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I have always been a UMD or SCSU fan if my beloved Sioux aren't in it. But no more on the Bulldogs! They were awful at the Final Five, like goofer fans in UMD jersey's.

Anyone know what the deal was on the Championship game when a Bulldog fan walked down during a t.v. timeout and threw his free WCHA gloves at the Sioux bench, why? Who was this clown? GO SIOUX!! #8#8#8#8

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I have always been a UMD or SCSU fan if my beloved Sioux aren't in it. But no more on the Bulldogs! They were awful at the Final Five, like goofer fans in UMD jersey's.

Anyone know what the deal was on the Championship game when a Bulldog fan walked down during a t.v. timeout and threw his free WCHA gloves at the Sioux bench, why? Who was this clown? GO SIOUX!! #8#8#8#8

Hmmm, hadn't heard about this happening....You would hope an usher would have taken this individual out of the building, but then again I've learned that the ushers at the X really don't care about removing fans for doing stupid stuff unless its a fan wearing kelly green.

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Hmmm, hadn't heard about this happening....You would hope an usher would have taken this individual out of the building, but then again I've learned that the ushers at the X really don't care about removing fans for doing stupid stuff unless its a fan wearing kelly green.

I saw the gloves being picked up, but didn't see who the perp was.

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I have to agree with you about the UMD fans being the worst. I had several of them say some of the meanest most offensive things to me for no reason. I really hope UMD gets put out by Notre Dame in the first round, it would be nice to see their fans go home early!

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Once again, I think you can say the same about any fanbase. Every fanbase has their fair share of bad apples. Just like every fanbase has those who can't/won't give their opponents any credit and will default to stereotypes to degrade the other teams success.

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I agree with the 'bad seeds in every fanbase' comment. We sat next to 4 UMD fans at the Final Five. 2 of them were great sports and the other 2 were a bit snobby and annoying with some of the snarky comments about the 'palace cheerleaders', etc. (und-envy). We also had some extremely obnoxious Gopher fans behind us who, while claiming Gopher supremacy the whole time, didn't seem to know anything about hockey and were apparently too ashamed to wear Gopher colors. And nearly as bad were a few groups of obnoxious Sioux fans who were too drunk to realize they weren't being nearly as cool as they thought they were. So I guess it takes all kinds.

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Once again, I think you can say the same about any fanbase. Every fanbase has their fair share of bad apples. Just like every fanbase has those who can't/won't give their opponents any credit and will default to stereotypes to degrade the other teams success.

Couldn't agree more. I sit in 306 and after the 3-2 friday night loss to the goofs, some college kid was walking out into the concourse screaming "F the gophers" at the top of his lungs. I told him to knock that crap off and he proceeded to tell me that if I didn't like it to take my Sioux jersey off and put a gopher jersey on.

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Really? Don't we already have a 4-page self-flagellation going on about how bad other fans are and how persecuted we feel? Have I mistakenly logged into GPL reading about how great the Gopher fans think they are because everyone hates them so much.

We don't need to stoop to that level; at least not in two separate threads; and at least not 4 days before the big show.

There is this game...its on Thursday...its against Michigan. Anyone hear about it?

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I've always liked Duluth but I really don't know what some of you are expecting? That they reciprocate and like the Sioux as well? Yeah, that isn't going to happen. Most if not all UMD fans hate the Sioux.

While I'll be cheering for UMD to win against Notre Dame, don't hold your breathe to see any UMD fans cheering for the Sioux to beat Michigan.

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I'm rooting for Scott Sandelin. He's a character guy who devoted 10 years to building Fighting Sioux hockey (4 playing, 6 coaching), and I hope he beats Notre Dame.

Yeah. I like Sandy as well, but was a little surprised that he condoned his players dying their hair yellow.....so lame and embarrassing

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Really? Don't we already have a 4-page self-flagellation going on about how bad other fans are and how persecuted we feel? Have I mistakenly logged into GPL reading about how great the Gopher fans think they are because everyone hates them so much.

We don't need to stoop to that level; at least not in two separate threads; and at least not 4 days before the big show.

There is this game...its on Thursday...its against Michigan. Anyone hear about it?

Yep. There were undoubtedly some jerk UMD fans at the Final Five, probably more than people are used to because of UMD's success and Minnesota's lack of such. I think this theme keeps coming up because UND fans are used to thinking of UMD as an ally (it would be like being at a neutral game and having all the Maine fans be jerks to us and cheer against us).

But, as has been said many times already in this thread, there are plenty of Sioux fans I hope other fanbases don't automatically judge me by just because I'm also a Sioux fan. Now Gopher fans, they're all... ;)

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Yep. There were undoubtedly some jerk UMD fans at the Final Five, probably more than people are used to because of UMD's success and Minnesota's lack of such. I think this theme keeps coming up because UND fans are used to thinking of UMD as an ally (it would be like being at a neutral game and having all the Maine fans be jerks to us and cheer against us).

But, as has been said many times already in this thread, there are plenty of Sioux fans I hope other fanbases don't automatically judge me by just because I'm also a Sioux fan. Now Gopher fans, they're all... ;)

That is exactly what I was thinking. Much like how Sioux fans consider Bemidji State an ally but learned that it isn't exactly a mutual feeling.

