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6 minutes ago, darell1976 said:

The old Engelstad Arena produced 5 National Titles, the Hyslop Sports Center saw 3 women's national titles. I think housing them wouldn't have hurt the programs. Since 2001 when the REA opened, only 2 National Titles in UND's major sports, 2001-Football and 2016-hockey. 

So the logical conclusion is that the older and more decrepit our facilities are, the more successful our teams would be....got it.

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7 minutes ago, darell1976 said:

The old Engelstad Arena produced 5 National Titles, the Hyslop Sports Center saw 3 women's national titles. I think housing them wouldn't have hurt the programs. Since 2001 when the REA opened, only 2 National Titles in UND's major sports, 2001-Football and 2016-hockey. 

Pretty incredible to think 5 titles in 28 years of the old Ralph and 1 Tittle in 16 years of the new ralph.


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5 hours ago, Siouxperfan7 said:


The REA prints out and mails out the football tickets.  Anything over the cost of doing that is directly stealing from the football program.  And that is why Kennedy approched KEM about.  

345K a year is a lot of money.  What was the donation amount by the Engelstad foundation allocated to the football program last year?  I'm not great at Math either, but I am pretty sure it was less that 345K.

This is once again a leading contender for the … and I say this with ALL DUE RESPECT...…"The stupidest, laziest, most jealous, can't get a clue, makes less sense than a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin getting it on"...… comment of the year award.....   which apparently you also want funded by the our benefactor..
Gunna be hard to fit that award title on a bronze plaque but I'm sure if all those logins can be managed … this can be managed too.

5 hours ago, Siouxperman8 said:

Let's give the REA all of the football ticket revenue then.  Why not?- if it's such a good thing for the fb team we could more than double that impact.

There's also a football alumni golf event fundraiser in the Twin Cities every summer.  We should funnel all revenue from that to the REA too.  

Sure. Good idea. We all agree.

It appears that the REA may be better at administrating pretty much anything better than the Athletic Dept. or the University...
Who knows maybe any REA ran football team could make a playoff run?

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1 minute ago, Siouxperman8 said:

It is possible to be grateful for the gift that the Engelstads gave and also feel like the fb team is getting shorted by giving $375k to the REA to do as they please with.  That money could make a big difference for the fb program.  We just posted a job for an assistant fb coach at $40k/year and you don't realize that the program on a shoestring budget?

All of the costs you mention above that we avoided are all hockey related.  Many on here care about our other programs too.  You talk about $9.6m in costs avoided like it is a big number - and it is.   You also dismiss $6m for a new scoreboard as trivial.  I for one see a $6m scoreboard as an extravagance that isn't needed at this time and figure the $2m used for it from REA would have been better off going back to the athletic department for other uses. 

How about all the rich Big A HG guys step up to the plate and donate their share to carry the weight of UND athletics?  You had nothing to do with the Engelstad donations but seem to count that as your part of supporting UND.  Why not step up yourself and why single out fb alums?   I give my share every year and it isn't earmarked for fb but goes for all sports.  


You fail to understand that UND has extra money for athletics programs outside of hockey because it didn't have to spend money building or renovating an old arena.  The amount of money REA collects is small potatoes compared to the trickle down effect of expenses UND hasn't had to spend money on.  With that said, REA isn't free to run or operate.  

What if REA has calculated that the enhancements they are making allow for additional ad space for increased revenue that pays for itself in the long run?  How about the increase in ticket revenue (which leads to merch sales, concessions sales, etc.) that allows REA to put more money back in UND's pockets at the end of each year?

Your logic about me carrying the weight of UND athletics is the most mind-boggling yet, as again, you fail to see the point....I'm not the one complaining about how others spend their money.  If you don't like the situation the football team is in, do something about it.  There are more football alums than there are hockey alums.  

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52 minutes ago, Big A HG said:

The football ticket revenue is a small price to pay for all of the additional money the arena has earned on top of the money it has saved the University.  

I think the point is why is the football ticket revenue even a part of the conversation if the REA is generating all of this extra revenue. It isn't that people are ungrateful, it is that there are a lot of gray areas where it looks like a lot of other programs are slighted even more than it seems necessary and the REA seems to hold a little more sway than it should considering it's purpose is for the benefit of UND athletics as a whole. There are multiple instances where they seem to operate in a manner that doesn't exactly line up with that mission statement, such as something as trivial as the design of the BESC court where the REA completely ignored the athletic departments wishes.

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1 hour ago, Siouxperman8 said:

All of my comments are regarding the $2m from the REA funds for the scoreboard. Those are not private funds and not locker room related. 

$345k/year would go a long ways toward that.  

We just want to get what the fb team earns and not leave it up to REA and Chris to decide how much of the fb $$ to give back to the fb program after taking what they want for an REA scoreboard. 

So hockey should get what the hockey team earns, too?  If that's the case, UND is going to lose a lot of other sports that hockey revenue helps subsidize.  (Remember: these issues don't exist in a vacuum).  And even if the ticket-split arrangement did not exist, the football ticket revenue would not go to the football team anyway; it would go to the athletic department, which then allocates money among the university's athletic programs.

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15 minutes ago, Frozen4sioux said:

Whelp it just ain't your call to make is it cowboy.

Guess a few people a couple slots above your paygrade seem to see it a whole lot different.

