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The next coach of UND football is....


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Oddly enough, I was having very similar thoughts earlier this week. Only other schools that use it are Elon and UW-GB.

The primary negative I come up with is the "University of Phoenix" but it doesn't seem like too big a deal to me. It will also convey warm thoughts to recruits and potential students rather than frigid ones ;)

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Even if we go 1-11 in 2014, I won't say it's a failure by Bubba/DeBoer. He gets 4 years minimum from me to get us to an 8-4 or 7-4 season. My only hope for next year is we finish better than we start and don't quit when we fall behind. I expect most teams to have more talent than us next year, but they better not have more heart.

All of this has got me thinking of a new nickname for our sports teams. With our football (Sioux Falls), MBB (Mayville St), and soccer (winless) teams all having hit rock bottom in recent years, I believe all of them are on/soon to be entering a path back to the promised land. MBB should do well this year, Soccer hired a new coach who seems like a good one and got their first win in years, and football will be hiring a new coach and washing away the Muss stain. Volleyball and Women's Hockey have risen from the ashes to become great teams and Men's Hockey rises from the ashes nearly every year to make a tournament run. I present to you the University of North Dakota Phoenix!


Make the yellow/orange Kelly green.

Muss lasted 6 years and got us 5 DI wins in one season, if Bubba or DeBoer gets us that many in the first year that will impress me. It took RT 7 years to reach the playoffs, but improved every year, patience will go a long way.

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Like I said previously:

1) This is a mess.

2) We may be on our 4th round draft choice.

3) What will be, will be.

I LIKE BUBBA; I THINK HE IS A CLASS ACT AS A PERSON. I can not evaluate him as far as football coaching. I don't think he would cover up criminal acts for the sake of the team.

Didn't you assume that someone was communicating with players? There are two people left on staff. If these two men could not make this a priority, then someone should have stepped in and VERY clearly pointed them in the right direction. No excuse leaving players, and parents/families, wondering. A little reassurance goes a long way.

Recruiting is a huge, huge problem. I posted until all the Muss players are gone, this will not truly change. It is just like everything else. It takes time to transition and this is not a reflection on the previous coaches. It is just that way.

You know having a smaller group of players who want a quality, positive team may go further than stars who throw fits. When a child of ours was selecting a college, he/she did not know what to do. This was less than 48 hours before the signing deadline. I said, "I know you don't want to listen to your mother about this but here is my one piece of advice. Right now forget the money offers, right now forget the XXX(sport) team, and right now forget the location. You need to pick the college that will give you the best education for what you want to do for the rest of your life." He/she looked at me and said, "Well Mom, then it is UND."

Someone posted we need dedicated, tough, bale-throwing, proud upper mid-western players and I agree. I think Bubba could do this for UND.

And two questions:

1) What was wrong with Bubba's UND defense....did I like those third downs when everyone stood or what?

2) Do some of you men not work or sleep to post here?


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Even if we go 1-11 in 2014, I won't say it's a failure by Bubba/DeBoer. He gets 4 years minimum from me to get us to an 8-4 or 7-4 season. My only hope for next year is we finish better than we start and don't quit when we fall behind. I expect most teams to have more talent than us next year, but they better not have more heart.

All of this has got me thinking of a new nickname for our sports teams. With our football (Sioux Falls), MBB (Mayville St), and soccer (winless) teams all having hit rock bottom in recent years, I believe all of them are on/soon to be entering a path back to the promised land. MBB should do well this year, Soccer hired a new coach who seems like a good one and got their first win in years, and football will be hiring a new coach and washing away the Muss stain. Volleyball and Women's Hockey have risen from the ashes to become great teams and Men's Hockey rises from the ashes nearly every year to make a tournament run. I present to you the University of North Dakota Phoenix!

Make the yellow/orange Kelly green.


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I don't know.

I keep thinking that the thought process in the AD's dept is, "Hey we just fired one of Dale Lennon's former assistants! I got a great idea! Let's hire one of Dale Lennon's assistants!"

