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2020 Dumpster Fire (Enter at your own risk)


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2 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

And yet we we still haven’t figured out how exactly to protect the population most at risk.

Unfortunately that's life. Flu, stroke, cancer, dementia.  Everyone can't be saved.  I think the steps being taken in that regard are pretty darn good.  There isn't a great answer to protection of folks who are already higher compromised from a health perspective. 

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Let's talk mortality for a second.

Does anyone think that life expectancy for a NYC resident has actually shortened due to COVID?  Say, one year ago, a 45 year old male had X% likelihood of dying within 12 months from a communicable disease, as opposed to all other causes, or to none at all (i.e, survival).  Today, that likelihood is X*Y, wherein Y is a multiple representing an appropriate adjustment for COVID.  What is Y?  Is it even perceptible?

Same exercise for a 55 year old, and a 65 year old.  What are their Y values?

Does anyone honestly believe that the actual danger of dying has increased in any appreciable way?

And then throw wearing a mask into the equation, just for kicks.

Perception is a powerful tool, but I like my chances sticking with math.

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21 minutes ago, dlsiouxfan said:

Tired of all this winning yet?  #TrumpDepression

I suppose it is alot to ask of a certain segment to objectively look at the Covid situation when they are still butt hurt about an election that occurred 3.5 years ago. 

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On 5/5/2020 at 6:36 PM, NoiseInsideMyHead said:

Maybe we can learn something about the perils of too much information in the Information Age. Maybe being human and vulnerable isn’t really the problem. Maybe putting too much information in the hands of those least equipped to deal with it is the real culprit.

37 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

6 deaths in one day is encouraging? 

Daily reporting of COVID statistics is one of the worst things that could have ever happened to mankind.


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30 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

'Lockdowns' do work if implemented correctly.  Lockdowns aren't meant to go on forever, or be a solution.  They are implemented to buy time to formulate a solution.   

Unfortunately, we half-a$$ed the process.  This country locked down... and, well, that it.   We've done nothing with the time we bought.   No mass testing, no mass tracing, no containment strategy and no congruent plan of action.    

...and here we sit in a much worse situation than we could have been; both in terms of economics and death count.    

“those who would sacrifice liberty for safety, deserve neither” - Benjamin Franklin

Do the “Trump is a Nazi” crowd that support enforced total quarantine understand how totalitarian and fascist a government mandated Total quarantine is?  




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3 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

“those who would sacrifice liberty for safety, deserve neither” - Benjamin Franklin

Do the “Trump is a Nazi” crowd that support enforced total quarantine understand how totalitarian and fascist a government mandated Total quarantine is?  

 So would everyone agree that the Chicago Mayor is a fascist dictator?

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Coronavirus is coming for the red states too

It almost seems as if some want this to go on forever. Economically, we can't go on like this forever. People need to work. People need to feed their families. 



The latest data suggests it might not be. The future course of the epidemic is uncertain. But in recent days, new numbers from a variety of sources ­— including the Trump administration — have undercut each of the assumptions at the heart of this hopeful narrative, hinting that the trajectory of COVID-19 could still take a turn for the worse.

Infections and deaths are not declining. Red America has not necessarily been spared. And the worst may not be behind us.



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1 hour ago, Redneksioux said:

6 deaths in one day is encouraging? 

It’s a strange world where families of 90+ year old people who pass away “from COVID-19” receive a phone call from their state’s governor...while the family of an 18 year old kid from Miles City MT who died in a car accident grieves with some local folks who attend his funeral, pretty much unnoticed by anyone living more than 25 miles away.

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48 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

“those who would sacrifice liberty for safety, deserve neither” - Benjamin Franklin

Do the “Trump is a Nazi” crowd that support enforced total quarantine understand how totalitarian and fascist a government mandated Total quarantine is?  





You obviously have no idea what Franklin was talking about.   it's not even his full quote. 

Hint: It was about taxation and security on the frontier.  The choice to raise funds for defense against the French vs self-governance.

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7 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


You obviously have no idea what Franklin was talking about.   it's not even his full quote. 

Hint: it was about taxation.  The choice of taxation to raise funds to prevent attacks from the French vs the right of self-governance.

I believe you are correct that the narrow context of the quote was a tax issue.  That said the quote, which could and likely would have easily been, was not limited to that tiny area of civil liberty.

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4 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


You obviously have no idea what Franklin was talking about.   it's not even his full quote. 

Hint: It was about taxation and security on the frontier.  The choice to raise funds for defense against the French vs the right of self-governance.

