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2020 Dumpster Fire (Enter at your own risk)


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56 minutes ago, petey23 said:

Scytl Raid

---not sure what to make of this? Of course none of the Democratic Pravda media are reporting on this.

---Scytl is denying the report

---Twitter is not censoring the stories that are out there

I guess we will see if anything comes from this. Crazy times to be alive.

This story started breaking on Twitter. I don't know what to make of it. Here's another link

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Feel free to correct me if i missed something.......so to recap: No youth activities of any kind for a few weeks but no mandate or even a recommendation to get kids back to school face to face during that time. Restaurants and bars go from 25% capacity UP to 50% during same time frame albeit restricted hours. Meanwhile  ND sets another record day for positive cases today with Fargo having a mask mandate for 4 weeks and the same demographic contributing to roughly 50% of all new cases. If anyone here thinks this makes any sense at all I'll happily pay for your one way airfare to NYC or LA...your choice.

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2 hours ago, Goon said:

This story started breaking on Twitter. I don't know what to make of it. Here's another link

Defense sec. Fired Friday.  Raid was on Sunday.

Trumps arty posted on twitter.

Biden & his criminal cronies are not going to sleep well tonight.
Well, Biden might because he probably forgot the name Scytl.
His co-conspirators know name well.
They also know the name Paragon, company which purchased Scytl in 10/20.
Every will be revealed. #FightBack
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8 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

At today's 'Million MAGA March" in DC.   These nutcases are no different than Antifa.  Only difference is, unlike these inbreds at a pro-Trump rally, you're unlikely to find Antifa at pro-Biden events.  


And how was this any different from anything at any ANTIFA gathering?   I guess they aren't burning down anything at this one.  

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COVID was bungled from the beginning.

The government should have flat out lied.  Told us that the disease caused uncontrollable rectal bleeding and that our dicks would fall off before we died from the excruciating pain.  I'm guessing they wouldn't have then had the need for all the constant browbeating, guilt, and shaming.

What I've learned is that "public health" infrastructure is pretty much worthless.  Kind of like airbags on a jetliner.  Okay, maybe seatbelts.  Because those are real and you can at least touch and see what it is that your dollars are paying for, still knowing that they won't do much.  I mean, will they help in a sudden stop while taxiing?  Sure, but that's like the tainted lettuce/E coli outbreak of air travel.

The airplane analogy may be an apt one.  Pandemics and public health emergencies should feel like a harrowing, nose-first crash.  Sustained G-forces.  Rapid decompression.  Panic.  Dread.  Legitimate fear for life and safety.  No need to tell us twice, or even once.  Passengers wailing in their seats and kneeling in the aisle.  When the pilot sounds the alarm, drops the oxygen masks, and instructs the passengers to assume the crash position, there better be a damn better reason than an air traffic hold en route.

Notwithstanding all of the drama, COVID just feels like a delayed arrival.  Sure, some on the plane will be inconvenienced.  They might miss connections, job interviews, weddings.  Tragic stuff, for sure.  But for the most part, we'll all just adapt to a shorter layover, and maybe even a more lively than usual dash through the terminal.  99.9+% survival rate, questionable test reliability, mostly asymptomatic carriers, flulike symptoms...who's even going to consider dispatching airport fire and rescue for this.

Yet, the "pilots" in control are continually trying to keep up the ruse, yelling and screaming instructions into the cabin.  Confused, frightened cabin crew trying to make sense of it all.  Meanwhile, all we have to do is look out our windows and we can see clear skies and level flight along the distant horizon.  If, however, this is it, and we are all crashing to our doom, might as well resume the f**king cabin service.  (And let the kids play hockey.)

The flight from hell.  The system that cried "Wolf!"  

Because apparently they had nothing better to do?

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56 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

At today's 'Million MAGA March" in DC.   These nutcases are no different than Antifa.  Only difference is, unlike these inbreds at a pro-Trump rally, you're unlikely to find Antifa at pro-Biden events.  


They should start burning and looting, than you would find it acceptable.  I wonder if that lady had the same hashtags when women were wearing vaginas in their heads for the anti trump march 4 years ago?  

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Burgum went from A to Z last night. He better hope his "s#@t sticks to the wall" on this one because come December 14 it's gonna get real  pretty quick with the citizens of this state if his mandates don't work (and they won't because he won't address the real issue) with a potential  Biden lockdown or targeted restrictions looming a month later. 

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Another record of daily new cases in MN and ND today.

27 of 35 MN deaths today in LTC or assisted living facilities.........70% of all total Covid deaths to date in MN from those facilities. Nothing to see there. 

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16 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

Burgum went from A to Z last night. He better hope his "s#@t sticks to the wall" on this one because come December 14 it's gonna get real  pretty quick with the citizens of this state if his mandates don't work (and they won't because he won't address the real issue) with a potential  Biden lockdown or targeted restrictions looming a month later. 

Some states might tell a Biden ADMIN to go pound sand.

Six-week lockdown? Not on my watch! Mississippi governor vows to FIGHT as Biden adviser floats nationwide Covid-19 shutdown




Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves has hit back against presumptive Democratic president-elect Joe Biden’s plan for a six-week Covid-19 lockdown, denouncing the plan as wildly unreasonable and vowing to “fight that if necessary.”

Reeves, a Republican, put his foot down in response to the proposed shutdown during a Facebook Live Covid-19 update on Thursday. “We’re not going to participate in a nationwide lockdown,” he said, arguing the suggestion from one of Biden’s “expert” pandemic advisers was “totally and completely beyond reasonableness.”



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12 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

Let’s talk ND age 80+ cumulative data:

3200 positives 

470 deaths (14.7%)

That’s an ugly number. 

What is the average year death rate for that age group? 

One 30 bed long term care facility had more deaths last year in a month without Covid than they did this year with Covid.

Like they say the worst thing to get is natural causes, what most people die from 

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