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The next coach of UND football is....


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Bollinger has potential, but I feel his lack of coaching experience is worth noting. Playing is different than coaching - no way around that. I feel Bollinger isn't the BEST candidate, although he is a good one.

Definitely a drawback, no doubt. But, if UND wants to take a chance on a rising star, he would be the one.

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I'm definitely warming up to the Bollinger idea.

As an NDSU fan, I am too then, because I do not think that is the right choice--not even close, and I doubt he even applies or has his agent contact UND.

But, hey, hire BB if you can, just don't say I didn't tell you so when it's all said and done. There are many coaches out there better than him. He might get there someday, but it aint today!!

But again, I think you guys should get a BB campaign going and be sure Faison hears/knows of it!!

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Gross, I agree with CAS. Brooks may be a great coach one day, but he currently has no collegiate HC experience. UND's program is in rough shape right now and taking a flier on a coach with potential but no experience would not be a responsible decision. Under different circumstances I might say the risk/reward ratio is good enough to hire him, but we are a couple more bad years from being a perennial BSC cellar dweller. Hiring a coach who might be great in the future but isn't now is, IMO, just too risky with the current state of the football program. If we could get an old guy HC with Bollinger as the OC that would be ideal, but this may just end up being a boat we can't risk boarding.

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Gross, I agree with CAS. Brooks may be a great coach one day, but he currently has no collegiate HC experience. UND's program is in rough shape right now and taking a flier on a coach with potential but no experience would not be a responsible decision. Under different circumstances I might say the risk/reward ratio is good enough to hire him, but we are a couple more bad years from being a perennial BSC cellar dweller. Hiring a coach who might be great in the future but isn't now is, IMO, just too risky with the current state of the football program. If we could get an old guy HC with Bollinger as the OC that would be ideal, but this may just end up being a boat we can't risk boarding.

I bet that doesn't happen very often.

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If we could get an old guy HC with Bollinger as the OC that would be ideal, but this may just end up being a boat we can't risk boarding.

Or flip that: BB as head coach with an Associate HC (in a coordinator role)* who is mentoring him.

*That'd be a guy who wants to keep coaching but doesn't want all the extra stuff (boosters, media, face-time, blah-blah) that comes with being HC.

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Its hard for me to knock Bollinger's lack of experience since he was in the NFL prior to coaching. He has been around football and coaching his entire life. Any coach with D1 experience is going to be a past head coach who possibly was released from a prior role or a coordinator or position coach looking to move up the ladder. Brooks fits the second description so I have no problem taking a chance on him if he's interested. If he surrounds himself with some great postion coaches and coordinators he would be a great fit.

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Timing is everything. Had Lennon left a year or two earlier than he did, Tibesar likely would have gotten the job rather than Muss. Now, I have a feeling we are at a similar point with Bollinger. If we don't hire him now, it will be too late. He's probably going to be an FBS offensive coordinator in a few years, so it's pretty much now or never. That's not to say that there aren't other great candidates out there. I just feel like the potential for something special may be the greatest with Brooks. Would it be something of a risk given his relative lack of coaching experience? Yes. But I would submit that his overall football experience is that of somebody at least 10 years older than his actual age.

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Regarding experience: sure Brooks doesn't have coordinator or college head coaching experience. However look no further than his playing and coaching resume for the people and staffs he's worked with. His contacts in the NFL and college are impressive. 8 years in the NFL with 4 different teams will get you to know people. Just to name a few, he has worked with Brad Childress at Wisconsin, Darrell Bevell at Minnesota and Jay Gruden in the UFL. Gruden and Bevell are both hot name candidates to land an NFL head job soon.

To combat his inexperience, he will surround himself with experienced or 'up and comer' coaches and staff. He will have great options at his disposal because of his own network. He's smart and would recognize his weakness and fix it.

Brooks is a natural leader, always has been - everywhere he's been.

You want a face of the program that fans, alumni and letterwinners will buy into? There will be ZERO breaking-in period with comfortability with alumni. How about fundraising and PR? Can't think of anyone better for UND specifically. The overall morale of the program takes a HUGE shot in the arm with him from day 1. It's a natural fit for both sides.

How about career intentions and knowing UND and what it's all about? We know the guy truly cares about UND. He was born and raised into it. He will not be always looking for his next and better job.

Head coaches/coordinators have to get their start somewhere. Some AD needs to take a chance to hire the next best thing. The guy has been thrust into leadership roles at very young ages his entire life.

I think Brooks is the overall best package for UND. We have one chance and window at him and its now.

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Tibesar is by far the best candidate. Dream team is Tibisar as HC and Bollinger as AC. That duo would have recruiting ties all over the country. Defensive minded head coach would be a good fit for this program. He is a fast tracker and most likely this would be a stepping stone for him, but also a good fit for him as his wife is from GF and it would be a good place for him to settle down for a few years and raise his family and gain some D1 head coaching experience. Brooks as his offensive coordinator would also be a good fit for Bollinger to gain some valuable experience for a few years and then take over the program when Tibesar moves on to greener pastures.

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No way they are picking someone without several years of college coachinge experience. How old was Brooks when his dad left UND? Get our the pitchforks and torches but it won't be Brooks. He won't even be qualified based on what the job discription will be. .

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The next coach needs to be from Division 1 ranks that has a good recruiting base. UND connection not needed. Get the best person. NDSU did it!

Keep your eye out for a high-level DI FBS defensive coordinator caught banging a cheerleader on his office desk, and UND can follow NDSU's lead.

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I'm fine with Bollinger as offensive coordinator, but not head coach. Not enough coaching experience, no way around that. Just because you've been around good coaching doesn't mean you'll be a good head coach. That's like saying because Mussman was around Lennon and he played in the Big 12, then he should be a good head coach. How'd that go?

Get someone who has experience. He doesn't need to be a longtime head coach, but just has quality experience. Bollinger is way too raw to make that gamble.

Nielson, Caruso, Schweigart, Lennon, and Wristen, among other experienced coaches, all are better head coaching candidates than Bollinger in my opinion.

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