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What do you think of the logo now??


Fighting Hawks logo  

316 members have voted

  1. 1. Now that the dust has settled, what is your grade for the new Fighting Hawks logo now?

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On 9/17/2019 at 10:12 AM, jdub27 said:


Or talk to a student athlete and ask them how they feel about playing in front of their home crowd, yet hear boos when the nickname on their jersey is mentioned or especially the reactions that show up on social media any time a hawk logo is shown or the nickname is mentioned. .

Wait.... when peple wanted to keep the logo years ago.... I thought the kabal propaganda ministry said no athlete plays for the logo and that the logo doesnt win game or score goals, or catch TDs???

Now we have athletes that are so mentally week they crumble and take their feelings to the safespace if someone prefers the old to the new??? 

WTF is going on with the Athletic dept admin?

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On 9/16/2019 at 10:25 PM, Stockdamhockey said:

Not ideal for marketing.  And additionally the controversy would have been discussed every time a broadcaster or writer would say, "North Dakota is the only NCAA school without a nickname...." Mistake by Kelly to run a "CONTEST ". That's for middle schools not universities.  Should have been undertaken as a University branding  initiative.  Make something positive out of all the negative surrounding the inconsistencies of the NCAA and all the bitterness that resulted. Instead,  we got a contest winner.  'Tis what 'tis. Still doesn't  justify the petulance of many which only serves to further divide. Our student-athletes don't  deserve the wrath of those who refuse to adapt. While we fight over mascots and logos, NDSU has moved ahead in the hearts of the region's fans. Yup, winning national championships helps, but so does a divided, petulant fan base. There will be apologists on here who rip me for saying this,  but I  live in the Fargo area.  They love our on-going mascot/logo fight. Hell, they'd pay to create even more division if they could.  So, just keep being the antagonists that you are. Hate the Hawk and all that it stands for. "Take my Fighting Sioux from my cold dead hands. " While the rest of the state flies its Bison flags.

Two things:

1. Perhaps one of the few good things Kelley did was hold a contest. It got a lot of people interested and invested in the process. The committee however, failed him by eliminating any truly unique name far before the voting process and by Schafer's horrendous handling of the logo.

2. I suspect your perception of NDSUs popularity might be tainted by living in Fargo. 

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1 hour ago, Rebel_Sioux said:

Two things:

1. Perhaps one of the few good things Kelley did was hold a contest. It got a lot of people interested and invested in the process. The committee however, failed him by eliminating any truly unique name far before the voting process and by Schafer's horrendous handling of the logo.

2. I suspect your perception of NDSUs popularity might be tainted by living in Fargo. 

1. Nope 

2. Nope 


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On 9/18/2019 at 4:06 PM, Frozen4sioux said:

Wait.... when peple wanted to keep the logo years ago.... I thought the cabal propaganda ministry said no athlete plays for the logo and that the logo doesn't win game or score goals, or catch TDs???

Now we have athletes that are so mentally weak they crumble and take their feelings to the safe space if someone prefers the old to the new??? 

WTF is going on with the Athletic dept admin?

Just a question, did you ever stop and think that maybe the present athletes have no connection to the Fighting Sioux logo what-so-ever?

The other programs not named men's hockey bought into the new Fighting Hawks nickname. Just something that I noticed. 

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12 hours ago, Goon said:

Just a question, did you ever stop and think that maybe the present athletes have no connection to the Fighting Sioux logo what-so-ever?

The other programs not named men's hockey bought into the new Fighting Hawks nickname. Just something that I noticed. 

Just completely and totally missed the point, like it went right over your head.

Cant have it both ways ... either the logo matters to a student athlete or it doesnt.

The anti crowd has repeatedly made the point that the logo doesnt matter to student athletes and doesnt have an effect of performance .... Now that same crowd is saying its effecting the athletes ability to perform and hurting their feelings. 

That has nothing to do with "if these athletes" have a connection to either or..

The post is calling out the BS wishy washy waffling flip flop arguments... not this this one but all the others as well.

Then you go and dredge up a "Hockey vs. all " argument? That had nothing to do with the topic,  but DID prove my point from a previous post quite exactly. 

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3 hours ago, Frozen4sioux said:

Just completely and totally missed the point, like it went right over your head.

Cant have it both ways ... either the logo matters to a student athlete or it doesnt.

The anti crowd has repeatedly made the point that the logo doesnt matter to student athletes and doesnt have an effect of performance .... Now that same crowd is saying its effecting the athletes ability to perform and hurting their feelings. 

