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2024 Frozen Four


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1 minute ago, tnt said:

Of course it helps if you recruit goaltenders like Chrona and Davis that have potential to play lights out for 4 games.  

But hey - we have the portal for goalies


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6 minutes ago, Irish said:

By lucky you must mean "show up for the 3rd period" - so according to this thread Denver is the luckiest team ever and we are the unluckiest.  Nonsense

Every team that wins it is extremely lucky in addition to being obviously very good was my point. People say “ Carle this and Carle that”, which he deserves, but the difference between him and the other coaches he beat had a lot to do with a goaltender that put on one of the best performances any of us have ever seen. 

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23 minutes ago, Irish said:

By lucky you must mean "show up for the 3rd period" - so according to this thread Denver is the luckiest team ever and we are the unluckiest.  Nonsense

I won’t keep belaboring my disbelief with the “some teams just have all the luck” crowd (and we’d be great / competing for championships if only we weren’t so damn unlucky every single year).

What I saw? DU was composed and confident throughout. Psychologically they were rock solid even under intense pressure. Their goalie and team D bought in and made the right decisions in nearly every play, with no major breakdowns. They had a game plan and executed it. They showed up repeatedly in OT through the FF and when the game was on the line, even against greater talent. They got some luck, but played well enough to capitalize on it and/or overcome the bad bounces. They quoted you go to DU to win championships and I believed they believed. Felt the same under Sandelin for a while.

This seems to be the contrast to UND teams lately..it feels like they don’t believe, and need things to go their way or else they start to break (not bend). I know many of us fans don’t believe right now. Players under Hakstol talked about believing in the curse of getting over the FF hump, so you know players pay attention. Some coaches get their team to believe and others don’t. I honestly wonder at this point if Berry and the staff believes they will win or if they’re trying to play not to lose? Just speculation and I’m sure it’s a lot more complicated than that, but whatever a “winning culture” is..

Anyway, kudos to DU and congrats on bringing home another title to the NCHC. May you lose all your top players and have a down year in 2024.

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3 hours ago, Irish said:

Once again Denver gets it done while we sit and watch - with a team that could beat them.  We hear nothing from our hockey program but Bubbs needs to seriously figure it out and get it done.  Are their any changes made?

I don't live anywhere near GF, so I don't know the kinds of questions the local media asks Berry after a loss. Do Schlossman or Hennessy ask him tough questions & does Berry ever take responsibility when they lose a game? Or is it a big circle jerk?

One question I would very much want asked of Berry: "What are you going to do differently next year to get the team ready for the playoffs so you avoid another early exit?" Seems simple enough & Berry's answer would be very telling about where his mindset is at.

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12 minutes ago, .357 said:

I don't live anywhere near GF, so I don't know the kinds of questions the local media asks Berry after a loss. Do Schlossman or Hennessy ask him tough questions & does Berry ever admit that it's his fault when they lose a game? Or is it a big circle jerk?

One question I would very much want asked of Berry: "What are you going to do differently next year to get the team ready for the playoffs & avoid another early exit?" Seems simple enough & Berry's answer would be very telling about where his mindset is at.

Looking at Herald articles and watching post-game interviews, for the most part it's pretty typical questions of any college or pro athletic teams by local media. 
As far as admitting fault, how often is a game loss entirely the fault of the coaching staff...or the players...or the game plan?
Similarly, after a win, how much of the credit should go to the coaching staff...or the players...or the game plan?
The vast majority of the time, it is a combo of all those factors and others that contribute to any win or loss.  And heck, maybe even some good old-fashioned puck luck <gasp!>.  ;) :D

As far as having your question asked of Berry...if the media won't ask, and you really want to know...you can always ask Berry yourself.  His email address is publicly posted on the official Fighting Hawks website along with all the coaching staff.  From personal experience, the coaching staff is usually pretty willing to discuss hockey, even with commoners such as us.  :)



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3 hours ago, Hayduke1 said:


the highest scoring team in the NCAA won the national championship with their defense and goaltending?  

Oh my. :whistling:

YES!  It's called preparation, coaching and BUYING INTO those 2 things.  Winner Winner 10 TIME CHICKEN DINNER for Denver...denver?  YES DENVER!!!  

