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8 hours ago, jdub27 said:

It's what people wanted. They are stepping up and going to give it a try.


If people can't handle something like this respectively, even if they don't agree with whatever reasons are given to answer questions, not sure what to say other than it would be really disappointing.

I think people can be disappointed if the responses are similar to some of the Press Briefings we see.  Were the answer isn't related to the question and simply turns into talking points by the athletic department.  I think people can get frustrated if that happens because you are completely disrespecting people.

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20 minutes ago, shep said:

Here's a question:

Why would a ND boy like Hagen go to SDSU? Money? Title?

wasn't part of the selling point of bring back bubba was to win in state recruits?

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4 hours ago, FSSD said:

I think people can be disappointed if the responses are similar to some of the Press Briefings we see.  Were the answer isn't related to the question and simply turns into talking points by the athletic department.  I think people can get frustrated if that happens because your completely disrespecting people.

I plan on going to hear what other people think (people besides the regulars on this forum).

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6 hours ago, Goon said:

This could turn into a massive s-show. 

Exactly - what are the odds of getting a straight answer about Bubba's two - count em - two extensions.  I have no expectations for this.

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6 minutes ago, Irish said:

Exactly - what are the odds of getting a straight answer about Bubba's two - count em - two extensions.  I have no expectations for this.

Just curious what you would legitimately expect them to say that would actually satisfy you? Again, I'm positive people are going to complain because they don't "agree" with reasoning or thought process on certain decisions. The point isn't to make everyone happy but to at least provide accurate dialog instead of people running with their own theories. 

There's probably also a fine line on what they are going to say in a public forum as it relates to an individual's employment status/discussion before you start wading into privacy issues. 

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8 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

The answer is the had to extend him now or it would’ve been impossible without a mutiny after they go 6-6 this fall.  Simple

Zero chance they get to 6 wins.

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6 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

The answer is the had to extend him now or it would’ve been impossible without a mutiny after they go 6-6 this fall.  Simple

Had to extend to attract any promising OC to the program as well. As much as I am ready to move on, Bubba did not deserve to be fired. I always hoped that he bled enough green to realize he should step aside and yet the young up and coming OC run the show. 

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48 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

Just curious what you would legitimately expect them to say that would actually satisfy you? Again, I'm positive people are going to complain because they don't "agree" with reasoning or thought process on certain decisions. The point isn't to make everyone happy but to at least provide accurate dialog instead of people running with their own theories. 

There's probably also a fine line on what they are going to say in a public forum as it relates to an individual's employment status/discussion before you start wading into privacy issues. 

I would like him to explain exactly what he saw in the 5-6 Bubba that deserved an extension and why he thinks Bubba is the leader we need given his lack of playoff success and late season meltdown last year.  What are our expectations for the football program?

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I can explain why Bubba was extended it’s that not that complicated. First is that last year’s record with 7-4 regular season record and 7-5 overall record. This coming off previous 7-5 record year earlier. Then add in we had beaten our number rival for first time in over 15 years. Even with the playoff losses the program has been moving higher each year in FCS standings as program. This all been done with most agree where the program has been under funded especially for coaching and compared to our top opposition in the conference. 
The other thing affecting program was we were losing coaches to our chief rivals and if Bubba was not extended we were going see mass leavings of coaches and players from the program. Also going with this if you let Bubba go like some have supported we would have been looking at starting all over near the bottom of conference and be at lower end of FCS football. Then for number of you then you would see what it looks like looking from the bottom up and try rebuild a program. The fact is we’re not going to make jump to FBS football unless if Missouri Valley and Big Sky would merge  top teams into FBS conference and we would then be poor or bottom of FBS football. The game or make up NCAA football has changed with the portal and NIL money and even team to the South or the other in South Dakota  I believe the window has closed. The money to move up becomes more than is possible when these schools have budgets for each individual sport that is greater than we could generate. We don’t have resources or the population or tv audience to move up to this league of schools. But back to us we can not take step backwards now or what the athletic program has been trying to build and get donors and alumni to get us to one of the top programs in FCS. I look at number of FCS schools they are going backwards and funding programs at much lower level.  I also believe we’re going to see number of FBS schools drop back down to fit in more regionally.