That has nothing to do with "if these athletes" have a connection to either or..

The post is calling out the BS wishy washy waffling flip flop arguments... not this this one but all the others as well.

Then you go and dredge up a "Hockey vs. all " argument? That had nothing to do with the topic,  but DID prove my point from a previous post quite exactly. 

Nobody has said anything about hurt feelings,  etc. There is no reasoning with the unreasonable,  no rationalizing with the irrational.  You have proven to be both whenever this issue is discussed. 

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9 hours ago, Stockdamhockey said:

Nobody has said anything about hurt feelings,  etc. There is no reasoning with the unreasonable,  no rationalizing with the irrational.  You have proven to be both whenever this issue is discussed. 

"Or talk to a student athlete and ask them how they feel about playing in front of their home crowd, yet hear boos when the nickname on their jersey is mentioned or especially the reactions that show up on social media any time a hawk logo is shown or the nickname is mentioned"...... 

Quote from the previously mentioned post.

Literally talking about their feelings.

Reading for comprehension and understanding is difficult, but worth your time and effort. Not really a complex concept being discussed, was just a very basic observation of waffling sentiment. If I have more time, and can find some crayons I can expalin it again in a more understandable format for you later. 

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On 9/22/2019 at 9:39 AM, UNDBIZ said:

Yeah, if you don't think ndsu has been kicking UND's butt in marketing the last decade, you must live in grand forks.

I don't necessarily disagree, but in what way? Like, they are spending more in marketing? I'm trying to understand what you mean.

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9 minutes ago, stoneySIOUX said:

I don't necessarily disagree, but in what way? Like, they are spending more in marketing? I'm trying to understand what you mean.

I haven't seen the numbers, but they are certainly controlling the regional narrative and have been destroying UND in freshman and on-campus enrollment.  UND did significantly increase their marketing under Kennedy, but unfortunately it was all spent pushing his "Leaders In Action" phrase (likely to help his book sales) rather than pushing enrollment at UND.  

I don't understand how marketing professionals could allow the thing being marketed (UND) to be the smallest font on every billboard, paper, online, and tv advertisement.

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25 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

I haven't seen the numbers, but they are certainly controlling the regional narrative and have been destroying UND in freshman and on-campus enrollment.  UND did significantly increase their marketing under Kennedy, but unfortunately it was all spent pushing his "Leaders In Action" phrase (likely to help his book sales) rather than pushing enrollment at UND.  

I don't understand how marketing professionals could allow the thing being marketed (UND) to be the smallest font on every billboard, paper, online, and tv advertisement.

Thats a very interesting concept on the motive behind the marketing. Hadn't considered that angle, it unfourtunetly makes sense. Way too much sense.

UND needs to market the college experiences and relate them to being AT UND, that very much includes Athletics, acedemics, social experiences, and the value of the networking (something vastly absent from the online experience).     Notice how something called Grand Canyon University does this well in their TV commercials.

The name and logo should be a part of, but not the sole focus, of the marketing.

Don't force the damn thing down the throats, just relate it to the experiences, as the connection is made gradually through time, the acceptance will follow.

Or it wont...  but money won't be wasted in trying to coherce and admonish it into acceptance.

Thats how I'd do it, and how I'd pitch it.

Marketing agency's can PM me here and we can discuss my consulting fee.

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On 9/22/2019 at 9:39 AM, UNDBIZ said:

Yeah, if you don't think ndsu has been kicking UND's butt in marketing the last decade, you must live in grand forks.

I've lived in IL, MS, TX, and now KS since going to UND. In that time and those locations I've seen more of UND logos (all three variants) than NDSU logos. NDSU has really only ever come up with regard to football...


On 9/23/2019 at 8:54 AM, InHeavenThereIsNoBeer said:

Their football program winning 7 national championships in 8 years might help a bit...

...mostly notably wrt their former coach now coaching KSU. 

I think our school has a bigger footprint than most people outside of ND realize. Yes, successful sport teams play a role, especially with local recruiting. Carson Wentz helps their cause as well. But I don't think it's as one sided as others seem to think, especially when you consider that our academics carry the logo across the country too. 

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Honest question,

I live way out of state so haven’t attended for some time, but does this ever happen?:

Crowd starts a “let’s go Hawks” chant but then are kind of shouted down by a “let’s go Sioux” chant, so then everyone decides to be quiet? Or maybe each group refuses to join the other so the result is anemic, and the best players at the top college program play in silence. If I was a player or recruit it would seem kind of weird.