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42 minutes ago, brianvf said:

Looking at Herald articles and watching post-game interviews, for the most part it's pretty typical questions of any college or pro athletic teams by local media. 
As far as admitting fault, how often is a game loss entirely the fault of the coaching staff...or the players...or the game plan?
Similarly, after a win, how much of the credit should go to the coaching staff...or the players...or the game plan?
The vast majority of the time, it is a combo of all those factors and others that contribute to any win or loss.  And heck, maybe even some good old-fashioned puck luck <gasp!>.  ;) :D

As far as having your question asked of Berry...if the media won't ask, and you really want to know...you can always ask Berry yourself.  His email address is publicly posted on the official Fighting Hawks website along with all the coaching staff.  From personal experience, the coaching staff is usually pretty willing to discuss hockey, even with commoners such as us.  :)



I hear the players sometimes admitting they didn't play up to their standards, but I've yet to hear the HC take accountability, at least a modicum, for a bad performance. And of course, it's usually a combination of factors for a loss; I didn't mean to imply it's solely the HC's fault. I'm guessing Berry wouldn't publicly admit to any gaffes, because he would then be incriminating himself. But I do hear pro & college coaches sometimes admit (not often) that maybe they should have done some things differently. I'm mostly interested in Berry's taking accountability in the postseason, because the same results happen with different players over the years. A pattern is developing, just like with the football program.

There's a big difference between Schlossman or Hennessy asking Berry what he plans on doing differently next year, and me; because with S or H it would then be on record for the public to know what he said. With me, Berry can just ignore my email & not feel any pressure about making any meaningful changes. 

Thanks for the links.

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1 hour ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

Carle did his homework over the 48 hours between games. There were a half dozen plays where BC passed on the grade A for a tap in attempt and DU never flinched, taking away the easy goal. Davis also Hunswick'd 'em.

That’s a slap at Davis for sure.  UND’s mostly-weak shots on goal against Michigan in 2011 paled in comparison to some of the BC attempts on Saturday evening.  

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2 hours ago, .357 said:

I don't live anywhere near GF, so I don't know the kinds of questions the local media asks Berry after a loss. Do Schlossman or Hennessy ask him tough questions & does Berry ever take responsibility when they lose a game? Or is it a big circle jerk?

One question I would very much want asked of Berry: "What are you going to do differently next year to get the team ready for the playoffs so you avoid another early exit?" Seems simple enough & Berry's answer would be very telling about where his mindset is at.

Schlossman won’t ever address the elephant in the room. He wouldn’t even go on Dom Izzo’s Hot Mic show for a season wrap up . Did the Powers not let Brad go back on because they don’t want Dom to ask the obvious glaring questions we all want addressed. Soft as the Fargo media is on Fargo football!

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1 hour ago, SJHovey said:

Minnesota, Michigan, Michigan State, Wisconsin, BC, BU. Every blue blood except Denver. Teams with an embarrassment of talent, riches and advantages. And all with a longer period of natty futility than UND, an apparent washed up has been.

Shut them down. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Then there's Hovey's voice of reason.  

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3 hours ago, SJHovey said:

Minnesota, Michigan, Michigan State, Wisconsin, BC, BU. Every blue blood except Denver. Teams with an embarrassment of talent, riches and advantages. And all with a longer period of natty futility than UND, an apparent washed up has been.

Shut them down. They should be ashamed of themselves.

But most of those teams have multiple wins in the post season unlike our favorite team. I have said this before I think Berry puts way to much emphasis on the regular season box checking and they have nothing left in the tank. Should worry about playing their best hockey when it counts. His record is his. He has changed assistants , players etc with same results. 

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7 hours ago, gfNDfan said:

YES!  It's called preparation, coaching and BUYING INTO those 2 things.  Winner Winner 10 TIME CHICKEN DINNER for Denver...denver?  YES DENVER!!!  

Congrats to your pioneers!

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9 hours ago, hockey1 said:

Curious to know if you were cheering for Denver to win?  Wondering if the conference alliance is more important than a rival winning a championship.

I'm guilty of this.  I put my money on the Eagles, but wanted the NCHC conference foe to win the game.

If it was Duluth-BC I probably would have wanted BC to win for more than just my wallet.  



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6 hours ago, Sioux&gt;Bison said:

Schlossman won’t ever address the elephant in the room. He wouldn’t even go on Dom Izzo’s Hot Mic show for a season wrap up . Did the Powers not let Brad go back on because they don’t want Dom to ask the obvious glaring questions we all want addressed. Soft as the Fargo media is on Fargo football!

Schlossman is a UND apologist plain and simple.  Being a UND beat writer you have to be in order not to be kicked out of the club.  Even in his wrap article he was saying UND isn't that far off.  Yes if you just looked at this season and that they lost to Michigan by one goal and beat DU 3 out of 4 then yes they aren't too far off.  This goes way beyond this season and you can't be too far off for 8 years.

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15 minutes ago, siouxweet said:

Schlossman is a UND apologist plain and simple.  Being a UND beat writer you have to be in order not to be kicked out of the club.  Even in his wrap article he was saying UND isn't that far off.  Yes if you just looked at this season and that they lost to Michigan by one goal and beat DU 3 out of 4 then yes they aren't too far off.  This goes way beyond this season and you can't be too far off for 8 years.

This.....^^^ 100%

They aren't really that close. AIC is the only correct answer. Let that soak in.


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