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Indian nicknames in the news


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I fully expect to see a resolution in this Congress, soon, that includes the phrase, "Because Brawndo's got electrolytes."

If you don't get the reference, Google it.

Great Idiocracy reference. Sadly it seems this is the direction our society as a whole is headed.

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The Fargo Forum reprinted this as their lead editorial in Saturday's paper:


I wonder if the Forum (and the Herald, also a Forum Comm outlet) see the sweet irony in their running article and article and editorial and editorial effectively promoting the idea of censorship on campus, and then running that piece (from the LA Times) that ends with:

I wonder if the NCAA has a subscription to the LA Times.

As we all know, tolerance only goes one way, unless you agree with the lefties, you considered a Racist.

Second, as is often the case with the politics of denunciation, the rhetoric is strident and overblown. Even if one believes that the Bush administration exaggerated the evidence that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, that doesn't mean Rice is a liar (or, as some students claimed, a war criminal).
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As we all know, tolerance only goes one way, unless you agree with the lefties, you considered a Racist.

As a good leftie, I support the 1st Amendment for EVERYONE, unless someone is committing libel and/or slander against somebody. Of course, Freedom of Speech doesn't include Freedom from criticism of said speech.

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Today's "offensive" word? Tranny.

Yet, the country's best known "Tranny" says:

... RuPaul also courted controversy by remarking on Marc Maron’s podcast that those offended by the use of the word “tranny” “are fringe people who are looking for story lines to strengthen their identity as victims.” (For its part, Logo refused to broadcast “any anti-trans rhetoric.”)

Over the weekend, RuPaul accused those offended by his use of that term as well as “tranny” of operating in bad faith and policing his behavior in an attempt to become the oppressor ...


Policing words to become the oppressor. Hmmm ....

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Today's "offensive" word? Tranny.

Yet, the country's best known "Tranny" says:


Policing words to become the oppressor. Hmmm ....

i replaced the Tranny in my 94 Maxima at 160k miles...I felt oppressed when I got the bill.
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Post your password and someone will set you back a few thousand in your quest for the leading poster position

That's a bit harsh, sprig. I have a better chance of passing Wayne Gretzky as the NHL career goal-scoring leader than I do of passing Goon's post total here.

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maybe we need Goon's pw

I may be wrong on this, but I think the post counter is a lot like your car odometer...if you post something, you get a +1. If you promptly delete it, the system doesn't subtract 1. Correct me if I'm wrong, jimdahl...

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  • 3 weeks later...

This has the potential to be a big deal:

Agency rejects trademark of ‘Redskins Hog Rinds,’ calling term ‘derogatory’

If the PTO similarly finds that Redskins is a derogatory slang term in a football team's name (and why would its finding differ there vs. pork rinds?), the Washington Redskins could lose their trademark. That could open the floodgates to unapproved Redskins merchandise, and thus the revenue normally associated with licensing fees. Given that Snyder seems to care a fair bit about money, that could lead to an interesting dilemma as to what's costing him more -- having a team name that he can't license, or infuriating the loyal fans of his decidedly mediocre football team.

Of course, a PTO finding against the football team's trademark would bring a lot more publicity and political pressure than the one for pork rinds, so one could imagine some higher up intervening.

Now that the PTO has revoked the Redskins trademark, what does it mean? (WashingtonPost.com):

Robert Raskopf, a lawyer who has been representing the team since the first case was filed in 1992, was not concerned about the ruling.

“We’ve seen this story before,” he said. “And just like last time, today’s ruling will have no effect at all on the team’s ownership of and right to use the Redskins name and logo.

“We are confident we will prevail once again, and that the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board’s divided ruling will be overturned on appeal. This case is no different than an earlier case, where the Board cancelled the Redskins’ trademark registrations, and where a federal district court disagreed and reversed the Board.”

Raskopf said the team’s trademark registrations would remain effective during the appeal.

In short, not much yet. In fact, this exact thing has happened before and was overturned by the courts. So, off to court they all go.

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Now that the PTO has revoked the Redskins trademark, what does it mean? (WashingtonPost.com):

In short, not much yet. In fact, this exact thing has happened before and was overturned by the courts. So, off to court they all go.

Part of the problem here is that the "Redskins" marks still have state and common law trademark protection, enabling the Redskins to continue to use and defend the marks even without federal registration.

There's also a reasonable chance that the Redskins organization wins on appeal, in part because the test is not whether the mark is currently considered disparaging, but whether the mark was considered disparaging at the time of registration. If I had to place a bet, I would bet that the CAFC overturns cancellation of the marks, and the USPTO no longer has to face an onslaught of people petitioning to have the mark cancelled (sort of a win/win, unless you're one of the protester-types).


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Part of the problem here is that the "Redskins" marks still have state and common law trademark protection, enabling the Redskins to continue to use and defend the marks even without federal registration.

The cynic in me would suggest that removing trademark protection may actually be counter-productive to the plantiffs' stated goals especially if there is a flood of "Redskins" merchandise unleashed into the market. Then again, that's just me thinking out loud. ;)

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The cynic in me would suggest that removing trademark protection may actually be counter-productive to the plantiffs' stated goals especially if there is a flood of "Redskins" merchandise unleashed into the market. Then again, that's just me thinking out loud. ;)

I also wonder how this change will affect those companies that already have merchandising agreements with Redskins gear? More knock-off gear from China?

I have an Alan Page jersey from China that I have totally convinced myself is 100% legitimate. :)

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The Redskins can (and almost certainly will) still aggressively protect their trademark through state and common law trademark protection if their federally registered mark is permanently cancelled. Some people may think it's open season, but they will likely quickly find out that this is not the case. Also, the federally registered trademarks remain enforceable during the Redsins' appeal, which it appears will come as a surprise to some.


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