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University of North Dakota Hockey 2014-15 season


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Thanks to Mark, we don't have to put up with all those "glee clubs" butchering the national anthem anymore.  If we are going to sing it at the start of every game, let's do it right.


Stick with Mark.


At some point, the discussion I hoped to have about quantity inexplicably devolved into one of quality.  This isn't about whether Mark is a good singer or whether he should be replaced altogether; this is about variety.  Personally, I'd rather hear Dudley Dawson belch the anthem than listen to the same voice every single night.  Do you eat the same thing for breakfast every day, too?


Some people ascribe a ridiculous level of reverence to the anthem; I bet F.S. Key couldn't sing it for crap.

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At some point, the discussion I hoped to have about quantity inexplicably devolved into one of quality.  This isn't about whether Mark is a good singer or whether he should be replaced altogether; this is about variety.  Personally, I'd rather hear Dudley Dawson belch the anthem than listen to the same voice every single night.  Do you eat the same thing for breakfast every day, too?


Some people ascribe a ridiculous level of reverence to the anthem; I bet F.S. Key couldn't sing it for crap.

The Blackhawks use the same guy all the time and it works for them.  And, for the record, I am not a Blackhawks fan.

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At some point, the discussion I hoped to have about quantity inexplicably devolved into one of quality.  This isn't about whether Mark is a good singer or whether he should be replaced altogether; this is about variety.  Personally, I'd rather hear Dudley Dawson belch the anthem than listen to the same voice every single night.  Do you eat the same thing for breakfast every day, too?


Some people ascribe a ridiculous level of reverence to the anthem; I bet F.S. Key couldn't sing it for crap.

If the quality is there, then variety is fine. Unfortunately, the quality just wasn't there too many times. And just to clarify my comments, the singer is there to lead the crowd in the national anthem, not to put on a performance. Singing it in a manner where people cannot sing along is not leading. You never hear singers take liberty with the Canadian national anthem in the same manner that they do with the U.S. anthem. As a result, the Canadian fans sing their anthem with great participation, along with the song leader. This year I am already noticing more people singing along with the anthem at The Ralph, because it is consistent and without all of the personalization.

I have been a singer most of my life, and doing the anthem properly is a critical item for me. It is about your country, not the singer.

And as a veteran, I do not have a problem with "Sioux" at the end of the anthem. At the end, meaning after "Home of the Brave." It should not be Home of the Sioux.

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Given the close proximity to Canada and the number of Canadians playing college hockey, I think a nice tribute would be the singing of "O Canada" at all UND home games. Yes, I'm serious...

As a veteran I love Home of the....SIOOOOUUUUUUX.

And I wouldn't mind Ocanada ....in part cause its a beautiful anthem....and in part cause it would cause gopher fans to literally .....lose their S#!t.... about the overage canadian ringer goon stuff

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Completely agree that the National Anthem should be about the song, not the performance.  I hate the the American Idol versions that are about the performance and not about the song.   They suck the life out of me, right after introductions have revved up the crowd.


The National Anthem, sung correctly (and like O Canada), is a great song with a ton of character.  It should stand on it's own merits.  It doesn't need to be prettified.


I also agree, what's wrong with a version people can sing along too?  I would think that would be an excellent tradition, if the crowd got way into singing the Anthem before the game.  I know they do that elsewhere.

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If the quality is there, then variety is fine. Unfortunately, the quality just wasn't there too many times. And just to clarify my comments, the singer is there to lead the crowd in the national anthem, not to put on a performance. Singing it in a manner where people cannot sing along is not leading. You never hear singers take liberty with the Canadian national anthem in the same manner that they do with the U.S. anthem. As a result, the Canadian fans sing their anthem with great participation, along with the song leader. This year I am already noticing more people singing along with the anthem at The Ralph, because it is consistent and without all of the personalization.

I have been a singer most of my life, and doing the anthem properly is a critical item for me. It is about your country, not the singer.

And as a veteran, I do not have a problem with "Sioux" at the end of the anthem. At the end, meaning after "Home of the Brave." It should not be Home of the Sioux.




Completely agree that the National Anthem should be about the song, not the performance.  I hate the the American Idol versions that are about the performance and not about the song.   They suck the life out of me, right after introductions have revved up the crowd.


The National Anthem, sung correctly (and like O Canada), is a great song with a ton of character.  It should stand on it's own merits.  It doesn't need to be prettified.


I also agree, what's wrong with a version people can sing along too?  I would think that would be an excellent tradition, if the crowd got way into singing the Anthem before the game.  I know they do that elsewhere.


Ahhhh, my kindred spirits :)  Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way!

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Completely agree that the National Anthem should be about the song, not the performance.  I hate the the American Idol versions that are about the performance and not about the song.   They suck the life out of me, right after introductions have revved up the crowd.


The National Anthem, sung correctly (and like O Canada), is a great song with a ton of character.  It should stand on it's own merits.  It doesn't need to be prettified.


I also agree, what's wrong with a version people can sing along too?  I would think that would be an excellent tradition, if the crowd got way into singing the Anthem before the game.  I know they do that elsewhere.


I believe this is one reason Mr. L. was chosen - to develop this tradition.  I am all for it and hope it happens soon.

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Loved Ortega's first shift Friday when he tried going around Stecher and ended up on his arse. Then after the scrum at the end of the Saturday game he headed to the bench and into the locker room, skipping the hand shake line.
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Loved Ortega's first shift Friday when he tried going around Stecher and ended up on his arse. Then after the scrum at the end of the Saturday game he headed to the bench and into the locker room, skipping the hand shake line.



I guess when you pop off prior to the series and go without a point and -3 for the weekend, he probably didn't feel worthy of a handshake! 

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Loved Ortega's first shift Friday when he tried going around Stecher and ended up on his arse. Then after the scrum at the end of the Saturday game he headed to the bench and into the locker room, skipping the hand shake line.

The taco shell didn't shake hands?  What a punk!  Good weekend for him too ;)

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Loved Ortega's first shift Friday when he tried going around Stecher and ended up on his arse. Then after the scrum at the end of the Saturday game he headed to the bench and into the locker room, skipping the hand shake line.


Combined that with his mouthing off before the series...what a classy guy!

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And as a veteran, I do not have a problem with "Sioux" at the end of the anthem. At the end, meaning after "Home of the Brave." It should not be Home of the Sioux.


As a Veteran, I am not disgusted by it either. 

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Loved Ortega's first shift Friday when he tried going around Stecher and ended up on his arse. Then after the scrum at the end of the Saturday game he headed to the bench and into the locker room, skipping the hand shake line.

Well now, he should really be happy to know McIntyre was named NCHC goalie of the week. You know, the one he couldn't score on.

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Well now, he should really be happy to know McIntyre was named NCHC goalie of the week. You know, the one he couldn't score on.


I know, that's poetic justice. I am not impressed with him at all. I did like that Tyler Vesel, seemed like a good player. 

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