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Kind of an understatement considering you had players starting chants during the championship celebration.

Marcus Williams said Sioux Suck. Get over it. He knows the fans eat that sort of stuff up. He also has a sister who plays ball up there.

So....like I said, I think it will be interesting to see how the players respond to it. In the two basketball games played against one another, I think we all got let down. I thought both of those would be a lot more fun than they were.

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Marcus Williams said Sioux Suck. Get over it. He knows the fans eat that sort of stuff up. He also has a sister who plays ball up there.

So....like I said, I think it will be interesting to see how the players respond to it. In the two basketball games played against one another, I think we all got let down. I thought both of those would be a lot more fun than they were.

Two thoughts on this:

First, football is astronomically more important to people as far as the rivalry goes than any other sport...always was, always will be.

Secondly, you might be a little too young to remember the full effect of how this series used to be in the old days.

It's not going to take long for the coaches, fans, alumni, media, etc... to jump all over this game when it gets closer, and the players are going to feel that emotion and they will bring it when the opening kickoff hits the air.

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All the Sioux fans I talked to this year had a great time at the Basketball game. It must of been the Bison fans who didn't have as much fun.

The game when NDSU thumped UND by 20-some wasn't that fun either.

If the UND team no longer has the Fighting Sioux nickname by the time this game is played it will not come close to having the same kind of meaning that the old Sioux/Bison games had. I would probably rather find a Northwestern/Purdue game to watch on TV at that point.

Hahaha oh I'm sure. Have fun.

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I believe it holds 18,901 or something like that. But that doesn't mean everyone with a ticket will show up. For one reason or another, not everyone will make it. Sickness, weddings, kids' events, etc.

If UND wins, Lakes will probably kill himself. I myself plan on falling on a sword if NDSU loses, cause thats honorable and stuff.

I think it will be interesting to see how the players respond to it. I'm sure they are aware that the fanbases don't like each other and all the other hooplah, but they still probably won't quite have that animosity towards one another.


I know that some players from each team got in a fight at a party in GF last fall. I think it's still there.

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The real fan of the new UND team will thank me.

All real UND FIGHTING SIOUX fans will boycott a team by any other name.

... and when the name does change, if you are a man of your word, I will enjoy not seeing you on this board anymore, because after all it will be about the University of North Dakota athletics, not Fighting Sioux athletics at that point. Can't wait until after the vote.

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Marcus Williams said Sioux Suck. Get over it. He knows the fans eat that sort of stuff up. He also has a sister who plays ball up there.

So....like I said, I think it will be interesting to see how the players respond to it. In the two basketball games played against one another, I think we all got let down. I thought both of those would be a lot more fun than they were.

This is like you choosing only the record of the last 50 years to base your opinion of the overall rivalry. Players and fans are thinking about UND immediately after winning the Nat'l Championship and you are wondering how they will respond to it. Good stuff. I think your question was answered last January.

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The game when NDSU thumped UND by 20-some wasn't that fun either.

You mean the game played right after the NDSU football team lost in the playoffs? Don't you think that the football loss might have played a part in the attitude of the crowd? Especially since the NDSU fans had probably been drinking all afternoon watching football, only to have their hopes and dreams shattered. And UND was losing pretty bad so their fans weren't going to have fun. Another very selective opinion.
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And a couple weeks ago in a bar I watched a couple bison fb players coming in throw fake punches at a couple Sioux fans (not players) who were leaving and nothing had been said prior. And then they acted like they just won a title bout. I was secretly hoping they'd connect for a nice little PR nightmare at the old ag school.

So the hate is still plenty there.

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If the UND team no longer has the Fighting Sioux nickname by the time this game is played it will not come close to having the same kind of meaning that the old Sioux/Bison games had. I would probably rather find a Northwestern/Purdue game to watch on TV at that point.

Welp, see ya later.

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Apparently there are mised feeling about this game on Bville!! Many are saying that scheduling this game is dumb. They list reasons about losing a home game, and not making enough money on it, etc. Seriously...this is UND/NDSU!!! This was the biggest game of the year EVERY YEAR!!! I would think most Bison fans would want this game so they can prove they are better instead of just arguing it on message boards! But I suppose for them it is a lose/lose like the basketball game was this year!!

