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2012-13 Season


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Okay, bump.....Season just about four days away......and we all look forward to seeing how our favorite team looks against a team far less skilled.

PS: Tate Maris has some of the sweetest looking pads I've seen on a Sioux netminder (as seen in the team picture).

Maybe this year we'll see them in a regular season game.

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I'm guessing there will be a new pre-game video? Maybe some new songs leading up to the game/anthem? Anyone hear anything?

Good question, I haven't heard, but the entire gameday experience will be different. We got a taste of it last year before the name came back for the rest of the season. I was at the UW series, and remember how weird it was seeing the spinning ND logos on the ice instead of the logo, and how Looker didn't say SIOUX but the students added it to announcements.

Instead of a "Lets Go Sioux" chant, I can see a "U-N-D" chant becoming more popular. Strange times ahead. You wonder how long the masses will hang onto the old traditions before it feels weird. I compare it to someone dying, and you leave everything as it was before they died. Just not gonna be healthy, and after some time, you put away the deceased persons clothes and change the house around, etc. You can count on seeing SIOUX jerseys at hockey until the day you die, this I guarantee.

Edit: And NO, I am not saying losing a sports nickname is equivalent to someone dying, it was just an analogy about losing something and moving on.

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Instead of a "Lets Go Sioux" chant, I can see a "U-N-D" chant becoming more popular. Strange times ahead. You wonder how long the masses will hang onto the old traditions before it feels weird. I compare it to someone dying, and you leave everything as it was before they died. Just not gonna be healthy, and after some time, you put away the deceased persons clothes and change the house around, etc. You can count on seeing SIOUX jerseys at hockey until the day you die, this I guarantee.

I can't see a "U-N-D" chant becoming popular at all...at least not for a few years.

Sioux jerseys will be around as long as the "old-guard" is around. Five to ten years from now when the "Monarch Butterflies" logo is stamped into UND and jerseys are sold all over, kids who are in fifth grade now won't have a clue who the Fighting Sioux are or were.

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Good question, I haven't heard, but the entire gameday experience will be different. We got a taste of it last year before the name came back for the rest of the season. I was at the UW series, and remember how weird it was seeing the spinning ND logos on the ice instead of the logo, and how Looker didn't say SIOUX but the students added it to announcements.

Instead of a "Lets Go Sioux" chant, I can see a "U-N-D" chant becoming more popular. Strange times ahead. You wonder how long the masses will hang onto the old traditions before it feels weird. I compare it to someone dying, and you leave everything as it was before they died. Just not gonna be healthy, and after some time, you put away the deceased persons clothes and change the house around, etc. You can count on seeing SIOUX jerseys at hockey until the day you die, this I guarantee.

Edit: And NO, I am not saying losing a sports nickname is equivalent to someone dying, it was just an analogy about losing something and moving on.

You can count on seeing a Sioux jersey at the games as long as I have season tickets! GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!!

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So will the lineup against Manitoba be line combinations we will see in the future beyond the Alaska trip, or will they be makeshift lines to account for all the suspensions?

I would guess its for line combos in the future. Just from watching clips from Media Day, Knight and Kristo were together, Grimaldi and O'Donnell were and for sure Parks and Rowney were, didn't see MacMillan but I had heard he was practicing on the top line for a while.

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So will the lineup against Manitoba be line combinations we will see in the future beyond the Alaska trip, or will they be makeshift lines to account for all the suspensions?

You'd think that since the Alaska games are over two weeks away they'd probably try to see who has chemistry for now, and maybe put things in place for the U-18 game.

Good question....very good question.

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So will the lineup against Manitoba be line combinations we will see in the future beyond the Alaska trip, or will they be makeshift lines to account for all the suspensions?

Hak's comments from media day yesterday made it sound like they were going to focus the next three weeks on getting everyone prepared for the grind of the season. I guess I would take that to mean they will be looking to get players' roles established for the long-term, not in a makeshift manner to account for the suspensions.

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Update: Grimaldi to play center.....that messes with my preseason line combos a bit.....

Alright....trying this again....Although yzerman will put something way better together and make me look stupid... :p






Reasons.....MacMillan and Parks were great together, can't split them up. Pattyn is a grinder that needs to be the Lamoureax type fourth line grinder. The Knight-Kristo line needs a big body to play with them that can produce, and O'Donnell fills that role. Putting Rodwell with Rowney and Chyzyk gives you three big bodies that can score and possibly matchup against a top unit.

Fourth line....lots of different scenarios there....

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