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3 hours ago, Nodak78 said:

yes I'm listening to his rant.  lol  too little to late.  Biden is toast.

Roughly 50/50 with the toast, unless of course we get a huge event in this last week.
Like Biden dies, T shows his income tax returns, or something like if Russia attacks Turkey form behind - would Grease help?

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29 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

Obama is giving one hell of a speech right now in Orlando, FL.  Trump or Biden don't hold a candle to this guy.

Dems may need it in Florida as their early voting turnout has been equal to that of Republicans.  Hasn’t the narrative been that republicans won’t vote early.  

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10 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

Roughly 50/50 with the toast, unless of course we get a huge event in this last week.
Like Biden dies, T shows his imcome tax returns, or something like if Russia attacks Turkey form behind - would Grease help?

Attacks Turkey from behind? What the hell are you talking about? 

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October has been by far the deadliest month of the pandemic for North Dakota, reaching 205 deaths in the month in the state's latest report, or over 43% of the state's 476 total virus deaths.....

North Dakota also disclosed 11 new nursing home deaths on Tuesday, bringing the death toll in long-term care facilities up to 291.


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This has been an interesting thread. I have actually learned quite a bit about what is behind what others are thinking. I think that is good. 

I should add I doubt any opinions have changed.

 I am getting mentally prepared for any results in the election. I guess not the end of the world either way.

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1 hour ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

Obama is giving one hell of a speech right now in Orlando, FL.  Trump or Biden don't hold a candle to this guy.

is it one of those hope and change speeches he gave a while back...still waiting for that magic wand of his to appear...

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5 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

is it one of those hope and change speeches he gave a while back...still waiting for that magic wand of his to appear...

Trump took that wand and created a great economy and energy independence which help lead to peace in the middle east.


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1 minute ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

I'm giving a compliment where due, sorry your disappointed.
You insuating I voted for Ob? You have Dememtia?

who did you vote for? or do you have dementia like sleepy joe and think that George is president again (even with jill whispering otherwise)

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has anyone else pointed out that this teenager that almost died on the floor of the hospital almost died not from a lack of a  hospital bed but more likely the lack of a nurse or doctor because lots of them been laid off / fired/ furloughed bc of the pandemic?

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The Hill

Cruz: Hunter Biden attacks don't move 'a single voter'

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) says he doesn't think that President Trump's attacks on Hunter Biden will move even one voter.

Cruz told Jonathan Swan of Axios in an interview that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's "best moment" in the Oct. 22 debate came when he brushed off Trump's attacks on his family and turned to the camera to tell viewers that their families matter more.

"One of Biden's best points was when he said all these attacks back and forth about my family and [Trump's] family, they don't matter. What matters is your family. That may have been Biden's best moment, actually," Cruz said.

Asked to clarify his view that attacks on Hunter Biden haven't been effective, Cruz replied: "I don't think it moves a single voter."


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14 minutes ago, sioux rube said:

Nobody is reading his plan.
Please, wake up. Research!!!


You need another hobby.  May I suggest The Flat Earth Society.  I'll provide this with no links for you.  Sans any documented research.  Your preferred method.

Look it up.  You and the rest of the circle jerk need something to do after Biden is elected. 


 has come to our attention that a documentary titled Behind the Curve has appeared on Netflix and is introducing significant numbers of new people into the Flat Earth discussions. After viewing this piece we feel that the work depicts a poorly researched Flat Earth Theory. It should be noted that the Flat Earth Society was not consulted with the science of the documentary and that the topics discussed should be further researched.

Questions have come up about the light experiment at the end of the film. We point to the following from an account of a self-proclaimed Round Earth proponent who was present at the Jeran event [archive link] :

"In about 10 tries, with the light held waist-high at 17 feet above water we never clearly saw it through the center panel hole. On one of the attempts, maybe the fourth of ten, we clearly saw it when Enrique lifted it over his head. On that one, Jeran asked him to raise it and lower it a few times, and it would appear when Enrique raised it and vanish when he lowered it. That was the "gasp" moment. Jeran said, "that's interesting." I noted it was the prediction for a round Earth. When they repeated the whole procedure, it did not happen again. I suggested having Enrique move from side-to-side a bit when occluded by the panel, in case it was lateral alignment that was off. Jeran accepted the suggestion, but it made no observable difference."