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Yeah I don't really get it because it is hard enough to schedule quality FCS games west of the Mississippi. Not to mention this is a home and home so it is not like they are paying us 200k to come in. It will be a full house, not to mention the media opportunities, so whatever they make should be a profit. Those arguments simply don't hold water; as it is merely arrogance and stubbornness at its finest. Oh, and we are giving up a home game in 2015 to make this happen so we are making a sacrifice too. FCS should really go to 12 game schedules as well.

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Apparently there are mised feeling about this game on Bville!! Many are saying that scheduling this game is dumb. They list reasons about losing a home game, and not making enough money on it, etc. Seriously...this is UND/NDSU!!! This was the biggest game of the year EVERY YEAR!!! I would think most Bison fans would want this game so they can prove they are better instead of just arguing it on message boards! But I suppose for them it is a lose/lose like the basketball game was this year!!

There is a group on Bville that still have their feelings hurt from when Roger Thomas canceled all games between the schools. Somehow they believe that this damaged NDSU, even though they brag about how successful their transition was to Division I (I don't know how you can have both sides of that story). That group doesn't want anything to do with UND, and some of them would be very happy to damage UND any way they could. Some of us have explained to Bison fans on this board how they could come out money ahead doing a home and home with UND versus hosting home games each year with some nobody school. But they can't seem to grasp the math, the grudge gets in their way. I really don't know how they can get anything done in life carrying that heavy load around all of the time.
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There is a group on Bville that still have their feelings hurt from when Roger Thomas canceled all games between the schools. Somehow they believe that this damaged NDSU, even though they brag about how successful their transition was to Division I (I don't know how you can have both sides of that story). That group doesn't want anything to do with UND, and some of them would be very happy to damage UND any way they could. Some of us have explained to Bison fans on this board how they could come out money ahead doing a home and home with UND versus hosting home games each year with some nobody school. But they can't seem to grasp the math, the grudge gets in their way. I really don't know how they can get anything done in life carrying that heavy load around all of the time.

Actually it turned out fine (RT canceled all games) as the AD really worked hard and with a few rough spots had a very successful trainsition. You know as well as I how hard it is to schedule games during a transition as your schedules were less than good. The only "money ahead" in playing is on the side of UND. We're doing fine without playing you.

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Actually it turned out fine (RT canceled all games) as the AD really worked hard and with a few rough spots had a very successful trainsition. You know as well as I how hard it is to schedule games during a transition as your schedules were less than good. The only "money ahead" in playing is on the side of UND. We're doing fine without playing you.

Not only is this excuse pathetic, but also inaccurate. Are you trying to tell me that you will make more off of paying prairieview A&M 225k just to come up to a not sold out Fargo Dome?

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Actually it turned out fine (RT canceled all games) as the AD really worked hard and with a few rough spots had a very successful trainsition. You know as well as I how hard it is to schedule games during a transition as your schedules were less than good. The only "money ahead" in playing is on the side of UND. We're doing fine without playing you.

I do know how hard it is to schedule games. NDSU did well. But the grudge that some of you are holding is unbelievable. And I'm not going to go through the math again, but NDSU could come out ahead by well over $100,000 over a 2 year period by using premium pricing for UND games and by not having to pay anything to bring in an opponent. SU is doing "fine" but could be doing even better. That doesn't include the huge PR boost that both schools will get for each game. A large part of the state and parts of both Minnesota and South Dakota would be watching a UND-NDSU game on television and that is exposure that neither school would get for a game against pretty much anyone else. That PR is worth a lot of money.
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Yeah I don't really get it because it is hard enough to schedule quality FCS games west of the Mississippi. Not to mention this is a home and home so it is not like they are paying us 200k to come in. It will be a full house, not to mention the media opportunities, so whatever they make should be a profit. Those arguments simply don't hold water; as it is merely arrogance and stubbornness at its finest. Oh, and we are giving up a home game in 2015 to make this happen so we are making a sacrifice too. FCS should really go to 12 game schedules as well.

They would rather schedule a home and home with South Dakota than UND...makes sense the USD games are winnable.

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NDSU sold out two regular season games last season. They didn't even sell out the first playoff game.

Edit: there attendance numbers are so random vs. their capacity its hard to tell what they call a sellout. Two appeared to be. But if those were sellouts than all three playoff games were not.

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