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12 minutes ago, petey23 said:

I would remove this but that is just me. It's just that it pretty much destroys any credibility you want to appear to have and also identifies you as a gullible rube...but you do you.

What's next? Putin? Russia? :p

A true cult member defends Trump no matter what evidence surfaces.  A true cult member denies what is obvious to reasonable people.


Americans are drinking bleach because of Trump – and still Republicans stand by him

Senators continue to insist that the problem is anything but the president. 



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16 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


Sure he is;  hence his cult following.  

Even if one agrees with his political positions, it's easy to see through Trump's shtick if one’s not a complete idiot.  Unfortunately have the mental midgets who can’t.  Cult followers.  This is the LCD of society who believe, regurgitate and promote Trump's reality TV BS.  

So it's all intelligent, deep thinkers on the other side, especially from 2008-2016? 

Whats your point?

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1 hour ago, The Sicatoka said:

An EO can not override the Constitution, and election of the President is Constitutionally mandated and proscribed. 


This further proves my point.  

Either Trump is stupid, or he's trolling.    And if he's trolling, why would you troll about something like that?  Just to "own the libs"?   And let me guess, all the rally goers cheered when he said it.   Stupid white trash. lol      Unfortunately, this is what Trump has transformed US politics into; a 'nothing matters' reality TV show where trolling your opponent at every turn is deemed acceptable.        

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1 minute ago, UNDlaw80 said:


This further proves my point.  

Either Trump is stupid, or he's trolling.    And if he's trolling, why would you troll about something like that?  Just to "own the libs"?   And let me guess, all the rally goers cheering when he said it.   Stupid white trash. lol      Unfortunately, this is what Trump has transformed US politics into; a nothing matters reality TV show.      

He got 60+ million votes last election.  Are the vast majority of them "stupid white trash"?

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2 hours ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

The status she holds is largely undeserved. Her refusal to hire black law clerks and comments on Kaepernick show she was only concerned with minority groups to which she belonged. Said racism makes likening her to Biggie Smalls of all people a headscratcher.

She also could have retired a long time ago, but was too concerned with setting a record for longest serving judge. Now there's a good chance a generation of women are subjected to the will of an organized religion that wants to impose its beliefs on non-members while ignoring the long lasting societal and individual harm done by the pedophiles in its organization. Whoops.

Come to think of it, why don't QAnon freakshows go after the Catholic church? #SaveTheChildren

Lol and just like that...anti-Catholic bigotry is back! I for one will welcome the Swiss Guard as liberators and am eager to see the American Vatican built.

Interestingly enough, libs have been defending Joe Biden as a devout practicing Catholic for weeks on one hand while simultaneously holding out some goofy conspiracy theory bigotry that Amy Barrett is unfit for SCOTUS because she is a practicing Catholic.

Pretty tight needle you are trying to thread here.

"The only Catholics fit for office or the bench are the ones who don't actually believe the teachings of the Church but also if you imply Biden and Pelosi aren't real Catholics you are slandering decent people!"



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22 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

He got 60+ million votes last election.  Are the vast majority of them "stupid white trash"?


I'd hope most Conservatives were fully aware Trump was a sleazy and immoral POS, disapproved of his antics and rhetoric, but voted for him based on his politics; especially considering Hillary was the alternative.  

I dunno.  Maybe you can tell me if those fine citizens at Trump rallies cheering his extracurricular juvenile BS are reflective of the typical conservative voter.   

If they are, Jesus Christ the Right-wing is more backwards than I thought.  





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12 hours ago, Hayduke1 said:

Hypocricy is the GOP. 



Before Trump, Republicans talked a lot about values and character. They talked about preserving our institutions and traditions. It's not an argument that is operative today. Instead, situational ethics have been weaponized in Washington. And the stakes are always highest when a Supreme Court pick is involved.

“Elections have consequences.”

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26 minutes ago, petey23 said:

I would remove this but that is just me. It's just that it pretty much destroys any credibility you want to appear to have and also identifies you as a gullible rube...but you do you.

What's next? Putin? Russia? :p

True story.....saw a 85 year old lady last week. Blamed everything on Trump. Told me...."I never watch the news. I only watch Rachel Maddow". No cult follower there.

