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  On 12/16/2022 at 10:56 PM, UND08 said:

Sorry been a busy week at work so I missed a couple days here.

First...I started the term gray hairs...I'll own it and I'll double down on it.  Look at the average lower level seat holder between the 40s...it's not a young bunch.  That's not abnormal...older folks have more $$$ to shell out.  If you took offense to the term, well sorry I guess.  I didn't mean it in a derogatory sense.

Second...The core UND folks get so damned defensive about anything critical it drives me nuts.  In my line of work, if my company was happy with the status quo we would get buried eventually over time by competitors who are bigger, better, and richer than we are.  Many of my coworkers are ok with that.  Well ya know what?  I AM NOT!  I don't understand why it's so damned vilified on a message board of all places to question why we can't do better?!?

I don't always agree with UND-FB-FAN on many things, but I think him and I are on the same page here.  I think what's worse than the shortcomings is the apathy that gets displayed from many of the "Pledge Your Loyalty 100% of the time" folks.  I will tell you this, I'm not rich, but I was donating $2500 per year plus my season tickets on an annual basis.  I discontinued this year.  Multiple hour road trips just aren't worth it for me to follow this team the way it's currently run.  It's easy enough for me to buy single game tickets, and I actually made it to all but two home games this year.  Flame me for my lack of loyalty if you want, but people vote with their feet.  I figure if I decide to get back in, I won't have any problem buying season tickets again given the apathy that's set in both at UND and nationwide.

Do I have some ideas?  Perhaps...but that's not my job.  There are people in administration that are in charge of those types of things...and I'd like to see them earn their paycheck every once in awhile.  Maybe this is what's best for UND sports, and if it is I won't question it.  But as a consumer it's not a product I feel the need to consume at a high dollar amount.  


I’m not at all offended by the term gray hairs. I’m not offended by any of this. It seems some can’t discern the difference between disagreeing with how to get where we all seem to want to go and being satisfied with where we are right now. Also disagreeing with characterizations of a large group of people based on the color of one’s hair doesn’t necessarily indicate people are upset or offended. Because virtually every other sports teams best seats are usually the most expensive, then for the most part they will be occupied by people who have worked longer and have enough money to spend on expensive seats. It says nothing of “stagnation or conservatism”.  It doesn’t indicate apathy. I would guess the  seating demographics are the same at other schools.  

I also don’t care if you and others are critical and call for changes. That may be the solution. My opinion is that those changes weren’t going to happen during the season nor until contracts are up. The folks who didn’t feel firing coaches is the answer now are not happy with mediocrity and they aren’t apathetic. There are people young and old who will support UND athletics regardless of wins and losses. Loyal fans aren’t necessarily stagnant, old, rich, apathetic, conservative etc. I can’t speak for others but I shared my philosophy.  At this point in time, it doesn’t matter what I think about coaches so I move beyond that.  I try to see what can be done to improve the programs with what and who we have until such time we can improve things. I am ok helping when and where I can. 

In that company you work for you are correct in that companies must evolve over time with changes in technology, the economy, demographics etc. I dare say that if your company has a culture where if my attitude is “it isn’t my job” my company may not reach its full potential. 

  On 12/16/2022 at 11:01 PM, skateshattrick said:

Kennedy was forced out at Colorado, so he was exposed as the bumbling incompetent that he was at UND


Look at where UND is right now. Our campus looks night and day better thanks to his aggressive style. He ruffled feather and stomped on toes and got things done. He pissed most people off and now we reap the rewards. Weird dude, incendiary dude, but he made things happen.

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