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Eight Bison football players charged


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I think Bohl is a filthy cheater who runs his program to win, and ONLY to win. Someone said it earlier in this thread, eventually, things will catch up to Mr. Bohl. He has built quite a stereotype up already for the program in Fargo.

I don't understand how you can say that and think it is justified. What has he ever done that makes you think he runs a dirty program?

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Cheater? That would imply NCAA violations and I don't think that has ever been an issue. Reasonable folks will argue and debate his policies on discipline, etc. But saying "cheater" makes you sound like a pouty UND fan that is mad because the Bison would pound your teams ass. LOL!

A game is played on the field, and since Gene Taylor doesn't want to play us, that is just talk. I guess Gene will find even more excuses now not to play because his program was called into question by UND fans -- wait, his program is being called into question by more than UND fans.

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Yesterday you accused me of flipping the argument around, now here you are doing the same thing. I asked a question that can't be answered by saying "you would do the same thing" because that isn't the scenario that is going on right now. I am honestly curious why this bugs UND fans so much, that a coach has decided to let things play out before handing out suspensions.

For the last time: I highlighted the part that is riling up everybody in Fargo and GF, including KFGO, the Forum, and most every caller to the local radio stations.

Now, out of nowhere, after being coach for 9 seasons, he decides for the first time ever to "let stuff play out". Possibly for 5-6 months - when it involves 4 starters and the week he is playing an FBS team.

You have to admit, like most callers on the radio have said, that the timing of his decision looks horrible for him and GT.

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Here is a response on Bison Media Blog from Tom Becka of 101.9 about him being rude at the press conference, as Pom Pom's Kolpack said on twitter:

Tom Becka on September 5, 2012 at 3:30 am


This is the “rude FM talk guy”. If you watch the video of the press conference which is on both your paper’s web site and 1019talkfm.com you can see for yourself. I wasn’t rude in fact the coach even complimented me on one of my questions.

Perhaps what you sensed was my frustration in watching the rest of the media ask softball questions so as to not offend the administration.

These kids won’t be disappointing the football fans. They just disappointed the entire voting population of the state. But why bother with democracy when it’s football season. I’m sorry if my passion was misconstrued with rudeness. You referring to me as the “new FM talk guy” instead of by my name was indeed quite courteous.

Add yet another media member who thinks NDSU screwed up. Of course the only one who doesn't is Pom Pom's.

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Yesterday you accused me of flipping the argument around, now here you are doing the same thing. I asked a question that can't be answered by saying "you would do the same thing" because that isn't the scenario that is going on right now. I am honestly curious why this bugs UND fans so much, that a coach has decided to let things play out before handing out suspensions.

It was more an answer to your question. Why is there complete threads on your team fan board about everything UND? This item though actually has an affect on the state of ND. Two items won't be put to vote due to the actions of a group of people who were hired to do a job, 8 of those people were NDSU football players. I also answered your question as to what got me riled up. When fans of your team tried to drag UND into this or actually placed blame on them. If there was sarcasm involved with their comments I didn't see it. Also, Bison fans still drag Kristo into every conversation they have when a NDSU athlete gets in trouble. Trying to use an incident from 2 years ago to justify your players making the paper, which by the way has happened 3 times already in the last 3 months. Thats a pretty good average.

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It was more an answer to your question. Why is there complete threads on your team fan board about everything UND? This item though actually has an affect on the state of ND. Two items won't be put to vote due to the actions of a group of people who were hired to do a job, 8 of those people were NDSU football players. I also answered your question as to what got me riled up. When fans of your team tried to drag UND into this or actually placed blame on them. If there was sarcasm involved with their comments I didn't see it. Also, Bison fans still drag Kristo into every conversation they have when a NDSU athlete gets in trouble. Trying to use an incident from 2 years ago to justify your players making the paper, which by the way has happened 3 times already in the last 3 months. Thats a pretty good average.

What I don't understand is this underlying tone in a lot of posts in this thread that seems to imply UND is above all of this. These things are a matter of timing and any reasonable person can acknowledge that. UND will have it's time as will every other program, sadly the more talented the team the more likely they are to have behavior issues. So with UND heading into what seems to be an upswing in talent, more off the field issues can be expected. It comes with the territory.

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These things are a matter of timing and any reasonable person can acknowledge that. UND will have it's time as will every other program, sadly the more talented the team the more likely they are to have behavior issues. So with UND heading into what seems to be an upswing in talent, more off the field issues can be expected. It comes with the territory.

Haven't many of us already stated this?

Why do you continue to repeat yourself over and over again?

