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2020 Dumpster Fire (Enter at your own risk)


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1 hour ago, FSSD said:

The one thing that doesn't make sense to me about many of your posts is that you group anarchist with the Alt Right - Anarchist don't believe in government.  So, it stands to reason that they are neither left or right.  Am I missing something?  Please help me understand your logic.

never try to understand the kid that sits in a litter box eating the "treats"...

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4 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

Is there still doubt that wearing masks generally helps in the battle against Covid?

There is certainly doubt that removing choice and forcing people to wear masks is a sensible approach.

A lot of things might "generally help" in a lot of humanity's struggles, but that should hardly be the test for universal adoption.

Characterizing a virus phenomenon marked by unprecedented attention and detection (as opposed to, say, real impact) as a "battle" implies that you think it is either of finite duration or a "winnable" concept, and I think both of those notions remain wildly in doubt.

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20 minutes ago, 90siouxfan said:

never try to understand the kid that sits in a litter box eating the "treats"...

Thank for the reply, I will bow out of this thread.  I thought that he may a reason and was looking to cull some information to gain a better understanding of the various positions.  Peace.

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7 minutes ago, FSSD said:

Thank for the reply, I will bow out of this thread.  I thought that he may a reason and was looking to cull some information to gain a better understanding of the various positions.  Peace.


Anarchists can be both left and right.  It’s the extreme position on the Y-axis of a political graph.  

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“We’re still in the early days for the second wave but the numbers are very concerning and definitely heading the wrong direction,” Dr. Thomas Tsai of the Harvard Global Health Institute, told Yahoo Finance. “It’s hard to tell where this wave is going to end up but it’s definitely continuing to grow… We should hope for the best but prepare for the worst.”

Something really struck me about this particular statement.  "Wrong direction."  Makes no sense whatsoever.

Like it or not, we are headed in the only direction that is possible...forward.  There is no sideways, there is no reverse, there is no skip to the next chapter.

There's fear mongering, and then there's irrational and disingenuous gobbledygook, spewed by anyone with a degree or title who can find a microphone.  I pity people who are so detached from reality that they think COVID is the result of a politician or ideology, or that - unlike every other virus ever - it can somehow be stopped from running its course.

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3 minutes ago, Bison Dan said:

We need to get those Hunter emails verified one way or the other.  If true this would be the bigger than Watergate.  Until we do I'm referring to Biden as 50% Joe.

Peter Schweizer has met with one of Hunters partners that is in Prison.  Hunter and a third partner through one under the bus.  So Schweizer met him.  The guy gave him his email info, password and authorized him to read and use them.  Hunter and Joe are cooked.  That is why big tech is fighting hard to keep it covered and hopes Joe wins to make it go away.  It make Watergate and pop Warner game.

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6 minutes ago, Nodak78 said:

Peter Schweizer has met with one of Hunters partners that is in Prison.  Hunter and a third partner through one under the bus.  So Schweizer met him.  The guy gave him his email info, password and authorized him to read and use them.  Hunter and Joe are cooked.  That is why big tech is fighting hard to keep it covered and hopes Joe wins to make it go away.  It make Watergate and pop Warner game.

I forgot.  You cultists are both stupid and insane.

Maybe Dear Leader has a real estate investment opportunity outside of our United States of America?

Buh bye 

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11 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

Not sure it belongs here, but watching Notre Dame's offense was like watching a dumpster fire today. :lol:

At least there is some normalcy in the world with sports being somewhat back. 

I watched much of this game today. The Irish are overrated again I am afraid.

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Well, now we know what the GOP’s ‘October Surprise’ is.  They’re banking on 2016’s game-plan to work again.  

I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden is waist-high in ****.  That said, the backstory of how Rudy obtained this info sounds questionable as hell too.  Either way,  until it’s verified/disproven the GOP will milk the crap out of this.  "The worst scandal of all time!!!" "This makes Watergate look like kindergarten!!!"        
Has Trump started with the Lock Him Up chants yet?     

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25 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

Well, now we know what the GOP’s ‘October Surprise’ is.  They’re banking on 2016’s game-plan to work again.  

I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden is waist-high in ****.  That said, until it’s verified/disproven the GOP will milk the crap out of this.  "The worst scandal of all time!!!" "This makes Watergate look like kindergarten!!!"        
Has Trump started with the Lock Him Up chants yet?     

Won't work this time.  Only the overtly willing weak minded that already wear the tin foil hats will buy it.  They're voting for Trump anyway.  

I wonder if this will just sway more undecideds to Biden? 

I've been spending some time calling for Biden and the Democrats.  I've done this for years.  Two key questions get a lot of affirmative answers.  From independents and Democrats.

Did you vote for all the Democrats?

Have you already voted? 

Others are interesting also.  But, Trump is driving folks to even vote against local Republicans that have held their offices for a long time.  Reason?  Can't trust Republicans anymore. 

Too bad.  Some decent local Republican public servants are going away.  

Also, Democrats are voting in abnormally high numbers. 

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These Hunter Biden emails were a ruse ... until they were verified by someone on the email thread.

It’s not a good look for the Bidens.

The fact that most media does not want to dig on the subject is a hard tell. 

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