I have no idea if that happens but if so it would be an example of harm vs jerseys, nostalgia, and discussion. 

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19 minutes ago, CarpeRemote said:

Honest question,

I live way out of state so haven’t attended for some time, but does this ever happen?:

Crowd starts a “let’s go Hawks” chant but then are kind of shouted down by a “let’s go Sioux” chant, so then everyone decides to be quiet? Or maybe each group refuses to join the other so the result is anemic, and the best players at the top college program play in silence. If I was a player or recruit it would seem kind of weird.

I have no idea if that happens but if so it would be an example of harm vs jerseys, nostalgia, and discussion. 


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32 minutes ago, CarpeRemote said:

Honest question,

I live way out of state so haven’t attended for some time, but does this ever happen?:

Crowd starts a “let’s go Hawks” chant but then are kind of shouted down by a “let’s go Sioux” chant, so then everyone decides to be quiet? Or maybe each group refuses to join the other so the result is anemic, and the best players at the top college program play in silence. If I was a player or recruit it would seem kind of weird.

I have no idea if that happens but if so it would be an example of harm vs jerseys, nostalgia, and discussion. 

At most hockey games, there are no chants for most of the game.  By the time the third comes around and it's a close game, the beer has been flowing, there is usually a let's go sioux or two started.  Most fans don't say anything, but a good rythmic clap gets going and is pretty loud.  I'd venture to say the loudest the place gets is during the "in heaven there is no beer" song where the students all interact.  

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34 minutes ago, ChrisUND1 said:

At most hockey games, there are no chants for most of the game.  By the time the third comes around and it's a close game, the beer has been flowing, there is usually a let's go sioux or two started.  Most fans don't say anything, but a good rythmic clap gets going and is pretty loud.  I'd venture to say the loudest the place gets is during the "in heaven there is no beer" song where the students all interact.  

Big penalty kill, breakaway or after a goal. The whole crowd joining in on "Here's Your University of North Dakota SCORRRRRRRRRRRINGG!" never gets old.

I remember one of the most electric atmospheres being when Mark MacMillan blocked consecutive shots vs SCSU that broke his leg/ended his season but secured the Penrose for us, but I digress. 

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2 hours ago, InHeavenThereIsNoBeer said:

Big penalty kill, breakaway or after a goal. The whole crowd joining in on "Here's Your University of North Dakota SCORRRRRRRRRRRINGG!" never gets old.

I remember one of the most electric atmospheres being when Mark MacMillan blocked consecutive shots vs SCSU that broke his leg/ended his season but secured the Penrose for us, but I digress. 

Oh yes the game action obviously causes very loud reactions as it should.  When those things aren't happening, it's pretty dang tame in the Ralph these days.

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11 hours ago, InHeavenThereIsNoBeer said:

Big penalty kill, breakaway or after a goal. The whole crowd joining in on "Here's Your University of North Dakota SCORRRRRRRRRRRINGG!" never gets old.

I remember one of the most electric atmospheres being when Mark MacMillan blocked consecutive shots vs SCSU that broke his leg/ended his season but secured the Penrose for us, but I digress. 

What a great moment, I mean MacMillan gave everythin, and I mean EVERYTHING for that team that game......

Havent seen effort like that in a looooong time.

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8 hours ago, Frozen4sioux said:

What a great moment, I mean MacMillan gave everythin, and I mean EVERYTHING for that team that game......

Havent seen effort like that in a looooong time.

Very cool moment, especially his teammates holding him up at the end of the series to do the senior skate while he was in a boot. However, I remember thinking I would have gave the Penrose away to have him in the lineup for the NCAAs.

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23 minutes ago, InHeavenThereIsNoBeer said:

Very cool moment, especially his teammates holding him up at the end of the series to do the senior skate while he was in a boot. However, I remember thinking I would have gave the Penrose away to have him in the lineup for the NCAAs.

The Penna Rosa?

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On 9/29/2019 at 10:28 AM, ChrisUND1 said:

At most hockey games, there are no chants for most of the game.  By the time the third comes around and it's a close game, the beer has been flowing, there is usually a let's go sioux or two started.  Most fans don't say anything, but a good rythmic clap gets going and is pretty loud.  I'd venture to say the loudest the place gets is during the "in heaven there is no beer" song where the students all interact.  

Not in Denver. Let's go Sioux chants throughout the game. You wouldn't even know they were the Hawks if it weren't for the scoreboard.

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