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Per Schlossman tweet the UND captains have been suspended for the first game of the season. The suspension came from a team party that happened on Saturday.

Kristo, Rowney, MacWilliam, Knight

Not a good start to the season.

Schlossman tweet:

" UND suspended team captains MacWilliam, Knight, Kristo and Rowney for season opener due to a team party Saturday night."

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Per Schlossman tweet the UND captains have been suspended for the first exhibition game of the season. The suspension came from a team party that happened on Saturday.

Kristo, Rowney, MacWilliam, Knight

Not a good start to the season.

Definitely a tough start to the season, but I agree with any sort of punishments handed out to these young men who are supposed to be acting as role models.

Guess they all should have played hockey at NDSU. :lol:

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I think this is as much of a message to the school down south and to the legislature as it is to the hockey team. It is interesting that they are suspended for the Alaska game. Makes you wonder if they will even travel, since you normally only take one spare player along. Either that or they will only have 15 skaters for that first game. That would be rough.

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Yes I know boys will be boys but these are our captains. They should know better. I find it hard to believe Corban Knight is involved with this. From what I have heard over the past 3 years is he is about as straight as you can get. I'm sure more facts will come out as time goes by.

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I think this is as much of a message to the school down south and to the legislature as it is to the hockey team. It is interesting that they are suspended for the Alaska game. Makes you wonder if they will even travel, since you normally only take one spare player along. Either that or they will only have 15 skaters for that first game. That would be rough.

The Athletic Director taking part in administering to the University's reputation -- What a novel idea!

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“The behavior in this situation was unacceptable,” athletic director Brian Faison said. “Measures taken by the athletics department do not preclude possible additional measures by the department, or actions by the University, local or state authorities.”

Local or state authorities,.........good lord I've got a sick feeling there is more to drop out of this one.

Not the start they needed, and after the two minors from a few weeks ago?

What next?

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Some of you need to quit pretending the administrative action being done is because "that's how things are done at UND". It's more along the lines of "Oh crap, we better do something before we are knee deep in crap like the other guys".

... and the folks down south never learned that lesson, nor listened to the public that help support them. I guess that they are two different kinds of programs after all.

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There has to be more to this story, the player's aren't allowed to have a weekend party anymore? Something must've happened.

I hope they're just using this as an opportunity to send a message, and that there isn't more to the story. Maybe the administration is looking at this in the context of the garbage that has transpired at BU and they want to send a clear message that they are in control of the institution.

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There has to be more to this story, the player's aren't allowed to have a weekend party anymore? Something must've happened.

Sounds like from what I am hearing that is was just a normal party with a lot of people. I get it, the whole team shouldn't be having a big party, especially after what happened to Jimmer and Parks just a few weeks back, but cmon, they are college kids.

My guess is that the party had everyone there, but since they are captains, Mac, Kristo, Knight and Rowns took the blunt of the damage since they couldn't punish everyone. It's just a statement saying 'hey, we could be pretty damn good this year. Quit messin around.' That's the way I see it I guess.

I have seen people on other forums already bashing Kristo... give me a flippin break. He's a COLLEGE KID and NO ONE knows the whole story of what happened outside of that locker room. I just hope everyone takes a deep breath and they move on and learn a little.

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If something more severe had happened I think we would have heard about it via word of mouth by now. My guess is big team party with under age drinking going on, and things got a bit out of control. (For the first time ever in college history)

Glad the message was sent though. Hopefully a couple of no puck practices continue to send the message once the coaches get on the ice with players.

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Sounds like from what I am hearing that is was just a normal party with a lot of people. I get it, the whole team shouldn't be having a big party, especially after what happened to Jimmer and Parks just a few weeks back, but cmon, they are college kids.

My guess is that the party had everyone there, but since they are captains, Mac, Kristo, Knight and Rowns took the blunt of the damage since they couldn't punish everyone. It's just a statement saying 'hey, we could be pretty damn good this year. Quit messin around.' That's the way I see it I guess.

I have seen people on other forums already bashing Kristo... give me a flippin break. He's a COLLEGE KID and NO ONE knows the whole story of what happened outside of that locker room. I just hope everyone takes a deep breath and they move on and learn a little.

A college athlete of age had a beer......better call in the CIA.....

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My source says it was the annual rookie party. So obviously under age drinking was involved. Better shut down the program. I kid of course. Nip it in the bud now and pray nothing else happens the rest of the year. Last year it was injuries,this year lets not make it suspensions.

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