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2020 Dumpster Fire (Enter at your own risk)


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33 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

I will not get into a pissing match.

I am concerned that trump may have turned honorable people into less honorable people. What has he done to folks with his demand for personal loyalty?  It appears he gets rid of anyone (even heads off agencies that are supposed to be apolitical) who isn’t 100% loyal to him personally. I feel this is wrong and a threat to our country.

 I think Pence is a good man. I think he would be a better man if not under trump’s thumb. I think he would have been better with Covid if not for Trump. Trump pulls all the strings. 

personally, I would be much better off in a Republican administration. But, how can you justify all the Republican voter suppression? I could go on and on.

 I consider myself church going. It concerns me what the Democratic Party preaches about numerous issues. Heck, can’t even say Merry Christmas. Their stance on Immigration issues bother me. Seems we get pushed around in foreign affairs. Generally I feel the Democratic Party is too anti business. Businesses are not the enemy.  I could go in and on.
I was very torn in who to support this time. As I have said before - I was more concerned about Trump (and what he has done to the Republican Party) than voting for Biden. Not voting or voting a protest vote doesn’t make sense to me.

maybe I don’t say things correctly all the time but these are my opinions

again no pissing contest for me. 


"Voter suppression" is a joke. 

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38 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

I don't think you understand. 

Biden will appoint a Cabinet that will get things done, as where T's Cabinet wasn't all that supportive of him - especially at the start. Trump also hired outlaws, to help fight the laws.
A good manager hires a team. Kamala Harris will be the most powerfull VP ever, that's in Biden's blood. He wanted to be in on discussions of every big deal when he was VP, and was so much more so than any other VP. There will be a big change in the way the WH governs, called working with Congress. All the Departments within our govenment will be back to working for the people and not for T.

This is why I put policies of a party in the back seat. T is not for you cult members.
#1 is remove T. Get Ameria back again!

You don’t live in the real world. If Biden is the president and the republicans keep the senate there will be no cooperation. We’ve crossed a political threshold as a country and there is no going back. People working across the aisle is going to become more and more rare. The two parties have simply moved too far apart to create any acceptable compromise when negotiating.

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5 hours ago, Nodak78 said:

Mr. Biden is too old for the job, and fragile. There is a very real chance he will not make it through the term. Mr. Trump is also too old but seemingly robust. But in Mike Pence, Mr. Trump has a vice president ready to take over, if need be. He is a safe pair of hands. Sen. Kamala Harris gives no evidence of being ready to be president.


The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette supporting a Republican. Stunning.

But their rationale is spot on.

It is well worth the three minutes to read the whole opinion. 

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Old Republican Party = States right

current Republican Party = file lawsuit in federal courts to override state approved voting laws


there will be riots in the streets and lawsuits filed no matter who wins

Biden is too old.  Trump is close to being too old


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The New York Times
Dishonesty Has Defined the Trump Presidency. The Consequences Could Be Lasting.
Peter Baker  59 mins ago

WASHINGTON — Born amid made-up crowd size claims and “alternative facts,” the Trump presidency has been a factory of falsehood from the start, churning out distortions, conspiracy theories and brazen lies at an assembly-line pace that has challenged fact-checkers and defied historical analogy.

But now, with the election two days away, the consequences of four years of fabulism are coming into focus as President Trump argues that the vote itself is inherently “rigged,” tearing at the credibility of the system. Should the contest go into extra innings through legal challenges after Tuesday, it may leave a public with little faith in the outcome — and in its own democracy.

The nightmarish scenario of widespread doubt and denial of the legitimacy of the election would cap a period in American history when truth itself has seemed at stake under a president who has strayed so far from the normal bounds that he creates what allies call his own reality. Even if the election ends with a clear victory or defeat for Mr. Trump, scholars and players alike say the very concept of public trust in an established set of facts necessary for the operation of a democratic society has eroded during his tenure with potentially long-term ramifications

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13 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

What is crazy is that for all intents and purposes the election will boil down to 4 or 5 States where the margin of victory will be within 1%...so divided...so evenly divided

For Joe it comes down to PA.  If he loses PA toast.  

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3 minutes ago, Nodak78 said:

No FL and NC are not in play.  FL usually is but Dems way under performing.  Trump territory now.   WI to close yet.

I think there is a chance NC goes to the dems which makes a path for Trump difficult.  Oddly enough as I said months ago i think MN flips which makes up a portion of that loss.  

Biden I able to draw any crowds unless Obama is with him really has to be concerning for the dems momentum to get people out in Tuesday.  If your not overly excited about your candidate, will you wait in line for an hour plus to cast your vote.  If your child has been sitting at home falling behind at school, will you sit in line to vote for further lockdown?  

Big wildcard for me is how much of the population shift of people moving out of NY and the west coast states (CA, OR and WA) change demographics for states like AZ, CO and states further northeast.  

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4 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

Trump campaigned hard and smart  Biden didn’t campaign hard and I question his use of resources.

might bite Biden in the rear

His only resource that drew any excitement at all was Obama.  Probably should have gotten Michelle out as well.  

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1 hour ago, homer said:

His only resource that drew any excitement at all was Obama.  Probably should have gotten Michelle out as well.  

The only reason O is there is to protect himself.  If T gets reelected it will be his downfall when Barr investigates the spying and Hunter.

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11 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

Is there something in the constitution that says that all votes need to be tabulated Election Day to be counted?  There must be if that is potentially what the Supreme Court might be ruling on.

No. There is more to it than that though. 

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14 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

Is there something in the constitution that says that all votes need to be tabulated Election Day to be counted?  There must be if that is potentially what the Supreme Court might be ruling on.

This frickin day comes around once every four years. How difficult is it to plan to vote before or on election day? The fact than any vote casted after midnight Tuesday would be counted is absurd. 

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1 minute ago, The Sicatoka said:

Governor Whitmer in Michigan announced new public dining restrictions ... today, two days to Election Day. 

She has to be just ridiculously stupid.

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