I think above reasons why Bubba was renewed. The question I hope that has been addressed Is what would be Bubbas longterm plan on change of coaches like we saw atSDSU when Steigelmeir left the program. This should have been priority with the AD retain coaches and possibility for advancement for tenured coaches. College sports what it was just two years ago has changed where it is no longer  amateur sports but professional and where we are going to be minor league school or team developing kids for top p 5 programs. The dream of college sports is done where small school can compete with large schools.

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6 hours ago, ND-fan said:

I can explain why Bubba was extended it’s that not that complicated. First is that last year’s record with 7-4 regular season record and 7-5 overall record. This coming off previous 7-5 record year earlier. Then add in we had beaten our number rival for first time in over 15 years. Even with the playoff losses the program has been moving higher each year in FCS standings as program. This all been done with most agree where the program has been under funded especially for coaching and compared to our top opposition in the conference. 
The other thing affecting program was we were losing coaches to our chief rivals and if Bubba was not extended we were going see mass leavings of coaches and players from the program. Also going with this if you let Bubba go like some have supported we would have been looking at starting all over near the bottom of conference and be at lower end of FCS football. Then for number of you then you would see what it looks like looking from the bottom up and try rebuild a program. The fact is we’re not going to make jump to FBS football unless if Missouri Valley and Big Sky would merge  top teams into FBS conference and we would then be poor or bottom of FBS football. The game or make up NCAA football has changed with the portal and NIL money and even team to the South or the other in South Dakota  I believe the window has closed. The money to move up becomes more than is possible when these schools have budgets for each individual sport that is greater than we could generate. We don’t have resources or the population or tv audience to move up to this league of schools. But back to us we can not take step backwards now or what the athletic program has been trying to build and get donors and alumni to get us to one of the top programs in FCS. I look at number of FCS schools they are going backwards and funding programs at much lower level.  I also believe we’re going to see number of FBS schools drop back down to fit in more regionally.

I think above reasons why Bubba was renewed. The question I hope that has been addressed Is what would be Bubbas longterm plan on change of coaches like we saw atSDSU when Steigelmeir left the program. This should have been priority with the AD retain coaches and possibility for advancement for tenured coaches. College sports what it was just two years ago has changed where it is no longer  amateur sports but professional and where we are going to be minor league school or team developing kids for top p 5 programs. The dream of college sports is done where small school can compete with large schools.

First - the inexplicable extension of a 5-6 Bubba before his contract was up.  A firm commitment to mediocrity.  Not sure how anyone can explain that one.  And while I can see the logic in your explanation I would point out that our 7-5 record was in my opinion the most frustrating 7-5 record ever.  After finally beating the Bison we promptly got pummeled at Northern Iowa.  Our home playoff loss was beyond frustrating.  We hired a 22-21 good old boy and that's exactly what we got.  Bubba is clearly not going to change much and our AD has signaled that we are happy with how things are going.  I'm not sure how long his coaching would be tolerated at our rivals.  Expect more of the same this year.  Bubba will always be Bubba.  Not much demand for excellence from the Athletic Department.  

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10 hours ago, Irish said:

I would like him to explain exactly what he saw in the 5-6 Bubba that deserved an extension and why he thinks Bubba is the leader we need given his lack of playoff success and late season meltdown last year.  What are our expectations for the football program?

To Quote the Common Man, i believe it would be to be

The Best of the Lousiest, the Lousiest of the Best

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19 minutes ago, Irish said:

First - the inexplicable extension of a 5-6 Bubba before his contract was up.  A firm commitment to mediocrity.  Not sure how anyone can explain that one.  And while I can see the logic in your explanation I would point out that our 7-5 record was in my opinion the most frustrating 7-5 record ever.  After finally beating the Bison we promptly got pummeled at Northern Iowa.  Our home playoff loss was beyond frustrating.  We hired a 22-21 good old boy and that's exactly what we got.  Bubba is clearly not going to change much and our AD has signaled that we are happy with how things are going.  I'm not sure how long his coaching would be tolerated at our rivals.  Expect more of the same this year.  Bubba will always be Bubba.  Not much demand for excellence from the Athletic Department.  

