Oxbow6 Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 9 hours ago, Sioux>Bison said: Fargo deserves this, it is what you get when you elect radical liberals. Maybe this will open some eyes. Funny thing is at the core of all of this it is white liberals that have kept the black man oppressed...... Interesting take since the majority of the "black man" in Fargo are refugees/new americans.
Frozen4sioux Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 3 hours ago, SiouxFan100 said: Professional domestic terrorists piss me off - be it in Minneapolis, pipeline, Fargo or anywhere.
farce poobah Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 3 hours ago, SiouxFan100 said: Professional protesters piss me off - be it in Minneapolis or pipeline Multiple reports of professional media today in the Twin Cities where they were asked if they were with Crowds on Demand. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS503US503&sxsrf=ALeKk02A6oM9llpGuDqxSfLagflSNaQGRQ%3A1590869409222&ei=ob3SXvSSDdj0tAbP_oOoBA&q=crowds+on+demand&oq=crowds+on+demand&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIFCAAQxAIyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB46BAgAEEc6BAgjECc6BQgAEJECOgQIABBDOgUIABCDAToECAAQA1Dw9Q9Yo4wQYIWOEGgAcAV4AIAB2gGIAc0VkgEGMC4xNS4xmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpeg&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwi055SwstzpAhVYOs0KHU__AEUQ4dUDCAw&uact=5
SiouxBoys Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 I'm old enough to remember when the police arrested a woman for pushing her kid on a swing in the park a few weeks ago. At least the pandemic is over.. 2
Oxbow6 Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 Indianapolis riots leave 3 dead. #saferathome #savelives
Oxbow6 Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 Reuters is reporting at least 13 Biden campaign staffers contributed donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund which is helping "protesters" get out of jail on bail. 1
MrEdway Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 49 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said: Reuters is reporting at least 13 Biden campaign staffers contributed donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund which is helping "protesters" get out of jail on bail. The same Biden that says I don't need an AR?
SiouxBoys Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 The same Biden that said you aren't your own race if you don't fall in line and vote the way you're supposed to?
Goon Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 INDIVIDUALS WHO DIED WITH COVID-19 (Link) Man in his 90s from Cass County with underlying health conditions. COUNTIES WITH NEW POSITIVE CASES REPORTED TODAY Burleigh County – 1 Cass County – 20 Stark County – 1 Traill County – 1 BY THE NUMBERS 94,711 – Total Number of Tests Completed* (+2,084 total tests from yesterday) 72,040 – Total Unique Individuals Tested* (+1,059 unique individuals from yesterday) 69,463 – Total Negative (+1,036 unique individuals from yesterday) 2,577 – Total Positive (+23 unique individuals from yesterday) 1.1% – Daily Positivity Rate** 167 – Total Hospitalized (+2 individuals from yesterday) 36 – Currently Hospitalized (+2 individuals from yesterday) 1,959 – Total Recovered (+16 individuals from yesterday) 61 – Total Deaths*** (+1 individual from yesterday)
UNDlaw80 Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 21 hours ago, Oxbow6 said: KARE 11 reporting 86% of arrests in the Minneapolis riots have Minneapolis or the metro area listed as their addresses. Kind of pokes holes in Frey's theory that white supremacists, organized crime and outside agitators are behind all this. How the **** did he and Walz ever get elected? This is like watching "Dumb and Dumber". It also pokes holes in the theory that Antifa is behind Minneapolis' troubles. While they certainly are attempting to gain influence, radical groups (both left and right) do not have the numbers nor capability to foment the level of nation-wide chaos we're experiencing. Unfortunately political hacks (again, both left and right) will use any means to manipulate the public's perception of what the 'protester demographic' is. Truth is, the vast majority of violence is being perpetrated by ordinary idiots.....not radical groups nor professional protesters. Both my son and daughter went out last night to take in these protests, one in Madison the other Chicago. Both told me the same thing this morning - peaceful protest was hijacked by dumb-ass kids using the situation as an excuse to riot and break $hit;. Copy-cat violence.