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4 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


Ah, another Trump talking point.  It's a conspiracy!  

Thanks for again proving my point.  Jesus christ.:ohmy:

You openly chastised Mitch McConnell for something that Harry Reid did, but I am a conspiracy guy?

Seek some professional help.  

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5 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


I'd hope most Conservatives were fully aware Trump was a sleazy and immoral POS, disapproved of his antics and rhetoric, but voted for him based on his politics; especially considering Hillary was the alternative.  

I dunno.  Maybe you can tell me if those fine citizens at Trump rallies cheering his extracurricular juvenile BS are reflective of the typical conservative voter.   

If they are, Jesus Christ this country is more backwards than I thought.  





And those fine “peaceful protestors” reflect the values of the typical democratic voter??  We can assume you share those values. 

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6 minutes ago, JohnboyND7 said:

Lol and just like that...anti-Catholic bigotry is back! I for one will welcome the Swiss Guard as liberators and am eager to see the American Vatican built.

Interestingly enough, libs have been defending Joe Biden as a devout practicing Catholic for weeks on one hand while simultaneously holding out some goofy conspiracy theory bigotry that Amy Barrett is unfit for SCOTUS because she is a practicing Catholic.

Pretty tight needle you are trying to thread here.

"The only Catholics fit for office or the bench are the ones who don't actually believe the teachings of the Church but also if you imply Biden and Pelosi aren't real Catholics you are slandering decent people!"



You seem to think I'm some card carrying "defend the Dems at all cost" chump. Not everyone needs the comfort of groupthink to reach self-actualization. There's no better way to pigeonhole yourself than blind adherence to a political party, religion, etc.  Heck, I'm often forced to distance myself from fellow Sioux fans in hockey circles.

Biden is just pandering to the stupid rust belt religious folk who make or break his campaign (thanks to the electoral college), much like his opponent has done. Does this attempted association mean he is one of the pedophiles QAnon is rallying against? Ill hang up and listen...

Barrett's Kingdom of God soundbit sure sounds like she drinks the koolaid of the anthrocentric belief that spirituality boils down to a deity that decided to model humans and humans alone in his own image. Even as a kid that seemed unlikely and simple-minded to me. But hey, she's a female!

The original rogue politician, Jesse Ventura, said it best: organized religion is a crutch for the weak minded.

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3 minutes ago, MafiaMan said:

You openly chastised Mitch McConnell for something that Harry Reid did, but I am a conspiracy guy?

Seek some professional help.  


No fake news, no conspiracy.  Simple mistake on my part.  

Now if you'd only hold Trump as accountable for mistakes as you do some random guy on the internet.  But of course Cult followers don't do that.  

You should wear this to your next broomball game.  



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29 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


This further proves my point.  

Either Trump is stupid, or he's trolling.    And if he's trolling, why would you troll about something like that?  Just to "own the libs"?   And let me guess, all the rally goers cheered when he said it.   Stupid white trash. lol      Unfortunately, this is what Trump has transformed US politics into; a 'nothing matters' reality TV show where trolling your opponent at every turn is deemed acceptable.        

uuummm.. the Trump Train is only four years old...have you not watched the garage show called " the media" the last 15 years or so?

turn off the news and you would be suprised how nice is it outside.

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3 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

uuummm.. the Trump Train is only four years old...have you not watched the garage show called " the media" the last 15 years or so?

turn off the news and you would be suprised how nice is it outside.


It's the MEDIA!!!!!!    To the ramparts everybody!!

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13 minutes ago, homer said:

And those fine “peaceful protestors” reflect the values of the typical democratic voter??  We can assume you share those values. 


Absolutely not.   Anybody espousing violence is not a protester.  They are thugs.  The far-right, for obvious political reasons, always attempts to conflate the two.  

Coincidently, from what I've read, around 93% of all protests up to this point have been peaceful.  

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2 minutes ago, Bison Dan said:

You doubt that the media is 90+ anti Trump?  Have you listened to Meet the Press as an example?

The problem with the cult isn't that they are anti-Trump, it is that they are pro-USA.  

But, as a cultist go find your media source and regurgitate their talking points some more. 

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