Not real hard to figure out an extension from 2 years ago. There were 2 seasons left on his contract, and UND had made the playoffs in 2 of the last 3 years. Could it have waited one more year? Possibly. It wasn't going to go into the last season of his contract for sure, that much is obvious. But the extension was followed up with making the playoffs the next 2 seasons.
No on is going to argue that (lack of) playoff success is an obvious issue, but the program has continued to trend in the right direction. Not as fast and with more bumps and plateaus than some care for, but ultimately it has continued to get better.

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6 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

Not real hard to figure out an extension from 2 years ago. There were 2 seasons left on his contract, and UND had made the playoffs in 2 of the last 3 years. Could it have waited one more year? Possibly. It wasn't going to go into the last season of his contract for sure, that much is obvious. But the extension was followed up with making the playoffs the next 2 seasons.
No on is going to argue that (lack of) playoff success is an obvious issue, but the program has continued to trend in the right direction. Not as fast and with more bumps and plateaus than some care for, but ultimately it has continued to get better.

Didn't Hauck coach for Montana in the National Championship while in the last year of his contract?  Coaches leave all the time mid contract, and players also transfer all the time.  In todays world with the tranfer portal the way it is, a contract should never be extended simply because a coach has only two years left on his contract.  Doesn't help anyone and it doesn't mean to a recruit that the coach will still actually be there by the time said recruit gets to college.  

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1 hour ago, nodak651 said:

Didn't Hauck coach for Montana in the National Championship while in the last year of his contract?  Coaches leave all the time mid contract, and players also transfer all the time.  In todays world with the tranfer portal the way it is, a contract should never be extended simply because a coach has only two years left on his contract.  Doesn't help anyone and it doesn't mean to a recruit that the coach will still actually be there by the time said recruit gets to college.  

Fair points but Hauck is an outlier for a couple different reasons given his personality and history. 
While it was different in 2022 than it is now, probably some merit on the transfer portal thing these days. How many student-athletes are honestly thinking they are going to be at a college for 4-5 years?

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I also going to respond to Sam Hagen why he left UND from what I was hearing. So many of you put it as not staying with coach but reality it’s the opposite for Hagen. He was not buying into the new coaches and what was expected or I should say how they approached what was expected  of and detail to the game. He was having trouble with detail of how offense line does things and new coaches it was all about Winona football not enough about UND football how things had been done and what needs to be done to win at Missouri valley level of play. I believe this was correct move for Sam if you can’t buy into what is being asked it’s time to move on. There were other little things that program wasn’t paying attention too that just add reasons for you to leave the program. Also Bubba did a few things last year that I believe upset the family some and it may not seem like much but Hagens are close knit family getting between player and his family is never good place to be. I don’t know total details but it didn’t help in retaining Sam Hagen.

This concerns me it was not just Hagen but another starter also left after spring football so there we will see how these new coaches approach works out this fall. Bubba I hope is following closely on the offense because if this goes south UND will struggle to maintain there foot hold in the top of Missouri Valley Conference. I just think Bubba hasn’t realized that players need to be recruited even after several years and if your changing things you better be communicating and giving them reasons to buying into the changes and here what there thinking because now it’s not like in past. players can move on with just going filling out transfer request and coaches from other teams are in ears of many these players. The rules on tampering  virtually don’t exist anymore and players are in control of where they are going to play. Coaching today is much more difficult a coach doesn’t have control they had over players and in FCS football has become the minor league teams that supply talent by developing potential players that were not ready to play FBS football and at same time trying to acquire talent that is available from FBS. 

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15 hours ago, shep said:

Here's a question:

Why would a ND boy like Hagen go to SDSU? Money? Title?

Are you shitting me?  He went to the Jacks?

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