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I was reading an article yesterday that pointed out the language around events like this has changed.

It used to be:
- Infection: some is found to be carrying the malady (biologic or viral) but is not exhibiting symptoms or enough load to spread to others
- case: basically an infection that has gone to the level of needing professional medical intervention

Today, everything is called a case. You can have a 20 year old with the virus, showing no symptoms, and with a viral load at minimum detectable levels (non-spreader) and it's a case. That is not how the terminology was used in the past. 

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16 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

I was reading an article yesterday that pointed out the language around events like this has changed.

It used to be:
- Infection: some is found to be carrying the malady (biologic or viral) but is not exhibiting symptoms or enough load to spread to others
- case: basically an infection that has gone to the level of needing professional medical intervention

Today, everything is called a case. You can have a 20 year old with the virus, showing no symptoms, and with a viral load at minimum detectable levels (non-spreader) and it's a case. That is not how the terminology was used in the past. 

Bingo.......it's a joke right now.


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9 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:


 I see that went entirely over your head. 

Not surprised

Nothing went past me.
I merely supposed that you've read more of Michele Bachman's "thoughts" in the last year than I have. 

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34 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

I was reading an article yesterday that pointed out the language around events like this has changed.

It used to be:
- Infection: some is found to be carrying the malady (biologic or viral) but is not exhibiting symptoms or enough load to spread to others
- case: basically an infection that has gone to the level of needing professional medical intervention

Today, everything is called a case. You can have a 20 year old with the virus, showing no symptoms, and with a viral load at minimum detectable levels (non-spreader) and it's a case. That is not how the terminology was used in the past. 

Read about Case vs Infection here. 

Assume a population of 1000. 
Say 100 have been infectected, but 90 are asymptomatic. 
That means you have 10 cases. 
If one person dies.

CFR is 10%!
IFR is 1%

Supposedly in an initial presentation to Congress someone reversed the numbers (CFR v IFR). Imagine 10% of asymptomatic folks dying. That would be a problem and that's what Congress was initially told (and it was a math error writ epic). 

See the article (Sep 4 2020): https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/ 

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41 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

5.  As a cultist, it is required to deny any factual information presented that doesn't conform to our narrative.

How many of the estimated 250,000 lost their life with Covid due to attending the rally?

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30 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

5.  As a cultist, it is required to deny any factual information presented that doesn't conform to our narrative.

The very fact that you can interpret any actual "science" out of the study,

which fails every minor and major requirement of a scientificly reviewed study or research, not that you would be able to recognize that,

but it also demonstrates why the leftards failed so badly at the overall global warming hoax.... sorry we not going with "global warming" anymore are we...... sorry "Nongendered humanoid-made global climate changedotorg.".... is that close?

Put out "science" thats junkier than a Shaw's power play and then just scream at people to guilt them into blind obedience.

Be better.

Think of your poor mother and how much embarrassment you bring with that.....


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3 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

They've only been able to connect 1 so far.

That is what I thought.  Just wanted to provide some actual factual information to Hayduke instead of hiding from “estimated “ numbers.   What percentage is 1 of 250,000?  

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13 minutes ago, Frozen4sioux said:

The very fact that you can interpret any actual "science" out of the study,

which fails every minor and major requirement of a scientificly reviewed study or research, not that you would be able to recognize that,

but it also demonstrates why the leftards failed so badly at the overall global warming hoax.... sorry we not going with "global warming" anymore are we...... sorry "Nongendered humanoid-made global climate changedotorg.".... is that close?

Put out "science" thats junkier than a Shaw's power play and then just scream at people to guilt them into blind obedience.

Be better.

Think of your poor mother and how much embarrassment you bring with that.....


Like most Trumptards, you have no credibility.

Let's replace "most" with "all".


The distrust and open dismissal of expertise and authority may seem uniquely contemporary — a phenomenon of the Trump era, or the rise of online misinformation. But the president and his party are the products of a decades-long war against the functioning of good government, a collapse of trust in experts and empiricism, and the spread of a kind of magical thinking that flourishes in a hothouse atmosphere that can seal out reality. 

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4 hours ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

He hasn't done anything for infrastructure, which is what I was most excited about from his campaign. Promise broken.

He tried pretty dang hard to pass money for more infrastructure and to cut the red tape to actuallY break Ground on these projects. The Democrats are the ones who love bureaucracy and rad tape. They are the ones who are trying to block progress including new infrastructure spending.

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4 hours ago, Redneksioux said:

I’m still waiting for that nasty woman to be locked up. 

I wonder if Noem is going to pay the $250 billion  covid bill she tallied. I’m sure she’s already paid trump in some form or fashion!

She should have been she lied to the FBI and congress. Equitable justice for similar offenders like general Flynn??? The justice system is a joke it’s all about money and influence.

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4 hours ago, Benny Baker said:

Right?  Promise #1 was to build a huge wall on our southern border and make Mexico pay for it.

He is building the wall and its cost is being offset by the new trade agreement. He has kept his promises unlike all these other establishment politicians. He actually tries to get stuff done instead of making excuses 

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1 hour ago, Hayduke1 said:

Like most Trumptards, you have no credibility.

Let's replace "most" with "all".


The distrust and open dismissal of expertise and authority may seem uniquely contemporary — a phenomenon of the Trump era, or the rise of online misinformation. But the president and his party are the products of a decades-long war against the functioning of good government, a collapse of trust in experts and empiricism, and the spread of a kind of magical thinking that flourishes in a hothouse atmosphere that can seal out reality. 



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2 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

Are the videos presented by Andy Ngo, et al, of events in Portland, Pittsburgh, Kenosha, etc, all elaborate fakes? 


1 hour ago, The Sicatoka said:

Are the videos presented by Andy Ngo, et al, of events in Portland, Pittsburgh, Kenosha, etc, all elaborate fakes? 


3 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

I see.  In other words, you have absolutely nothing in response.

But, in the mind of a cult member, this is an absolute brilliant response, isnt it?




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2 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

@Hayduke1 I can guarantee you you've read more of Michele Bachman's "thoughts" in the last year than I have, and I dare say than of the majority of the board. 

Michelle Bachman, AOC, Fauxcohontas, Adam Schiff, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Jeff Flake, and Howard Dean off the top of my head. I am sure there are more. These are the politicians who you can tell are bat sh!t crazy by just looking at their eyes.

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