Oxbow6 Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 In the Minnesota Department of Health preeser this afternoon they singled out these activities as the main reasons for community spread this summer...."church events, sporting events, family gatherings, parties, concerts and weddings". Can any other rational person see where this is headed? Walz no doubt is sporting a chubby at the thought of locking the state down again. I also noticed the absence of a few other activities from the summer..........how convenient. 3
Redneksioux Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 3 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said: In the Minnesota Department of Health preeser this afternoon they singled out these activities as the main reasons for community spread this summer...."church events, sporting events, family gatherings, parties, concerts and weddings". Can any other rational person see where this is headed........again. I also noticed the absence of a few other activities.....how convenient. I think it’s safe to say protests could also be lumped in with the list of activities. Sturgis is going to cause some issues as well, but South Dakota’s gonna be South Dakota. 1
Redneksioux Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 35 minutes ago, bison73 said: I am not responsible for immunocompromised individuals. Why should I be required to change my behavior to accommodate them??? Notice the word required? People with issues are responsible for keeping themselves safe. Just as I am. ps I dont know how this meme got attached????? Never said you are responsible for the immunocompromised. But if you are spreading a virus, that is quite irresponsible of you. 1
Hayduke1 Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 4 hours ago, Frozen4sioux said: And the real problem going forward in this country is that these type of people are so convinced of their superior intellect that no amount of logic, sanity, or correction can convince them of their wrongness. It's the result of poor parenting, poor education and being conditioned that if the facts and results don't provide the feelings or gratification wanted, the facts and results are wrong. Those parents and educators that allowed the little jonnys and karens to be raised like this, thinking theybwere doing the best for their child, will ultimately create the worst possible reality for their children to live in. If logic, facts and truth don't convince these kids that they are wrong, sooner or later, the lessons of reality will be painful and filled with destruction and anarchy. We are at the precipice of this RIGHT NOW in this country, and im not sure we havent already tipped over the side of unreconcilable chaos. Kids need to be told when they are wrong, and corrected. That's funny. It's like watching Trump try to say, "Yosemite".
Goon Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said: In the Minnesota Department of Health preeser this afternoon they singled out these activities as the main reasons for community spread this summer...."church events, sporting events, family gatherings, parties, concerts and weddings". Can any other rational person see where this is headed? Walz no doubt is sporting a chubby at the thought of locking the state down again. I also noticed the absence of a few other activities from the summer..........how convenient. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s his end game. The Minnesota Gov just seems like he's content to lock down Minnesota.
TheFlop Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 3 hours ago, Redneksioux said: Are you insinuating that jars of peanut butter are spewing peanut droplets into the air? You've never heard of airborne peanut allergies? You are the one that brought up immuno compromised people being able to demand 100% capitulation from others to accommodate their condition.
Redneksioux Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 7 minutes ago, TheFlop said: You've never heard of airborne peanut allergies? You are the one that brought up immuno compromised people being able to demand 100% capitulation from others to accommodate their condition. Having to avoid the peanut butter aisle in a grocery store sounds more like a personal problem. Sorry you have to deal with that.
TheFlop Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 17 minutes ago, Redneksioux said: Having to avoid the peanut butter aisle in a grocery store sounds more like a personal problem. Sorry you have to deal with that. Typical.....dodging the question. Your argument = if there is any chance that something in your breath may harm others than wear a mask for the rest of your life or else. Whether that's peanut butter or Covid.....it could still spread and cause harm. There, did I dumb it down enough for you? 1
Redneksioux Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 37 minutes ago, TheFlop said: Typical.....dodging the question. Your argument = if there is any chance that something in your breath may harm others than wear a mask for the rest of your life or else. Whether that's peanut butter or Covid.....it could still spread and cause harm. There, did I dumb it down enough for you? Dodging the question? Yeah I’ve heard of them. Never heard of the allergic needing to avoid the grocery aisle like it’s been suggested here but I also don’t know many with peanut allergies so won’t claim to have more knowledge on the matter. sounds like a pretty dumb comparison to me anyways but I’ve heard a lot worse so no surprises here. have a great weekend and don’t be so upset about having to wear a mask. You could be off much worse.
TheFlop Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 1 hour ago, Redneksioux said: Dodging the question? Yeah I’ve heard of them. Never heard of the allergic needing to avoid the grocery aisle like it’s been suggested here but I also don’t know many with peanut allergies so won’t claim to have more knowledge on the matter. sounds like a pretty dumb comparison to me anyways but I’ve heard a lot worse so no surprises here. have a great weekend and don’t be so upset about having to wear a mask. You could be off much worse. Who said anything about a grocery aisle? Nice try. Thanks for playing.
bison73 Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 4 hours ago, Hayduke1 said: That's funny. It's like watching Trump try to say, "Yosemite". Today is was plasma. 1
bison73 Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 23 minutes ago, UND1983 said: You can't make it up Werent they fighting that?????
yzerman19 Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 6 hours ago, Redneksioux said: Can you have a reaction to airborne peanut butter from sealed containers? Never heard of that but maybe it's a thing? What if they were giving samples
mikejm Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 7 hours ago, Sioux>Bison said: This is not the mail in voting in question. It’s the mail mailing of ballots to all registered voters regardless of if they live there or if they are dead or alive. Look at the mess NY is in with their mail in ballots and the people who got charged in NC. Rushing to push mail in ballots without a proper system will just lead to a election night disaster. Nobody is worried about UT, FL or CO’s system. My Colorado ballot is automatically mailed to my address of record. It will be mailed to that address until I notify Colorado of an address change. I vote, sign the ballot and drop it in the mail or at a secure collection site. If the signature doesn’t match what’s on file with the State of Colorado, the ballot, and the vote is invalidated. it is the system that ought to be adopted nationally, but it won’t be because it was enacted by a ‘bunch of liberal treehuggers’ 2
UNDMOORHEAD Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 1 hour ago, Goon said: Mostly... opps. Not peaceful. ☮️ Non-mask wearers are the only people that it's acceptable to discriminate against. If that was done to any other person for any other reason it would be a hate crime.
