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The next coach of UND football is....


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Mainly just the fact that has many more years of successful experience both as an assistant and HC at different levels.

What disqualifies Bubba in your eyes, other than the fact he is a former employee of UND?

Not discrediting. Just disagreeing with "better resume."

Both been head coaches once.

"more year of success" basically because DeBoer is younger? He will continue to have "successful experience" as he gets older.

All things consider they are equals right now. One coaches offense one coaches defense on the same team. And in conference play DeBoers offense ranks higher than Bubbas defense.

One wrote "coach of the year" on his resume. One wrote "coach of the conference."

One coach wrote "beat opponent from a higher classification on the road."

The other had to leave off he lost to a lower classification team at home.

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Sioux Football Insider guys are reporting they would be surprised if Bubba is not the guy named after the weekend. Who to believe gfhockey reporting Deboer or Fritz and Oskie reporting Bubba? Should be an interesting day tomorrow.

Considering the track record of both...

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Sioux Football Insider guys are reporting they would be surprised if Bubba is not the guy named after the weekend. Who to believe gfhockey reporting Deboer or Fritz and Oskie reporting Bubba? Should be an interesting day tomorrow.

i've been thinking we would have a hc a little after 5pm on the 11th....what makes you think anything is happen tomorrow or the day after that or the day after or the day after that......??

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i've been thinking we would have a hc a little after 5pm on the 11th....what makes you think anything is happen tomorrow or the day after that or the day after or the day after that......??

Wishful thinking more than anything. I would assume one of them would stay for a press conference.

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Seriously, everyone needs to calm down. We will have a new head coach within the next 2 days. So sick of all the people complain about the process. Get a life. We are getting anew coach and are going to start the next chapter if UND football. Complaining about the process is pretty stupid if you ask me.

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My point is in the grand scheme if things, does it really matter if we hire a coach it 28 days or 38 days? No. Just think if Faison hired a guy in 10 days. People would be complaining that he should have taken more time to evaluate his options.i trust in the process and that Faison will get the right guy. He has had a pretty good track record if hiring good coaches that have had a lot if success. Football should be no different. What exactly could he have done different? He has followed a pretty normal hiring process. Get a list if candidates, narrow the list down and so phone interviews, then come up with a final 2 for face to face meeting and make his decision. When you are talking about hiring a football coach that you are looking to turn the program around, you are gonna make for sure you get the right guy. And Faison is making sure he does that. If you don't like the process, maybe apply for an HR job in the UND athletic department and make some changes. In the mean time, relax and let the process play out.

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My point is in the grand scheme if things, does it really matter if we hire a coach it 28 days or 38 days? No. Just think if Faison hired a guy in 10 days. People would be complaining that he should have taken more time to evaluate his options.i trust in the process and that Faison will get the right guy. He has had a pretty good track record if hiring good coaches that have had a lot if success. Football should be no different. What exactly could he have done different? He has followed a pretty normal hiring process. Get a list if candidates, narrow the list down and so phone interviews, then come up with a final 2 for face to face meeting and make his decision. When you are talking about hiring a football coach that you are looking to turn the program around, you are gonna make for sure you get the right guy. And Faison is making sure he does that. If you don't like the process, maybe apply for an HR job in the UND athletic department and make some changes. In the mean time, relax and let the process play out.

Good post!!

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My point is in the grand scheme if things, does it really matter if we hire a coach it 28 days or 38 days? No. Just think if Faison hired a guy in 10 days. People would be complaining that he should have taken more time to evaluate his options.i trust in the process and that Faison will get the right guy. He has had a pretty good track record if hiring good coaches that have had a lot if success. Football should be no different. What exactly could he have done different? He has followed a pretty normal hiring process. Get a list if candidates, narrow the list down and so phone interviews, then come up with a final 2 for face to face meeting and make his decision. When you are talking about hiring a football coach that you are looking to turn the program around, you are gonna make for sure you get the right guy. And Faison is making sure he does that. If you don't like the process, maybe apply for an HR job in the UND athletic department and make some changes. In the mean time, relax and let the process play out.

So was it really unrealistic to expect (and I'm being sarcastic here):

a pain-free process that includes firing the current coach and staff, having a national search that brings in top candidates from around the country, losing no ground in recruiting, having daily public press conferences sharing all the details of what was happening, usurping the standard state hiring requirements, preventing any current players from transferring and having it all done in 10 days or less. Is that too much to expect?

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It's the intangibles that we will never know, I.e. players lost to transfer or potential recruits that have made up their mind to go elsewhere during the last two weeks while the program continues to spin its wheels with no leader. If you think it's reasonable for HR and Faison to take 2 weeks to narrow the list, make 9 phone calls, and conduct 2 interviews, well, all I can say is congratulations on your government job.

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