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I completely agree on this, when we went to the Final Five last year, we had two UMD fans try to start a fight with us after the Sioux beat em out in the Quarterfinal. Unprovoked they were just a bunch of idiots. Now you have this drunken UMD moron on KFAN making inappropriate comments on Kristo's injury. I agree that these UMD fans are almost as big of idiots as the goofer fans. I hope they are packing their bags early!!

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Yep. There were undoubtedly some jerk UMD fans at the Final Five, probably more than people are used to because of UMD's success and Minnesota's lack of such. I think this theme keeps coming up because UND fans are used to thinking of UMD as an ally (it would be like being at a neutral game and having all the Maine fans be jerks to us and cheer against us).

But, as has been said many times already in this thread, there are plenty of Sioux fans I hope other fanbases don't automatically judge me by just because I'm also a Sioux fan. Now Gopher fans, they're all... ;)

Absolutely. For years I have cheered for UMD at the final five, and had great conversations with Duluth backers at the final five. I was a big fan of Isaac Reichmuth and Junor Lessard when they went on their run back in like 2004. Three years ago when they won three games and won the final five (one of them over the Sioux) I cheered for them for two of the three games, and applauded their final five championship that year. (And watched every minute of their playoff run at Mariucci).

The past two years have been awful. And the Duluth fans have been the ringleaders of it. I can't cheer for them anymore when their is such a hatred towards my team. Just can't happen.

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Absolutely. For years I have cheered for UMD at the final five, and had great conversations with Duluth backers at the final five. I was a big fan of Isaac Reichmuth and Junior Lessard when they went on their run back in like 2004. Three years ago when they won three games and won the final five (one of them over the Sioux) I cheered for them for two of the three games, and applauded their final five championship that year. (And watched every minute of their playoff run at Mariucci).

The past two years have been awful. And the Duluth fans have been the ringleaders of it. I can't cheer for them anymore when their is such a hatred towards my team. Just can't happen.

Who wasn't a fan of Junior Lessard? :D Hell of a player.

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Who wasn't a fan of Junior Lessard? :D Hell of a player.

You know speaking of Junior Lessard, he reminds me of a story from the USCHO hockey site involving Drunk Hockey Guy. I used to post over on that site, and the incident occurred shortly after Lessard had his extremely unfortunate incident on Lake Superior the summer before he won the Hobey Baker award (where he and a teammate were swimming and he nearly lost his life). Well anyways, a fan of another team (might have even been the Sioux) ripped on the fact that Lessard almost lost his life and about his swimming ability. Drunk Hockey Guy went nuts after the guy made these comments about Lessard, and scolded everyone about the fact that "this isn't something that should be joked about or brought up in a public forum".

Funny that all these years later DHG feels its acceptable to bring up the Kristo incident on public radio...... :glare:

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Absolutely. For years I have cheered for UMD at the final five, and had great conversations with Duluth backers at the final five. I was a big fan of Isaac Reichmuth and Junor Lessard when they went on their run back in like 2004. Three years ago when they won three games and won the final five (one of them over the Sioux) I cheered for them for two of the three games, and applauded their final five championship that year. (And watched every minute of their playoff run at Mariucci).

The past two years have been awful. And the Duluth fans have been the ringleaders of it. I can't cheer for them anymore when their is such a hatred towards my team. Just can't happen.

Me, too! In fact, on my way back to Alaska that year, I stopped in Mpls and cheered the 'Dogs on as they went on to beat Princeton at Mariucci.


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You know speaking of Junior Lessard, he reminds me of a story from the USCHO hockey site involving Drunk Hockey Guy. I used to post over on that site, and the incident occurred shortly after Lessard had his extremely unfortunate incident on Lake Superior the summer before he won the Hobey Baker award (where he and a teammate were swimming and he nearly lost his life). Well anyways, a fan of another team (might have even been the Sioux) ripped on the fact that Lessard almost lost his life and about his swimming ability. Drunk Hockey Guy went nuts after the guy made these comments about Lessard, and scolded everyone about the fact that "this isn't something that should be joked about or brought up in a public forum".

Funny that all these years later DHG feels its acceptable to bring up the Kristo incident on public radio...... :glare:

And I realized I was an idiot and apologized? Wilbur, you sitting here ripping into me make is ok for you to rip into me, but not for me to make fun of Kristo? While I realize it was a stupid post, every person on here that has taken a dig at me since it has happened, you included, is just as guilty as me for making that comment. So don't act like your some saint?

As for the fan that said that about Lessard, yeah it was a Sioux fan, probably the most infamous poster on USCHO, dirty, aka Diggler here. The comment was "Junior should take swim lessons."

As for this whole thread, if you think you don't have just as many of these types of fans, then you are crazy. If I had a dollar for every time I went the the Ralph and got a middle finger in my face with a "7" following it, I'd be about $10,000 richer than I am today. The difference is your fans out number us 30 to 1. So our idiots, me included, tend to stand out more.

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