Frozen4sioux Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 Funny on all these peer reviewed studies correctly prove my point, and were done before the highly politicized current planneddemic. You are wrong, you have been corrected. Your responsibility is to learn from your mistakes. If you lack that ability, look to the failures of your parents and educators as the environment that created such ignorant inabilty to be admonished, corrected and to learm. Ultimately, you yourself are responsible to become educated and ultimately responsible for the consequences when you refuse to do so. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12879-019-4109-x&ved=2ahUKEwivsqPn1YrrAhVbZ80KHTlnDbkQFjADegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw2pkJi4-zrruzPTW9PTCWQ-&cshid=1596857694382 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc Microbial Contamination on Used Surgical Masks among Hospital ... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6037910/&ved=2ahUKEwivsqPn1YrrAhVbZ80KHTlnDbkQFjAAegQIBhAC&usg=AOvVaw3ZmD-jREP0Gm8gvRxlx7Dz&cshid=1596857694382 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.jfmpc.com/article.asp%3Fissn%3D2249-4863%3Byear%3D2020%3Bvolume%3D9%3Bissue%3D2%3Bspage%3D759%3Bepage%3D763%3Baulast%3DSachdev&ved=2ahUKEwivsqPn1YrrAhVbZ80KHTlnDbkQFjAHegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw2pEKhVt4bVRiQf92yPbBe8&cshid=1596857694382 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.scielo.br/scielo.php%3Fscript%3Dsci_arttext%26pid%3DS1517-83822006000300003&ved=2ahUKEwijlqu72IrrAhWGQc0KHb60AAs4ChAWMAR6BAgHEAE&usg=AOvVaw1QFfXDHXW_SwQtPe1tOc0E https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://theconversation.com/amp/can-surgical-masks-protect-you-from-getting-the-flu-125023&ved=2ahUKEwjjlJzi2IrrAhXYHc0KHRkXAxs4FBAWMBB6BAgDEAE&usg=AOvVaw3NwUfRci_z-bVWcPHMUQ72 https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-1342 And these are just the tips of the iceberg. Of course they no longer fit the narrative soooooo..... Obviously, Orangeman bad, But you do you, slap on your bacterial sewage face panty, steal some ballots out of mailboxes and light that goshdarn policestation the fukup. That'll fix everything. 2
Goon Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 No fraud in mail in voting? https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2020/08/06/record-2-5-million-voters-tuesday-primary-1-6-million-absentee/3307495001/ 2
Frozen4sioux Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 So ballot integrity is absolutly zero untill the ballot is recieved back and the signature is ......"checked".... Democrat vote.."looks good." Republican vote.... "the r looks like. z ...no vote". ....and they are gleefully using the plannedemic to create the opportunity. 3
yzerman19 Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 15 hours ago, Goon said: Some one posted this on Twitter. Maybe @Oxbow6 can tell us if this is about right. The reporting Of numbers is dynamic, but these appear reasonable from everything I’ve seen. agree with poster that 99.96% is not having died yet. Other details to clarify: are those unique individuals tested or total tests performed. they also don’t have results from self testers that do not report. we know the death rate is extremely varied in different populations...so while netting out to the numbers shown, if you are under 18, death chance from covid is like being struck by lightning. If over 65 it’s pushing 10% (of both catching it and dying from it)
Goon Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 600,000 people were told they had COVID-19 despite not being tested Quote The email, apparently sent in error, read: "As a survivor of COVID-19, it’s safe to donate whole blood or blood plasma, and your donation could help other COVID-19 patients," the email stated. "Your plasma likely has antibodies (or proteins) present that might help fight the coronavirus infection. Currently, there is no cure for COVID-19. However, there is information that suggests plasma from COVID-19 survivors, like you, might help some patients recover more quickly from COVID-19." The email, apparently sent in error, read: "As a survivor of COVID-19, it’s safe to donate whole blood or blood plasma, and your donation could help other COVID-19 patients," the email stated. "Your plasma likely has antibodies (or proteins) present that might help fight the coronavirus infection. Currently, there is no cure for COVID-19. However, there is information that suggests plasma from COVID-19 survivors, like you, might help some patients recover more quickly from COVID-19."
Goon Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 Halloween canceled? Costume stores and candy makers face scary realities Quote With less than three months before the annual celebration of all things ghoulish and creepy, many Halloween festivities have either been canceled or will be dramatically altered out of fear of the nation’s biggest terror: COVID-19. The likely results: A drop in orders for trick-or-treat candies and Halloween costumes and the loss of big crowds at haunted houses. In short, another financial blow to an economy already weakened by the business closures and double-digit unemployment rates caused by the pandemic. 1
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