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University of North Dakota Hockey 2014-15 season


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Does Blais blow two goal leads? Simple question.

Nice try on the rhetorical question though! Also I have no clue what nattys are? Are they an insect or is this one of those words that is used to shorten something up because people have gotten too lazy to write out a word? :p

I think you're on to something.  I've even been seeing "tendy" because "tender" or "goalie" is too long to type.

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A win Friday would make me feel a whole lot more optimistic about the weekend.  If we do, I hope Hak tells them to loosen up and go after them Saturday.   I know that is not the way he has  been winning, but if we get to the FF, I think the boys need to see it as a chance to do something special rather than a challenge they must meet with discipline and focus.  All that sounds like BS (or cliche'), but I think it is possibly true that a team can be a little too tight in big games, and they sometimes need to be taught how to go out there and just play with energy and believe good things will happen.  I think that can be the difference between a very successful season and a successful tournament. 


Again, that sounds like BS even to me. 


It sounds like you're talking about the Parise and Frattin teams.


2004, a great team.   It felt like they were a little tight, although they were still miles better than Denver that day.


2011, another great team, and another game where it looked like the pressure got to them.  They still out-possessed and out-chanced Michigan, but it didn't feel like we saw their best.


On the other hand, 2005, shorthanded and beaten up, they appeared to welcome adversity and played brilliantly in the Frozen Four, with an unfortunate result.


2014 was another underdog year where they played a very nice last game, and didn't quite get the result they deserved.


Unfortunately, this looks like a year where they have again played a great season, with high expectations to follow, which raises the risk of tightening up.  I guess we will see how it goes.

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It sounds like you're talking about the Parise and Frattin teams.


2004, a great team.   It felt like they were a little tight, although they were still miles better than Denver that day.


2011, another great team, and another game where it looked like the pressure got to them.  They still out-possessed and out-chanced Michigan, but it didn't feel like we saw their best.


On the other hand, 2005, shorthanded and beaten up, they appeared to welcome adversity and played brilliantly in the Frozen Four, with an unfortunate result.


2014 was another underdog year where they played a very nice last game, and didn't quite get the result they deserved.


Unfortunately, this looks like a year where they have again played a great season, with high expectations to follow, which raises the risk of tightening up.  I guess we will see how it goes.


I think any team in the same situation that past Sioux teams have been in would be tight.  These are semi final and National Championship games. Whether you are UND, Minnesota, or RIT.  Every team is going to be gripping their sticks a little tighter due to espectations by their coaches and fans.  Pressure gets to a lot of teams.  Probably and overused statement, but the team that can rise above that pressure and execute their gameplanthe best at the end of the season will most likely be hoiting the trophy at the end of the year. 


I feel that past Sioux teams have tightened up and looked to their big name guys (Parise, Toews, Oshie, Frattin, Kristo, Rocco,  etc) to pull them through.  SOmetimes that happens, but most often it doesnt.  This years team is different IMO.  Sure we have guys that can score, Cags, Parks, Mac, but I feel that we are more balanced this year.  We can score from all 4 lines.  If the promary scorers aren't scoring, I feel that the other lines are talented enough to step up.  As shown by games this year.

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Balanced yes, distributed scoring is nice to see, but this team also has those "intangibles" working for them. 


I refer mainly to the Seniors on this team and the experiences they bring forward, starting with their Freshman year, aka the "Year of 17".  Those freshies logged way more ice time than any expected to that season.  Parks, O'Donnell, Mattson and MacMillian were expected to see ice time, but Pattyn, Gaarder and Panzerella were called upon early and often throughout that season.  Baptism by fire, and they learned how to persevere and win by relying on their teammates and chipping in with a goal when they could.  This senior class, more than any in recent history, personifies to me the Fighting Sioux (ok, UND) spirit of never give up, hold your head high, and give it your all.  Every one of them bleeds green and white, and I look forward to seeing them take their shot at a banner.  They have been to the FF and sniffed the prize.  I know they want it as badly as we fans do, if not more.   I expect them to leave it all on the ice every game, and if they do that I really like their chances.


You can use Fighting Sioux, the players still do :)

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Balanced yes, distributed scoring is nice to see, but this team also has those "intangibles" working for them. 


I refer mainly to the Seniors on this team and the experiences they bring forward, starting with their Freshman year, aka the "Year of 17".  Those freshies logged way more ice time than any expected to that season.  Parks, O'Donnell, Mattson and MacMillian were expected to see ice time, but Pattyn, Gaarder and Panzerella were called upon early and often throughout that season.  Baptism by fire, and they learned how to persevere and win by relying on their teammates and chipping in with a goal when they could.  This senior class, more than any in recent history, personifies to me the Fighting Sioux (ok, UND) spirit of never give up, hold your head high, and give it your all.  Every one of them bleeds green and white, and I look forward to seeing them take their shot at a banner.  They have been to the FF and sniffed the prize.  I know they want it as badly as we fans do, if not more.   I expect them to leave it all on the ice every game, and if they do that I really like their chances.

I really like this group.   They're not the most talented team we have had in the last 10 years, but their intangibles make them a hard team to beat. 

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From the time he has been a freshman whenever he makes a good play I snicker the words, "Burnsie's boy!". I've said it countless times for the last four years. My favorite Gaarder moment is from a through these doors epusode (I think his freshman year) where he was asked how he had done on a final he had just taken, to which he replied simply, "good enough". I throw that one out sometimes when he scores...
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Good Through These Doors this week that focuses on the 7 seniors and their quest for a national title.

I don't know about you, but after watching this weeks episode, I feel like I should be on a mission as a fan too.  Talk about 7 great seniors who all have left their mark on the program.

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I think we have all criticized Hakstol on this site for one failing or another, but he and his staff deserve a lot of credit for molding this team (and for the judgment they showed in recruiting them in the first place).   Gaarder's recruitment and development is an example of what Hak and his staff do as well as anybody, IMO.  Now, hopefully they can put together a tournament run . . . .

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I think we have all criticized Hakstol on this site for one failing or another, but he and his staff deserve a lot of credit for molding this team (and for the judgment they showed in recruiting them in the first place).   Gaarder's recruitment and development is an example of what Hak and his staff do as well as anybody, IMO.  Now, hopefully they can put together a tournament run . . . .

 <GASP>  Giving credit where credit is due to our coach? That's unheard of!


But in all seriousness, yes the coaches deserve a ton of credit for this team. I thought the story about JT Miller decommitting and picking up Gaarder to replace him was great.  I've seen Miller get stoned on a couple tap in goals in the last few days for the Rangers and it made me smile.

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This idiot couldn't even get Mac's name correct so it's just more noise from the uninformed.
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This idiot couldn't even get Mac's name correct so it's just more noise from the uninformed.


He's an idiot, for sure. He's obsessed with using stats to say who's the best team. He can look at the stats all he wants, we'll take the wins and the trophies. 

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So who is more likely to have a bad game in goal, a team that doesn't have consistent goaltending, or one that does? Stupid premise, but Zane has had a few games where he wasn't himself and they still won. Oh, and I didn't know Minnesota swept Colorado College last weekend, but maybe he was bound to have a bad article!
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