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9 hours ago, Brett0909 said:

Agreed…Interesting on here how we justify not having “loaded teams” by reminding how they didn’t win it all. Ie, a loaded team HAS to be a champion or they’re a failure. Just my perspective, but I’d LOVE to watch a team full of first round talent doing ridiculous things on the ice and PP all year who has as good a chance as anyone to win it all, then enjoy as those men go on to be stars in the NHL and provide brand recognition for the next 20 years. 

Not saying that should be our strategy or is the only way to try to win, but doesn’t sound half bad to me. I don’t think Michigan or BU fans are complaining too much, even if they had sky high expectations that ultimately fell short (just like UND fans do many years when we don’t win it all). Boo on not getting Eiserman and double boo that the Goph’s did. 

Wish I could like this more then once. What I bolded is my least favorite take on siouxsports. 

Any word on Mac Swanson? Fargo Force tender this year, had a great 5 Nations Tournament, dad was an All-timer at CC. Him and Zellers would be an amazing compliment to Boisvert in this cycle. 



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11 hours ago, SiouxFanatic said:

Yet a more seasoned team not littered with first and second rounders was better.

That one game…sh!t we’ve lost in similar fashion what 3 times straight now? Come on, we’re all Sioux fans but saying something remotely positive about another program shouldn’t be a crime.

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11 minutes ago, AJS said:

Wish I could like this more then once. What I bolded is my least favorite take on siouxsports. 

Any word on Mac Swanson? Fargo Force tender this year, had a great 5 Nations Tournament, dad was an All-timer at CC. Him and Zellers would be an amazing compliment to Boisvert in this cycle. 



My least favorite take on Sioux Sports is the people who complain about our lack of talent and even after winning a league title continue to complain.  "Enjoy the season". 

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11 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

We got Boisvert and McInnis.
That's after getting Perron, Livanavage, Wiebe, Strathmann, Klee, and Slipec the year before. 


If you are ranking the top two recruits of each school on this recruiting cycle, Boisvert / McInnis puts UND in the Top 5. They might be Top 3. This would be talking the average recruit ranking (based on 'stars' given by PuckPreps / Neutral Zone). There's still so much talent out there. Get an Emery, Swanson or Zellers next and you start to get the quantity along with the quality.


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10 hours ago, Brett0909 said:

Agreed…Interesting on here how we justify not having “loaded teams” by reminding how they didn’t win it all. Ie, a loaded team HAS to be a champion or they’re a failure. Just my perspective, but I’d LOVE to watch a team full of first round talent doing ridiculous things on the ice and PP all year who has as good a chance as anyone to win it all, then enjoy as those men go on to be stars in the NHL and provide brand recognition for the next 20 years. 

Not saying that should be our strategy or is the only way to try to win, but doesn’t sound half bad to me. I don’t think Michigan or BU fans are complaining too much, even if they had sky high expectations that ultimately fell short (just like UND fans do many years when we don’t win it all). Boo on not getting Eiserman and double boo that the Goph’s did. 

Agreed….had we got this recruiting class we’d be over the moon (and we have and we were). In all seriousness, the Big10 is running now on blue chips and I kind of knew they would several years back. It was only a matter of time. But…you can beat that with late bloomers and over agers. Which is most likely Berry’s strategy at the moment. Every other NCHC team has to do the same thing.

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37 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

You see an 18 y/o, 6'2", 178 pound freshman (top 60 NHL pick) headed into the corner for a loose puck with a 24 y/o, 6'1", 200 pound senior and both arrive at the same time. 

What happens next? 

Grindah muscles control then makes a bad outlet pass?    :D

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50 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

You see an 18 y/o, 6'2", 178 pound freshman (top 60 NHL pick) headed into the corner for a loose puck with a 24 y/o, 6'1", 200 pound senior and both arrive at the same time. 

What happens next? 

To that end, is that skilled draft pick just super talented, or does he have the grit to boot.  I certainly can see some guys that are high draft picks that have one foot in the NHL wanting no part of a collision that could end in injury and jeopardize how soon they play at the next level.   Hopefully Kleven gives Cooley, etc. pause on digging in the corner when they meet Minnesota this year.  

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9 minutes ago, burd said:

Grindah muscles control then makes a bad outlet pass?    :D

You're not wrong.

Now why does a 24 win over a "more skilled" 18? 


Brain maturation occurs during adolescence due to a surge in the synthesis of sex hormones implicated in puberty including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. ...

The development and maturation of the prefrontal cortex occurs primarily during adolescence and is fully accomplished at the age of 25 years. The development of the prefrontal cortex is very important for complex behavioral performance, as this region of the brain helps accomplish executive brain functions.

The 24 not only has more testosterone (bigger body) but a more developed brain and is better able to accomplish complex behavioral performance. 