SIOUXFAN97 Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 walz? how about this mayor frey...never seen the guy much less heard him speak...absolutely clueless but says a lot of meaningfull words
UNDlaw80 Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 2 hours ago, SIOUXFAN97 said: walz? how about this mayor frey...never seen the guy much less heard him speak...absolutely clueless but says a lot of meaningfull words Walz are Frey are imbeciles, no leadership at all. America's cities are burning and the White House couldn't be more out of its element, no leadership whatsoever. You want real leadership in a time of crisis?....turn to Atlanta. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VO7z6m2os2g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLrbRppfX1k
SWSiouxMN Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 Turning back to COVID and the impact on UND Could UND be looking at cutting again in the athletic department or will the previous cuts be enough?
SiouxScore Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 The road had been closed for an hour. Hope the crowd got their hands on that truck driver. Such a stupid decision by him.
Gma loves hockey Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 I think for protesters, have a lot of flowers in the street. Then they should be fertilized liberally with aerial spray of liquid hog manure during the protest.
petey23 Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 11 hours ago, Oxbow6 said: Reuters is reporting at least 13 Biden campaign staffers contributed donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund which is helping "protesters" get out of jail on bail. What? This is all very confusing. So if we are to believe the media spin that this isn't primarily the work of Antifa but rather White Supremacist groups(also a bunch of dirt bags), that would mean the Biden Campaign and moronic Hollywood lefties like Steven Carell, Josh Rogan, and Chrissy Teigan are bailing White Supremacists out of jail. Got it. 1
Wilbur Posted June 1, 2020 Posted June 1, 2020 Explaining 2020 to my 8 year old has been great. Stay healthy and safe out there friends.
homer Posted June 1, 2020 Posted June 1, 2020 1 hour ago, SiouxScore said: The road had been closed for an hour. Hope the crowd got their hands on that truck driver. Such a stupid decision by him. How did he/she get on a closed interstate? How did he/she get that close to the crowd? Never understood the sitting on the interstate idea.
UNDBIZ Posted June 1, 2020 Posted June 1, 2020 1 hour ago, SiouxScore said: The road had been closed for an hour. Hope the crowd got their hands on that truck driver. Such a stupid decision by him.
UNDlaw80 Posted June 1, 2020 Posted June 1, 2020 That's a messed up scenario: 1. It's obvious the driver had no intention of plowing through the crowd. Protesters are situated at a bend in I-35. The driver stops as fast as he can. He even avoided someone laying in the road. 2. How the hell did he get through the police barrier? Was there a barrier? A protest that size on 35 would've been stacked full of police.
tnt Posted June 1, 2020 Posted June 1, 2020 11 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said: That's a messed up scenario: 1. It's obvious the driver had no intention of plowing through the crowd. Protesters are situated at a bend in I-35. The driver stops as fast as he can. He even avoided someone laying in the road. 2. How the hell did he get through the police barrier? Was there a barrier? A protest that size on 35 would've been stacked full of police. Maybe Walz hired the driver to get the crowd to practice social distancing. 1
SiouxScore Posted June 1, 2020 Posted June 1, 2020 56 minutes ago, homer said: How did he/she get on a closed interstate? How did he/she get that close to the crowd? Never understood the sitting on the interstate idea. Sounds like the truck was already on the interstate before it closed and just kept coming instead of getting off at one of the exits. It was a peaceful march they had come from U.S. Bank Stadium and they had just kneeled down for a moment of silence.
SiouxScore Posted June 1, 2020 Posted June 1, 2020 12 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said: That's a messed up scenario: 1. It's obvious the driver had no intention of plowing through the crowd. Protesters are situated at a bend in I-35. The driver stops as fast as he can. He even avoided someone laying in the road. 2. How the hell did he get through the police barrier? Was there a barrier? A protest that size on 35 would've been stacked full of police. There were like 5-6,000 protesters there all bunched together. He could've slowed up before he did. I don't know if he intended for injury or just thought they'd move. After stopping he does try to flee again but protesters jump on the truck and stop him. He does lay on the horn but man watching a cell phone video from someone on the side of the road he was coming very fast. Thankfully doesn't seem like many injuries. Sounds like he was already on the interstate before they closed and he just never opted to exit off. Police were aware of the march and that is why they decided to close the road at 5 instead of 7 earlier in the afternoon. Was a very peaceful and well planned march and seemed even coordinated with law enforcement.
SiouxScore Posted June 1, 2020 Posted June 1, 2020 These Boojahideen guys seem like trouble. Apparently out of New York?
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