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What I don't understand is this underlying tone in a lot of posts in this thread that seems to imply UND is above all of this. These things are a matter of timing and any reasonable person can acknowledge that. UND will have it's time as will every other program, sadly the more talented the team the more likely they are to have behavior issues. So with UND heading into what seems to be an upswing in talent, more off the field issues can be expected. It comes with the territory.

Haven't many of us already stated this?

Why do you continue to repeat yourself over and over again?

I know I have said it at least three times now. It is not all that hard to understand that UND fans revel in the misfortunes of Bison fans and vise versa. I think it was Freud or some deep-thinking German who called it "Schadenfreude." I don't think we should act so incredulous over it. Both fan bases do it to the other ... doesn't make it right. But it is kinda fun!

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Don't pretend he would be easily replaceable. He's a proven 1000 yard back with a ton of talent. There is a reason he is still around after hitting his limit in strikes. Even though his troubles have been kept pretty quiet, I live in Fargo and they are not big of a secret.

Ojuri, while talented, plays a position that NDSU has other guys with very good talent at. Think back to Mark Ingram when he was at 'Bama. Loads of talent, but lots of talent behind him.

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I am waiting for you to provide a link where they have been charged. Considering the AG link provided here says "WILL BE CHARGED". I am ready to play but it seems that you are not yet ready. I provided qoutes from the Cass County DA's office and the ND AG office that verify my statement. I am now waiting for your evidence that they have been charged. Wellllll........


Video - 48 seconds in. From someone you trust, and in plain ol' english - "...and today they've been charged." :silly:

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There has been a lot of clamoring and calling of foul on this board in the past few days over this matter. I am failing to make the connection as to why you all are so angry about this. Is all of this being done in the name of justice being served? Or is there more to it?

I would guess that at least a majority of the posts on this topic have been in response to you and a couple of your fellow Bvillers. If you hadn't spent so much time on this board trying to tell us that this wasn't so bad, the topic wouldn't be at 19 pages. Most people seem to be questioning the inconsistency of putting off this decision when Bohl normally responds very quickly. It looks suspicious, which is what many Bison fans are saying, not just UND fans. I haven't seen a lot of people saying what kind of punishment should be given, or even a lot of anger from people posting on this forum, just questioning why nothing has been done now when that doesn't fit the pattern that Bohl has set. It appears that Bohl is more concerned about winning the games then about setting the right example for the players.

I haven't made any comments on what kind of punishment should be given, my main point in posting on this topic has been to refute the idea that this isn't important because all they did is "fake a few signatures". Forging signatures is a big deal. Doing so on legal documents is a bigger deal. Interfering with an election by forging signatures is a major deal. A significant number of Bvillers continue to downplay the crime. This is at least as bad as a person exposing himself, times 8 because we have 8 players being accused. If it wasn't a similar level crime then the Legislature wouldn't have made them the same level. No one was physically harmed, but people were harmed by this act. A company spent $145,000 on this project and these people ended any chance of the project being successful. Other people put a lot of time, energy and money into the projects. This isn't shoplifting, or a speeding ticket, or a minor in possession. This is a serious matter.

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Anderson: North Dakotans hurt by fraud | StarTribune.com

Most athletes who torch their careers damage only themselves -- and, often, their earning ability. Eight North Dakota State University football players might have done that and much more: They wrecked the hopes and dreams of thousands of North Dakotans when they allegedly committed voter fraud this summer.

Four of the eight players are starters on the defending national champion Bison team that will travel to Colorado State this weekend. All will be allowed to play, Bison coach Craig Bohl told the Forum of Fargo-Moorhead, despite misdemeanor charges expected to be filed against the players that are punishable by up to a year in jail and $2,000 fines.

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Then why does the press release say they will be charged? The Eastern District have not charged them yet. Where is Chewey when we need him.

Chewy only cares about nickname issues. Rarely ever see Chewy post here about anything else. One trick pony. :)

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Bohl could have announced that a fair suspension plan would have that one Bizon player would be suspended for each of the next eight games. That's how other schools have dealt with mass suspension issues.

Instead, Bohl, Taylor, and Bresciani show that Bison football supercede ND state law. None of them possess the ethical character that is demanded of their positions.

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Editorial from the Bismarck Tribune...Democracy, citizenship take a hit

Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem has filed charges of election fraud and filing false statements against 11 individuals, eight of whom are members of the North Dakota State University football team.

These people appparently have decided the fate of the two measures instead of the the state’s voters. It’s profoundly disappointing.

Those charged had been paid to gather signatures in support of the petitions. It’s alleged they placed names on the ballot without peoples’ consent, forged signatures and filed false statements in support of the measures.

It raises questions about the merits of allowing groups to pay people to gather signatures in the future.

It’s a sad day for the initiative process in North Dakota — a disappointment for those who believe in our democracy.

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