Of about ten observations, the fourth observation was the only one where the event occurred, and the only one which was published in the documentary. Nine of the ten trials did not see the event. The above description of inconsistency suggests the presence of curving light rays in the experiment—refraction. The manner in which the experiment was portrayed in the film by the producers further suggests dishonesty. The documentary does not show the times the event did not occur. Misrepresentation of this nature is called scientific fraud. Had the results of all ten trials been honestly presented it would have, assuredly, been a far different segment.

It should be noted that time lapse photography has shown that the curvature of light rays across long distances can be a regular occurrence. Since ancient times, mankind has used this inconsistent effect as a primary piece of evidence that the Earth was spherical 1.

Per the Ring Laser Gyroscope, the claim that this device can see the rotation of the Earth is the latest in the controversy between Copernicans and Anti-Copernicans on the matter of the Earth's rotation. From the era of Ptolemy, to Tycho Brahe, to conflicts of the Victorian Era, and even to attempts in present day, science has been engaged in the attempt of finding direct and conclusive evidence for the rotation of the Earth 2. When assessing the Ring Laser Gyroscope studies of Earth's rotation, we find that the device does not appear to be measuring the Earth's rotation directly 3.

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22 minutes ago, sioux rube said:

I would strongly recommend that voters go to the Biden/Harris website and read their tax plan.  Does everybody realize that if you go to pages in the 40s, 50s and 60s, you will find that they have a plan to tax you on your house at 3% of its value. This is above and beyond your property taxes you currently pay to your local municipality.  In addition, families earning $50k or more will have their taxes raised by $7,800, over a 10 year period.  This is aside from the loss of $750 a year from the repealing of the Trump middle class tax cuts.  They also want to tax your 401K and IRA’s. The Roth IRA has whats called a "Sunset Provison". If enacted upon, it will trigger a tax upon your accounts value. Say you've been investing for 25 years and have accumulated $300,000.00. They will tax that amount at your current tax bracket. They will take it all at once. Are you willing to give up nearly 1/2 of what you've accumulated literally overnight? Pelosi asked Trump to sign it to set it in motion (Hillary said she would sign it) & he refused. He said that would hurt the American people. If Biden gets in, you can kiss your Roth IRA and all its gains goodbye. Also, do people realize that, until 1983, you paid no taxes on Social Security?  Joe Biden put up the bill and sponsored it to tax Social Security at 50% AND then raised it to 80%!!!  A man of the people?  Is this what you want to happen? Really?
Nobody is reading his plan.
Please, wake up. Research!!!

But But But But that is only for those making over $400,000.  Correct?  or did Joe get the number wrong again and he meant $40

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38 minutes ago, sioux rube said:

I would strongly recommend that voters go to the Biden/Harris website and read their tax plan.  Does everybody realize that if you go to pages in the 40s, 50s and 60s, you will find that they have a plan to tax you on your house at 3% of its value. This is above and beyond your property taxes you currently pay to your local municipality.  In addition, families earning $50k or more will have their taxes raised by $7,800, over a 10 year period.  This is aside from the loss of $750 a year from the repealing of the Trump middle class tax cuts.  They also want to tax your 401K and IRA’s. The Roth IRA has whats called a "Sunset Provison". If enacted upon, it will trigger a tax upon your accounts value. Say you've been investing for 25 years and have accumulated $300,000.00. They will tax that amount at your current tax bracket. They will take it all at once. Are you willing to give up nearly 1/2 of what you've accumulated literally overnight? Pelosi asked Trump to sign it to set it in motion (Hillary said she would sign it) & he refused. He said that would hurt the American people. If Biden gets in, you can kiss your Roth IRA and all its gains goodbye. Also, do people realize that, until 1983, you paid no taxes on Social Security?  Joe Biden put up the bill and sponsored it to tax Social Security at 50% AND then raised it to 80%!!!  A man of the people?  Is this what you want to happen? Really?
Nobody is reading his plan.
Please, wake up. Research!!!

For starters.....webpages don't have pages 40s, 50s and 60s. But since you posted this, and I'm sure verified its accuracy, can you point to where these tax plans are? I'd love to read them for myself.

Note - I don't agree with almost any of Biden's tax plans. But stupid Boomer memes like this along with people sharing flatout inaccurate information are a huge part of the problem on both sides.

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