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Indian nicknames in the news


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No surprise but his title is incredibly and intentionally misleading. The committee did not recommend "no nickname" being a permanent option, they just stated that it will not be eliminated as a possibility and have no assurance that doing so would not be in violation of the settlement agreement.

If you read the report, you would come to a completely different opinion than what he presented by cherry picking a couple passages. Being aligned with someone who despises higher ed and college athletics and has no interest in what's best for UND is not a position I want to be in on this topic.

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The title is somewhat misleading.  The committee only recommended that no nickname be considered as an option, not that it be considered as the preferred option.


Edit: jdub types faster than me.....

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Tom Dennis puts hit the nail squarly on the head with this opinion article. Couldn't agree with more with what he said.


I agree 100%, this article is spot on. Hopefully they pick a new name this year and we can close this chapter of UND history.

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Just an opinion piece from the herald. So und was given the same ultimatum as Florida state? Then why did und need to get multiple tribes' approval? Not exactly the same offer. Florida state also has more money to offer their one tribe. And how can this guy say und had done little to pay the sioux people for using the name? Wow!

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Just an opinion piece from the herald. So und was given the same ultimatum as Florida state? Then why did und need to get multiple tribes' approval? Not exactly the same offer. Florida state also has more money to offer their one tribe. And how can this guy say und had done little to pay the sioux people for using the name? Wow!

As long as you agree with a newspaper's opinion, they'll print your piece no matter how inaccurate it is.

The editorial opinion piece written a few days ago made so many assumptions, and was so weak in its reasoning, it was actually funny.

UND Lemmings, here we come.

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Just an opinion piece from the herald. So und was given the same ultimatum as Florida state? Then why did und need to get multiple tribes' approval? Not exactly the same offer. Florida state also has more money to offer their one tribe. And how can this guy say und had done little to pay the sioux people for using the name? Wow!


He talks about respect.  But he only refers to respect as giving them money.  How did Florida State earn the Seminole Tribes respect?  By paying them money.  they certainly don't respect them by dressing up a white student and having him throw spears in the ground all while dressed up in native american clothing and then leading the crowd in a tomohawk chant.  At UND, sure there were examples in the past and even today about innapropriate behavior regarding the Sioux name.  But those behaviours are strongly discouraged by UND administration.  UND has for years shown respect to native american people and their culture, specifically the Sioux tribe.  Did UND pay them a percentage of merchandise sales, not that I am aware of.  But respecting someone means more than just paying them with money.


He goes on to say "Did UND offer the Sioux people anything other than "respect," such as financial or educational stipends or stipulations? I am not aware of any."  Not sure if this guy is aware that UND offers the most native american programs than any other University in the country.  He must not have heard of the INMED ir INLAW programs?! 


Respect is something that should be earned, not bought. 

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Just an opinion piece from the herald. So und was given the same ultimatum as Florida state? Then why did und need to get multiple tribes' approval? Not exactly the same offer. Florida state also has more money to offer their one tribe. And how can this guy say und had done little to pay the sioux people for using the name? Wow!


He also ignores the fact that Florida's entire congressional delegation immediately threatened to "get medieval" on the NC$$ whereas NoDak's delegation was, and still is, embarrassingly silent.

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