In simpler words, the 24 has the better body and better brain to process and understand and then perform the correct action in the game at the time. 

Even simpler: College hockey is an upperclassman's game. 

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1 minute ago, The Sicatoka said:

You're not wrong.

Now why does a 24 win over a "more skilled" 18? 

The 24 not only has more testosterone (bigger body) but a more developed brain and is better able to accomplish complex behavioral performance. 

In simpler words, the 24 has the better body and better brain to process and understand and then perform the correct action in the game at the time. 

Even simpler: College hockey is an upperclassman's game. 

Which is why I believe Minnesota was very good last year and should be again this year, especially on the back end.  Remember how guys like Johnson, LaCombe etc. got taken to the woodshed by UND in their own building on Thanksgiving a few years back.  Well those guys have matured into smart veteran defensemen.  Minnesota wasn't a ton better last year because of guys like Lucius and Broz, but because they had a back end that was very formidable.   Not only that, Minnesota has a lot more guys willing to step in front of a rocket shot, which hasn't always been the case.   

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2 hours ago, tnt said:

My least favorite take on Sioux Sports is the people who complain about our lack of talent and even after winning a league title continue to complain.  "Enjoy the season". 

*3 straight league titles


Here comes the 'so we settle for league title now? oh how far we've fallen'

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10 minutes ago, SiouxForever said:


At what point, did you think UND had a chance? Sure we had discussions and maybe an offer…

Kid was wearing Gopher gear as a young lad, and has family and friends in MN that lead him to Shattuck. 

After reading that article, definitely seems like UND was a long shot. I feel like a lot of people got their hopes up though when Mark Divver(I think?) tweeted that Eiserman was deciding between Minnesota, BU, and UND. Honestly, until he mentioned UND, the rumors I read was that it was between Minnesota and BU. 

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10 minutes ago, SiouxFanatic said:

... when Mark Divver(I think?) tweeted that Eiserman was deciding between Minnesota, BU, and UND. Honestly, until he mentioned UND, the rumors I read was that it was between Minnesota and BU. 

Sometimes I think certain members of the media just toss in a "UND" to watch this site vibrate ... "oh my, oh my, we didn't get him, oh woe, oh woe, sack cloth and ashes, commence the wailing and gnashing of teeth and lamentations" ... when we really never had a realistic chance. 

This is a classic case in point. 

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3 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:
  • Keith McInnis -- UND!
  • Danny Nelson -- Notre Dame
  • EJ Emery 
  • Will Zellers 
  • Brendan McMorrow -- DU
  • Cole Eiserman -- Moldin' Rodents 
  • Sasha Boisvert -- committed to UND before this list was started 

Of the original list, I only saw UND getting McInnis, Zellers, and Emery.

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12 hours ago, AJS said:

If you are ranking the top two recruits of each school on this recruiting cycle, Boisvert / McInnis puts UND in the Top 5. They might be Top 3. This would be talking the average recruit ranking (based on 'stars' given by PuckPreps / Neutral Zone). There's still so much talent out there. Get an Emery, Swanson or Zellers next and you start to get the quantity along with the quality.


Very true 

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Remember, we will see the Gophs once a year at most during the regular season. Who cares, they aren't in our conference. Same with Michigan. We continue to be the front runner for top Canadian recruits + we are landing 2-3 top USA recruits each year. 

If I was an NHL team, I'd want my players playing in the NCHC.

Minnesota HS kids from the Twin Cities (non SSM) that go to the Gophs don't worry me one bit..How many of those have turned out to be great college players in past 20 years?


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2 hours ago, brianvf said:

So you’re saying there’s a chance!


But is zellers that big of a recruit? I mean I don’t mean to sound negative as he may very well turn out to be phenomenal, but I don’t seem to see it from a numbers standpoint. The one positive is that he seems to be trending up very recently.

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10 minutes ago, ChadR said:

Remember, we will see the Gophs once a year at most during the regular season. Who cares, they aren't in our conference. Same with Michigan. We continue to be the front runner for top Canadian recruits + we are landing 2-3 top USA recruits each year. 

If I was an NHL team, I'd want my players playing in the NCHC.

Minnesota HS kids from the Twin Cities (non SSM) that go to the Gophs don't worry me one bit..How many of those have turned out to be great college players in past 20 years?


You’re saying MN kids who didn’t play SSM haven’t produced? I must be missing something.

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14 minutes ago, scpa0305 said:

But is zellers that big of a recruit? I mean I don’t mean to sound negative as he may very well turn out to be phenomenal, but I don’t seem to see it from a numbers standpoint. The one positive is that he seems to be trending up very recently.

Yeah, I mentioned the same thing when McMorrow committed to DU.  For a kid that played MN HS hockey, his numbers sure don't jump off the page.
We'll see how he does on the NTDP this season.

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