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Since we're posting pictures of the great one, I thought I share a video of one my favorite hockey players of all time. Cam "Bam" Neely. His career was ended by dirty Swede Ulf Samuelsson. I think some of his hits would be a penalty today. 



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19 minutes ago, Goon said:

Since we're posting pictures of the great one, I thought I share a video of one my favorite hockey players of all time. Cam "Bam" Neely. His career was ended by dirty Swede Ulf Samuelsson. I think some of his hits would be a penalty today. 



"Kevad" would like a word with you.   

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Why'd Dominion Voting Systems back out of hearings with the PA legislature at the last minute. (And lawyer up to boot.) 




"Why? Why would a vendor of public goods fear discussing their products sold to the public for the public good? If Dominion's products were successful and operated as they were supposed to why wouldn't Dominion take the opportunity to publicly review its success?

"How hard is it to say our ballot machines worked exactly as promised and they are 100 percent accurate? Why after weeks of accusations has Dominion Voting Systems not released any analysis of the success of their voting machines to the public in order to stop their accusers in their tracks?

"If they have nothing to hide, why are they hiding from us? I am sad to report to the tax payers of Pennsylvania, the 1.3 million voters who trusted Dominion Voting Systems with their ballots that Dominion Voting Systems has hung you out to dry and slapped you in your faces.



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3 hours ago, Old Fella said:


You libs have been screaming that for four years now...forgive me for being a little concerned with “revenge” tactics and actual people talking about deprogramming and “truth commissions” for Republicans.

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2 minutes ago, MafiaMan said:

You libs have been screaming that for four years now...forgive me for being a little concerned with “revenge” tactics and actual people talking about “deprogramming” and “truth commissions” for Republicans.

Funny you should mention that. AOC & Co.’s loathsome plan to keep lists of pro-Trumpies


Last week, there arose something that calls itself the Trump Accountability Project. Its founding manifesto contains these words: “We should welcome in our fellow Americans with whom we differ politically. But those who took a paycheck from the Trump administration should not profit from their efforts to tear our democracy apart.”


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5 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

I wish that dominion voting systems would be more visible in addressing concerns. My understanding is they gave out press releases. I would like to see company representatives interviewed and answering questions.

Same Dominion story link:


"If they have nothing to hide, why are they hiding from us? I am sad to report to the tax payers of Pennsylvania, the 1.3 million voters who trusted Dominion Voting Systems with their ballots that Dominion Voting Systems has hung you out to dry and slapped you in your faces.



"A concerning number of Pennsylvanians have lost faith in the integrity of our election process. If the elections were conducted above board, the secretary of state and the department would be falling all over themselves to verify the results and put to rest the mistrust of this election.

"Trust must be earned. It is up to Dominion Voting Systems to earn the voters' trust. It is up to the secretary of state to invalidate and rumor or accusation."



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12 minutes ago, 1972 said:

I wish people would stop giving that uneducated bimbo air time and articles.  She is sorely misinformed, or too stupid to understand the basic function of gov.   Go ask for a refund on your education, and get back behind the bar.


not looking at the link I was trying to narrow down who you talking about and about five possibilities flashed through my mind.

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Walz in a presser now spewing the importance of mental health amid Covid.........as most of the kids in his state aren't going to school face to face with no activities to participate in following his mandate that youth/HS sports will begin a 4 week pause starting at midnight today. That pretty rich....even from an ignorant  jacka$$ like him. 

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6 minutes ago, sioux rube said:


Charlie Kirk sucks. 

I should make a list of !@#!$ "conservatives" on social media to help the old timers out. 

There are many really really good ones who don't get the following they deserve. 

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2 minutes ago, JohnboyND7 said:

Charlie Kirk sucks. 

I should make a list of !@#!$ "conservatives" on social media to help the old timers out. 

There are many really really good ones who don't get the following they deserve. 

But it is true regardless how you feel a about him 

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4 minutes ago, JohnboyND7 said:

There are many really really good ones who don't get the following they deserve. 

If nothing else, for the humor: @catturd2 (Twitter or Parler)

Want hard core political conservative (with Catholic bent)? Mike Church --> @TheKingDude


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From the category of summer can't  get here soon enough........the Minneapolis Park and Recreation  Board recently voted that anyone can go topless in the city's parks without being cited and ticketed. 

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4 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

From the category of summer can't  get here soon enough........the Minneapolis Park and Recreation  Board recently voted that anyone can go topless in the city's parks without being cited and ticketed. 

why do i have a feeling that this isnt going to be a cool as i would hope it would be

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