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New Nickname



319 members have voted

  1. 1. What name should replace "Fighting Sioux" after it's retired?

    • Aviators or Pilots
    • Cavalry
    • Nodaks
    • Nokotas
    • Norse, Nordics, Fighting Norsemen
    • Outlaws
    • Plainsmen
    • Rangers
    • Rough Riders
    • Other

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Oddly, my favorite is prune.

My family background is a little German, but Scotch and Norwegian for the most part. If we were to use a food name, I'd go with a German dish. Sorry, but lutefisk and haggis just destroys any credibility for Norske and Scotch food for me...

Prune is very good too........except for the 2 hour follow up colon cleanse express!

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Is it possible to be just SIOUX?

Why not communicate with both tribes and ask to honor the history and heritage of the state? Offer scholarships to academically eligible native students. (Not as payoff, but as way to show gratitude and willingness to work with the tribal members) Before every home game, or halftime, use time to talk of the history of the state and tribes. Also instruct students, and community what is acceptable in display of team pride. I dont want anything like FSU. Use the name to educate. Occasionally, maybe homecoming, few hockey, basketball, and other games, allow tribes to be showcased. Let them choose how/what they want to display. How could the NCAA deny that? Maybe its absolutely impossible, and I'm sure someone will educate me here. But, if its important to majority to keep name in some way, there should be way to get it done.

The Chippewas would never allow this.

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In case our SiouxSports friends in the Twin Cities didn't know and would like to take part, there will be a town hall meeting of the UND Nickname and Logo Process Recommendation Task Force tonight in Bloomington. Karl Goehring will facilitate. Details in the link below.

There will be a similar meeting in Denver on Dec. 11.


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So if this committee is developing the process to pick a nickname. Why aren't those questions comments being asked at these town hall meetings? I haven't see one piece on anyone's statement/opinion on it.

The latest meeting was 1) don't. 2) yes soon. 3) gf and the UND community should have a say.

Never anything about how to go about it. Isn't that their task?


Pick a name before 2016 and have UND fans help pick it. Wow that's some groundbreaking stuff at these meetings. Seems like these are just "feel good" meetings, so the administration can later say, "hey we asked your input."

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Interesting spin by the Herald, because what this really says is that 70% of those that participated (mostly alumni) don't want a new nickname. 


Edit: the Herald obviously felt the same way as they changed the headline. 

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I went to the Williston meeting, and I thought a good idea was thrown around. Have it a vote by students, alumni, and donating stakeholders, have AT LEAST 3 choices on the ballot. Never go to a new name until a name gets >50% in that format. That's one of the only ways, in my mind, you can determine which name has a consensus (or the closest thing to it).

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Interesting spin by the Herald, because what this really says is that 70% of those that participated (mostly alumni) don't want a new nickname.

It said 30% wanted a new nickname next year, and 29% as quickly as possible that's 59% that wants a new name so your 70 went down to at most 41%.

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It said 30% wanted a new nickname next year, and 29% as quickly as possible that's 59% that wants a new name so your 70 went down to at most 41

This is where statistics and reporting gets tricky. It says that "when asked if the plan is to end up with a nickname what should the timeline be" Answering this question doesn't mean you want a new nickname, you could answer this question and still be among those who don't want a nickname or want to keep the Fighting Sioux (a pipe dream) - the question was "If the plan is for a new nickname what should the timeline be?".


Later it says responses were divided among the three options (interesting that they didn't provide specific percentages just a general "responses were divided." I wonder how they were divided?). 


When asked their opinion of how the timeline should look if the task force chooses to create a plan that ends with picking a new nickname, 30 percent of respondents said they would be in favor of picking a new nickname within the next year, leaving flexibility to make sure the process is thoroughly vetted, and 29 percent said they would be in favor of picking a new nickname as soon as possible.

According to members, responses were divided among those who wanted to adopt a new nickname, those who want to return to the old Fighting Sioux name and those in favor of not using any nickname.

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This is where statistics and reporting gets tricky. It says that "when asked if the plan is to end up with a nickname what should the timeline be" Answering this question doesn't mean you want a new nickname, you could answer this question and still be among those who don't want a nickname or want to keep the Fighting Sioux (a pipe dream) - if just asked "If the plan is for a new nickname what should the timeline be?". 


I can see how it can be read either way.  They don't have the survey results posted yet, once they do, it should be fairly simple to see the breakdown and figure out what the Herald couldn't clearly put into words.

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I am not among the conspiracy group. I think they are doing the best they can to get many voices involved and be visible.


However, unless they release the entire survey with vote breakdown,  to many people it will appear the UND is steering the survey to say what it wants. Another thing to keep in mind about this survey is its sample size - which is quite small (but does reflect those who care enough to take it.) 

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First step in selecting a new name is informing people that "Fighting Sioux", "Sioux", or no name at all are NOT an option. People need to realize that a new name IS going to be selected. Once people finally realize that and accept that, the process can finally begin moving forward.

I agree - but a member of the committee said that "No Name" was an option (quoted in the Bismarck Tribune i believe). I'm thinking UND cringed at that.  

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It said 30% wanted a new nickname next year, and 29% as quickly as possible that's 59% that wants a new name so your 70 went down to at most 41%.


Are the people that make up the 29% different people than the ones that make up the 30% or could they be the same people voting on a different question?

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I agree - but a member of the committee said that "No Name" was an option (quoted in the Bismarck Tribune i believe). I'm thinking UND cringed at that.  


No name was an option of the survey only because they knew people would want to express that opinion.  Does anyone actually think that UND will not select a new name and just be North Dakota?

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Are the people that make up the 29% different people than the ones that make up the 30% or could they be the same people voting on a different question?

30% new name in 2015

29% ASAP

As I read it. (although it could be the same group)


If the Herald would just print the entire results it would be easier to read

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Wonder what this means "The task force also agreed they want to address the people who have said they’ll never let go of the Fighting Sioux."


There are still alumni from Stanford University and Miami of Ohio that wear their former school name and logo - doesn't mean they don't support their U, it more likely means the name/logo is a part of their experience and memories from their time at the school. 

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What God decreed that? ....its no wonder we live in the world we do with that kind of thinking. Wow!

You actually think the NCAA will allow UND a Native American nickname, or the SBoHE for that matter? Ever hear of tribal approval UND didn't get it per the settlement that road is closed.

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