Harumph! Harhmph! Harumph!

I feel the need to point out though that Lennon invited Bubba to go with him to SIU. And I believe he took a couple of then Sioux assistants with him including Schmidt. He didn't ask Mussman to come along.

Who was his first OC in Carbondale anyways? DeBoer came there a couple years after the fact...........

Paging UND92,96. That seems like something you would know.

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I feel the need to point out though that Lennon invited Bubba to go with him to SIU. And I believe he took a couple of then Sioux assistants with him including Schmidt. He didn't ask Mussman to come along.

Who was his first OC in Carbondale anyways? DeBoer came there a couple years after the fact...........

Paging UND92,96. That seems like something you would know.

Like I said before, I hope you guy in the Bubba or DeBoer corners are right.

Paint me skeptical. But, I'm horrible at picking games and my fantasy football team went straight to Hell this year, even with Peyton Manning at QB.

So, what the Hell do I know!??!! :lol:

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The hiring of a head coach in any sport at a D1 university starts and stops with the AD. Not going to post a poll but on a scale of 1-10: (1 being dismal and 10 amazing)...how would rate BF's performance in this HC hiring process? Just curious........

4 at best. I can live with Bubba or DeBoer, but can't believe there wasn't another candidate that at least warranted a 3rd interview. also, with it coming down to Bubba and DeBoer, why is this taking so long? One of these two should have been on board last week and could probably have prevented Daryl brown from leaving.

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Like I said previously:

1) This is a mess.

2) We may be on our 4th round draft choice.

3) What will be, will be.

I LIKE BUBBA; I THINK HE IS A CLASS ACT AS A PERSON. I can not evaluate him as far as football coaching. I don't think he would cover up criminal acts for the sake of the team.

Didn't you assume that someone was communicating with players? There are two people left on staff. If these two men could not make this a priority, then someone should have stepped in and VERY clearly pointed them in the right direction. No excuse leaving players, and parents/families, wondering. A little reassurance goes a long way.

Recruiting is a huge, huge problem. I posted until all the Muss players are gone, this will not truly change. It is just like everything else. It takes time to transition and this is not a reflection on the previous coaches. It is just that way.

You know having a smaller group of players who want a quality, positive team may go further than stars who throw fits. When a child of ours was selecting a college, he/she did not know what to do. This was less than 48 hours before the signing deadline. I said, "I know you don't want to listen to your mother about this but here is my one piece of advice. Right now forget the money offers, right now forget the XXX(sport) team, and right now forget the location. You need to pick the college that will give you the best education for what you want to do for the rest of your life." He/she looked at me and said, "Well Mom, then it is UND."

Someone posted we need dedicated, tough, bale-throwing, proud upper mid-western players and I agree. I think Bubba could do this for UND.

And two questions:

1) What was wrong with Bubba's UND defense....did I like those third downs when everyone stood or what?

2) Do some of you men not work or sleep to post here?


So the two coaches that are left are responsible for all recruiting (huge job) with a good chance they will not be retained by the new HC. They have so much work and uncertainty right now and you expect them to call the players parents and reassure them. What can they say? Don't worry sir, I likely will not be here next year and have no idea who the coach will be but they will hire someone.

It's completely incorrect and blind to think most of the athletes aren't good and need to "all be gone" just because they happen to be recruited by Coach Mussman. I can't quite figure out why are still trying to kick dirt on a guy who has already been let go for good and real work related reasons.

Bubba is a good coach and would fix the defense but his track record as a HC isn't great and I personally feel the upside with him is limited some. This doesn't mean he couldn't be a great HC at UND but knowing him a little I can't help but think he is a better coordinator than HC. I think this attitude to bring in people you know from the past isn't always great. The football pool needs to be expanded some and can't always be inbred. I wouldn't like UND to hire a coach from say Cali, Florida, or TX because I think who is hired must know and understand the region but even with that we can find some new blood for the school and program.

I think most guys post while they are supposed to be working! ;)

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