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2020 Dumpster Fire (Enter at your own risk)


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4 hours ago, TheFlop said:

Watch out everyone......Redneck is gonna cry about everyone needing to stay at home and wear a mask because he is too afraid to venture out......

ND leads the country in Covid cases per 100,000 residents.



Let's keep up with the carelessness and maybe we can stay atop. Don't be a close contact though Floppy or you may end up with a class b misdemeanor on your hands for staying wide open and not quarantining. Can we get another tantrum on how this is infringing on your precious civil liberties?





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8 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

ND leads the country in Covid cases per 100,000 residents.



Let's keep up with the carelessness and maybe we can stay atop. Don't be a close contact though Floppy or you may end up with a class b misdemeanor on your hands for staying wide open and not quarantining. Can we get another tantrum on how this is infringing on your precious civil liberties?





This is the numbers that matter the most. Deaths and they've been going down since April17, 2020. 



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12 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

ND leads the country in Covid cases per 100,000 residents.



Let's keep up with the carelessness and maybe we can stay atop. Don't be a close contact though Floppy or you may end up with a class b misdemeanor on your hands for staying wide open and not quarantining. Can we get another tantrum on how this is infringing on your precious civil liberties?





Considering the lack of restrictions in ND, open schools and stuff, i suspect this isn't the end of the world. 

Open bars, open restaurants, open schools, open colleges, open churches...

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35 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

ND leads the country in Covid cases per 100,000 residents.



Let's keep up with the carelessness and maybe we can stay atop. Don't be a close contact though Floppy or you may end up with a class b misdemeanor on your hands for staying wide open and not quarantining. Can we get another tantrum on how this is infringing on your precious civil liberties?





Zźzzzz. What's the mortality rate? Political bull$%!#.

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1 minute ago, Bison06 said:

For those of you defending the measures that have been taken against Covid, what would constitute good news? I see tons of cases with hospitalization rates and deaths declining or steady as a good thing. Why don't you?

It's really hard to keep up with where they stand. This seems like it's never going to end. It's like Groundhog Day.  They keep moving the goalposts around. First, it was for two weeks to flatten the curve. Then it was lock it down or people will die. Then it's keep it closed down because big orange man very bad. Then it was we can't do anything till we have a vaccine. Then when we're very close to a vaccine. Then it was Trump is politicizing the vaccine.  This seems like it's never going to end. 



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8 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

Listen to and stop demonizing this guy.  


That isn't an answer.

When will you personally see something as good news? Is it only about cases? Because we were told from the outset that this will burn through the population regardless of what we do for mitigation, we were just trying to slow it down. So why is cases now a bad thing?

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