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President Kennedy Candidate for UCF President's Job


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16 hours ago, crb1 said:

Can someone please explain to me and I am sorry if it has been discussed ad nauseum but did Brian Faison get fired or did he truly want to retire? What did he do? Budget deficit issues with the athletic department? Mismanagement?


There is at least one story circulating of a group of UND athletes having a photo taken celebrating an award.  Kennedy kept trying to get in the photo while Faison kept trying to pull him out since he felt it should be about the athletes.  Regardless of where you stand on Kennedy, no one disagrees that the man never met a photo op he didn't like.  Could be just a story, but is very interesting that soon after there is the infamous "paperless" consultant study done of the athletic department and Faison "retires" soon after.  Probably all just one big coincidence.  

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As for the argument about NDSU or UND having higher standards.....it's like arguing whether Grand Forks or Fargo has more mosquitos in the summer.  Both colleges have a very small number of programs that are tough to get into.  However, unless you are a knuckle dragger that still does homework with a chisel and a piece of slate, getting into either college is quite easy.  

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11 minutes ago, homer said:

If this is what we have to pile on this president about, he wants to take photos with students and alumni to promote himself and the university we have come a long way from the days of "out of town and unavailable for comment".

I really doubt that not choosing to be in a photo opportunity is what led to Faison retiring.  It was likely not choosing to participate in a number of other activities that promote the university.  It was not the man's strength as an AD.



Kupchella was an introvert and hired another introvert shortly before leaving.   

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28 minutes ago, Shawn-O said:

Kupchella was an introvert and hired another introvert shortly before leaving.   

And like it or not, in today's world university presidents and ADs are like the front-man in a band. 

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Kennedy fired Faison because he was bad at his job and had no energy. Kennedy only needed a year or so to figure it out after being told by many that it was the case when he arrived on campus as President. In addition, Faison's donor relations were abysmal.

I truly believe we are in a much better place with Kennedy and Chaves right now. The future is bright for UND.

HPC Phase II meeting was held today on campus.

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2 minutes ago, UNDvince97-01 said:

Kennedy fired Faison because he was bad at his job and had no energy. Kennedy only needed a year or so to figure it out after being told by many that it was the case when he arrived on campus as President. In addition, Faison's donor relations were abysmal.

I truly believe we are in a much better place with Kennedy and Chaves right now. The future is bright for UND.

HPC Phase II meeting was held today on campus.

Do you know who attended?  What the topics were?

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53 minutes ago, UNDvince97-01 said:


Lets just say the wheels are in motion. Cant say anything more than that at this point.

If there's no monorail I don't want to hear about it anyway. :glare:

Same goes for a retractable roof. 



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A letter from today's Heraldo:


I did laugh when I read this part...

"The next president will be faced with the daunting challenge of trying to build up morale at UND and stop the slide to mediocrity, best symbolized by the post office-like symbol used for our shrinking sports teams."


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11 minutes ago, Blackheart said:

A letter from today's Heraldo:


I did laugh when I read this part...

"The next president will be faced with the daunting challenge of trying to build up morale at UND and stop the slide to mediocrity, best symbolized by the post office-like symbol used for our shrinking sports teams."


So this guy ran away to Texas but is going to try to tell North Dakota how to operate? :huh: He doesn't sound very committed to the good of the state. ;)

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4 hours ago, Blackheart said:

A letter from today's Heraldo:


I did laugh when I read this part...

"The next president will be faced with the daunting challenge of trying to build up morale at UND and stop the slide to mediocrity, best symbolized by the post office-like symbol used for our shrinking sports teams."


He presented not one original thought in his letter. 

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The head of the North Dakota House Appropriates Committee & the head of the North Dakota University System & the head of the State Board of Education wrote President Kennedy a letter stating he has damaged his relationship with the North Dakota legislation.

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3 minutes ago, Cratter said:

The head of the North Dakota House Appropriates Committee & the head of the North Dakota University System & the head of the State Board of Education wrote President Kennedy a letter stating he has damaged his relationship with the North Dakota legislation.

What are the names of these idiots?

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To express that, he wrote a March 27 email to the president, along with Mark Hagerott, chancellor of the North Dakota University System, as well as Don Morton, head of the State Board of Education, and Jeff W. Delzer, who leads the North Dakota House Appropriations Committee. In that email, obtained by the Herald, Holmberg wrote he believed Kennedy's radio comments "frankly damaged the relationship between your office and a number of legislators, particularly those on the Appropriations Committees."


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Here's the full story:
It came out today that UND isn't offering merit increases for the second consecutive year. A 1% increase in salaries across the board would require around $6 million per biennium and that money would have had to come from somewhere, meaning some other cuts would have had to been made on campus.

Kennedy's comments came on radio a few days back when he made the comment "any ill will at the school more to legislative funding decisions than his recent bid to serve as the next president of UCF, connecting issues of low morale to the lack of pay raises to faculty and staff, a legacy of state funding reductions"  which probably does have some truth to it.

Kennedy did respond to the letter:


Kennedy responded to Holmberg soon after, writing in an email that he stood "duly corrected and chastised" and offering his apologies. Kennedy said in a Tuesday interview that Holmberg was the only legislator who had reached out to him and reiterated that he greatly appreciated the senator's leadership in the state and support of higher ed.

Still, he pushed back on the idea that the decision of pay raises was entirely within his court. Block grant or no, Kennedy said the dollars are finite and a salary bump here would mean a funding dip there.


In summation: Kennedy knew there was going to be blow back on not having pay raises for the second year in a row. Yes, it is partially the legislature's fault, but their hands were tied also. The alternative is that more jobs or programs get cut so those left can have pay raises. I've seen many instances in the private sector where keeping salaries flat was the alternative chosen over either cutting salaries or cutting positions. It's frustrating but the pool of money isn't bottomless. Hopefully they address this and make up for it next biennium, as it truly does weigh on morale. 

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