I feel it’s use is applicable to current. Thanks for the internet search....I saw the NPR write-up on its original usage too.  I’m going to have Japanese A5 Waygu tonight,  because My worldview has made me wealthy, healthy, and free...

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1 hour ago, NoiseInsideMyHead said:

Let's talk mortality for a second.

Does anyone think that life expectancy for a NYC resident has actually shortened due to COVID?  Say, one year ago, a 45 year old male had X% likelihood of dying within 12 months from a communicable disease, as opposed to all other causes, or to none at all (i.e, survival).  Today, that likelihood is X*Y, wherein Y is a multiple representing an appropriate adjustment for COVID.  What is Y?  Is it even perceptible?

Same exercise for a 55 year old, and a 65 year old.  What are their Y values?

Does anyone honestly believe that the actual danger of dying has increased in any appreciable way?

And then throw wearing a mask into the equation, just for kicks.

Perception is a powerful tool, but I like my chances sticking with math.


You're entitled to your opinion.  Just don't walk into a NYC firehouse saying as such.  

I posted this before.  Perhaps it will give you some insight into the magnitude of Covid in some places other than secure Grand Forks.    


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36 minutes ago, keikla said:

You know, some people post stuff that I don't agree with.  Others post in an aggressive manner I don't appreciate. But congrats on posting something so ignorant that I literally want to scream.

Hell yes. Maybe not in North Dakota, but to imply otherwise for NY is a huge slap in the face to everyone here who has spent the past two months living in hell.

Can't recall any other time in my career that the hospital had to rent refrigerated trailers to function as an extension of the morgue.  Or that the city has had to do extensive mass graves because funeral homes and cemeteries can't keep up.  Or that funeral homes are only offering mass cremation services, so if you ask for ashes they may or may not contain your loved one, but they will surely contain at least one other person you didn't know at all. I'm sure those are all just my perception though.

I don't think it's healthy to have daily reported numbers to laymen. I also don't know what Y is, cause we're still too busy functioning at a 300% critical care capacity full of all those people who supposedly didn't have their risk of dying increase in any appreciable way to sit down and do the math.

NoiseInsideHisHead sounds alot like the afternoon buffoon on 1310am...if you want to hear more ignorance check that out some time.

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21 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


You're entitled to your opinion.  Just don't walk into a NYC firehouse saying as such.  

I posted this before.  Perhaps it will give you some insight into the magnitude of Covid in some places other than secure Grand Forks.    


I live in a suburb of the 2nd largest city in the United States...

the NYC metroplex is the anomaly, not the norm.

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7 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

I live in a suburb of the 2nd largest city in the United States...

the NYC metroplex is the anomaly, not the norm.

Good for you.  Have a blast living in a suburb of the 2nd largest city in the United States

I was responding to a post specifically about NY.  


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2 hours ago, dlsiouxfan said:

Covid ruined ND's economy?  The Saudi's, Russians, and Trump killed ND Ag and oil, not Covid.

You take such a narrow, shallow view of everything you post about that it’s difficult to respond without writing a book. Plus, every time I ask you a question that you cannot answer without admitting you’re wrong, you don’t respond at all.   So I’ll just let you live in your fantasy land.  

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 First, It's national Nurses Week. I pulled up my laptop when I got home. This was one of the first stories that came across my Twitter Feed. Travel From New York City Seeded Wave of U.S. Outbreaks 



The research indicates that a wave of infections swept from New York City through much of the country before the city began setting social distancing limits to stop the growth. That helped to fuel outbreaks in Louisiana, Texas, Arizona and as far away as the West Coast.


“We now have enough data to feel pretty confident that New York was the primary gateway for the rest of the country,” said Nathan Grubaugh, an epidemiologist at the Yale School of Public Health.

The central role of New York’s outbreak shows that decisions made by state and federal officials — including waiting to impose distancing measures and to limit international flights — helped shape the trajectory of the outbreak and allowed it to grow in the rest of the country.

The city joins other densely populated urban hot spots around the world, starting with Wuhan, China, and then Milan, that have become vectors for the virus’s spread.



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Like a couple of us mentioned the other day, I want to take the test. Sent a message to my Dr's office from my MyAltru account, right now Altru Family Medicine isn't offering the Antibodies Test. I like many, want to get the antibodies test. Our work group has worked through the entire pandemic. It would be interesting to see if we have developed an immunity to it. Maybe we need to do this as a country so can return to a semi-normal life. 


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