Miller's bullying went on for several years, and reportedly as recently as two years ago. The kid has already had opportunity to change. Every team and coach along the way has held his hand. When does he actually have to face some REAL consequences on his own? I'm not saying he should have his entire life destroyed, but there needs to be some accountability on his end that's not court-ordered or contrived.

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Just now, MissSioux85 said:

The issue is NOT on my end, but thanks for the mansplain. Miller's bullying went on for several years, and reportedly as recently as two years ago. The kid has already had opportunity to change. Every team and coach along the way has held his hand. When does he actually have to face some REAL consequences on his own? I'm not saying he should have his entire life destroyed, but there needs to be some accountability on his end that's not court-ordered or contrived.

Your exact quote was "I don't understand..." and now you're saying the issue is not on your end?  Seriously.

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9 minutes ago, MissSioux85 said:

The issue is NOT on my end, but thanks for the mansplain. Miller's bullying went on for several years, and reportedly as recently as two years ago. The kid has already had opportunity to change. Every team and coach along the way has held his hand. When does he actually have to face some REAL consequences on his own? I'm not saying he should have his entire life destroyed, but there needs to be some accountability on his end that's not court-ordered or contrived.

Again, this "two years ago" was a he said she said type of thing.  No one really knows what happened. We do know he bullied a developemntally challanged kid in middle school.  Everything else is from the mom (who know one knows).  All his former coaches said he's been perfect the past few years.  Bubs does not take "bad apples" and if one slips through the cracks (and there has been 1-3 the past 10 years) they are sent packing fairly quickly.  I have pretty decent intel into several situations where he sent kids packing.  Bubs is always known for passing on high end kids for not fitting the character of someone who fits in at UND.

Let me point one thing out....this kid is good, but not THAT good.

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