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ISU Game Day Thread


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Today shows us what an average QB and a good passing offense can do against our defense. This is what the bison did and isu was the next team to do this to us. I loved being 4-1 but we never were as good as that shows. We have a good future ahead but we still need to work on things and try out other players .

this is your second post like this, tell me which of our 4 wins we were "lucky" on.  

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It has to be pointed out that ISU has a very good offense. They aren't good because their defense sucks. Our offense isn't explosive enough on the outside to exploit them the way others have this year. We need Clive and his speed.

 why do we need Clive? So that we can underthrow him all game? We had one play with a wr alone behind the secondary and it was grossly underthrown by a qb who had time. Give me a wr that can run a 10-20 yard route and actually get separation. 

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 why do we need Clive? So that we can underthrow him all game? We had one play with a wr alone behind the secondary and it was grossly underthrown by a qb who had time. Give me a wr that can run a 10-20 yard route and actually get separation. 

a secondary has to be worried about someone that can get behind them. The only person we had today was our running back. 

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this is your second post like this, tell me which of our 4 wins we were "lucky" on.  

all four of them. We were lucky none of them were very good and Were poor on both sides of the ball. If we would have lost the UC Davis or drake game then I don't think we would have called them good losses as they were poor wins. Until today we really don't play a good team with exception to the bison

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I know this is Bubba's second year and understand the talent constraints but I really hoped that this kind of crap would be done when Bubba got the job.  I thought we would be undertalented for a few years and get beat by some better teams but I thought that our days of folding like a cheap lawn chair were over.  The coaching staff deserves some blame for this.  I thought we were outcoached.  


Edited by Irish
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all four of them. We were lucky none of them were very good and Were poor on both sides of the ball. If we would have lost the UC Davis or drake game then I don't think we would have called them good losses as they were poor wins. Until today we really don't play a good team with exception to the bison

so we are "lucky" the teams we played and beat weren't better than us?  Makes zero sense. 

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You can't judge a play-call on its result. Rudolph likely expected Idaho State to playing the chains, just as you apparently were thinking. If Santiago was able to run wide open and catch that for the win, I'm pretty sure no one would be critical of the call. 

a bomb to a short rb on a fly pattern in doulbe coverage is a very low percentage play...one thing under muss i hated was the te position was non existent...there was plenty of time left to get that first down by sending a te ten yards down field, post up, and come back to the ball for a eight yard reception and then go from there...

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I just want to comment on how bad the web stream was. They have been decent in the past but yesterday was a pile of hot garbage. I hope a UND official reads this because it was not on my end. Other big sky eversport streams worked just fine. This was on UND/Alerus end. Please fix it.

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Well it was a frustrating loss to say the least.  Turnovers on 3 of first 5 possessions is no recipe for success.  Could not get any pressure on the QB the entire game, and that was going to be key to helping out the young and unproven secondary.  After finally settling down in the 2nd and 3rd quarters and moving the ball successfully, I felt the sidelines sort of deflated when Studsrud went down.  You could tell there was plenty of miscommunication when Bartles was in there.  Something there really shouldn't be with Junior QB who has played a fair amount of football here.  They had a nice drive on his first series, but after that it was 3 straight 3-and-out's.  I'm not sure what I think was worse about the final offensive play.  The fact that interference wasn't called or the fact that was the play call.  Whether it was Bartles' or Rudolph's decision to throw that deep ball, I obviously don't know.  But on 4th and 6 and the Bengal 46 with over a minute to play, there should have been several other options than basically a hail mary.  That was a low percentage play.

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all four of them. We were lucky none of them were very good and Were poor on both sides of the ball. If we would have lost the UC Davis or drake game then I don't think we would have called them good losses as they were poor wins. Until today we really don't play a good team with exception to the bison

Wow, this is an unbelievably stupid comment.  You don't win four college football games with luck!

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I just want to comment on how bad the web stream was. They have been decent in the past but yesterday was a pile of hot garbage. I hope a UND official reads this because it was not on my end. Other big sky eversport streams worked just fine. This was on UND/Alerus end. Please fix it.

It was horrible for me yesterday, but the week before out of Portland it was great.

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I know this is Bubba's second year and understand the talent constraints but I really hoped that this kind of crap would be done when Bubba got the job.  I thought we would be undertalented for a few years and get beat by some better teams but I thought that our days of folding like a cheap lawn chair were over.  The coaching staff deserves some blame for this.  I thought we were outcoached.  


Maybe, but when you lose a big chunk of the one on one battles in a football game you usually don't win.  Our secondary got owned by a couple good WR's and we got zero pass rush and that isn't on the coaches, it's on the players not making plays.  You could see they tried to free guys up with some stunts but it didn't work either.  Even with the injuries I think the defense overall was probably the most disappointing thing to me yesterday and that has largely to do with expectations. 

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so we are "lucky" the teams we played and beat weren't better than us?  Makes zero sense. 

if you don't think those wins were lucky and not against good teams then what are your thoughts against Montana Montana state weber and cal poly? My thoughts are that we will lose all of those games. If we are a good team and not a lucky one we could win one or two 

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Our offense isnt explosive enough on the outside to exploit them the way others have this year. We need Clive and his speed.


That's the problem. You hear oh bad run d especially on the outside. What does Und do. They try to exploit  weakness they noticed. What does isu do, worked on fixing a weakness everyones noticed. 


Isu figured out you can't run against Und. They said OK fine. And picked apart the Und d all day long.

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there were many times... Pretty much every ssnap it felt like... I thought ISU was called for penalties and I just hadn't heard the whistle because their QB was literally just standing there as if there was a whistle. 




You noticed that too. So calm he acted like every play was a dead ball.

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Anyone know what was ISU on 3rd down conversions?  UND could not get off the field when it mattered.

ISU was 8-16 total, UND 10-17 total. However, 4th qtr ISU was 3-4 while UND went 0-4. Couldn't stop them when we needed to, couldn't convert when we needed to. 

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OK, so how long is Studs out?   I've never seen how bad his injury was, many someone said and I missed it.   We really should be concerned about the number is dinged up players we have already.   I know, football is a tough sport, but I am once again starting to question our conditioning.   We shouldn't be this nicked up half way through the season.

Also, I was always in the Bartles camp but Studsrud is clearly the better QB.

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