Resorting to name calling kinda means you got nothing else but I can join in too. 

You have no idea what my paygrade is little cowpoke.  I am not on the payroll of the REA if that's what you mean but I do have a different job at a pretty good paygrade.

In my view it points to an org with an obscene amount of money to burn vs. what is needed at this time.  The $2m from the hold backs from athletic dept could be used more constructively - if you care about anything UND other than the hockey team and but you have proven in the past that you don't.

If you asked UND or the athletic department where they want their money spent I doubt they would want the $2m hold back being spent on a scoreboard that is already one of the top in college hockey.

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2 minutes ago, Benny Baker said:

So hockey should get what the hockey team earns, too?  If that's the case, UND is going to lose a lot of other sports that hockey revenue helps subsidize.  (Remember: these issues don't exist in a vacuum).  And even if the ticket-split arrangement did not exist, the football ticket revenue would not go to the football team anyway; it would go to the athletic department, which then allocates money among the university's athletic programs.

It surely wouldn't have 48% going to the REA for them to use as they see fit and give back whatever is leftover after they have taken their cut.  

Can you find a reason to justify the fb ticket revenue going to the REA?  The REA already has a line item where they charge the university for their ticket office expenses.  UND tried to renegotiate this as per their contract calls for that on a yearly basis and Chris shorted out.  

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39 minutes ago, Big A HG said:

So the logical conclusion is that the older and more decrepit our facilities are, the more successful our teams would be....got it.

No but saying without the fancy hockey and basketball arenas our athletic program would be screwed is far fetched.

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Just now, Siouxperman8 said:

It surely wouldn't have 48% going to the REA for them to use as they see fit and give back whatever is leftover after they have taken their cut.  

Can you find a reason to justify the fb ticket revenue going to the REA?  The REA already has a line item where they charge the university for their ticket office expenses.  UND tried to renegotiate this as per their contract calls for that on a yearly basis and Chris shorted out.  

Reason: a legal contract.

But I'm glad you've now conceded that football ticket revenue does not belong to the football team nor would football ticket revenue have even gone to the football team in the absence of that "legal contract".

Are you ready to stop accusing "Chris" from stealing from your football team now?

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2 minutes ago, Siouxperman8 said:

Resorting to name calling kinda means you got nothing else but I can join in too. 

You have no idea what my paygrade is little cowpoke.  I am not on the payroll of the REA if that's what you mean but I do have a different job at a pretty good paygrade.

In my view it points to an org with an obscene amount of money to burn vs. what is needed at this time.  The $2m from the hold backs from athletic dept could be used more constructively - if you care about anything UND other than the hockey team and but you have proven in the past that you don't.

If you asked UND or the athletic department where they want their money spent I doubt they would want the $2m hold back being spent on a scoreboard that is already one of the top in college hockey.

Just. Can't. Grasp. the. simple. can you fanman7&8

NOT their money.... they wouldn't have that money AT ALL without the Foundations continued benevolence. the University....as others have tried to crayon out for you, .... would be spending all that and extra on the D1 hockey program. there would be no money to give back, there would be no FCSJV or D1 in any other sport had there not been an REA. 


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37 minutes ago, Big Green said:

Pretty incredible to think 5 titles in 28 years of the old Ralph and 1 Tittle in 16 years of the new ralph.


More like 1 title every 5.6 years in the Old REA compared to 1 title in 17 years (18 of we don’t win it all this year) in the new REA.

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3 minutes ago, darell1976 said:

No but saying without the fancy hockey and basketball arenas our athletic program would be screwed is far fetched.

I literally see dozens of posts on here every day contemplating the D-1 facilities arm race and the need for UND to improve its athletic facilities.

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2 minutes ago, Siouxperman8 said:

I give up on this thread. 

The 'hockey at all costs' people like it the way it is because it benefits their favorite program and don't care how it impacts the other programs on campus. 

Yes, I am happy UND didn't have to pay a single dime for the REA's $105 million price tag that the Engelstads paid for instead.

On the balance, UND saved anywhere from $10 to $105 million by not having to build a new hockey arena, and the impact that alone has had on other programs on campus has been an immeasurable success.

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ORHJACkA_bigger.jpg Bucci ManeVerified account @Buccigross
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North Dakota's Ralph Engelstad Arena to install largest center-hung video board in college hockey for the 2019-2020 season..now let’s drop some cash and start up that women’s program again. That’s a crime.


Buccigross throwing his two cents in to the women's hockey argument. But by all means Buccigross drop your money to restart the hockey program.

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3 minutes ago, darell1976 said:

No but saying without the fancy hockey and basketball arenas our athletic program would be screwed is far fetched.

I'm sure the political power of GF would have been able to secure millions upon millions of nonexistent state dollars to fund the improvements for UND athletics all these years, or maybe use the majillions of dollars the University had wisely squirreled away to afford the upgrades on their own. Possibly the vanload of eager deep pocketed donors.

Yes that makes sense. We don't need no REA. 

UND athletics would very screwed at this point without the fancy REA, its not that difficult.  

Pencil out that thought process.

NO REA. = University sending the little dollars available to update multiple aging and decrepit facilities to meet the demands of the only D1 sport at the time. 

100% No REA = No move to D1. The money just would never had been there. Period. End of story. 

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17 minutes ago, Frozen4sioux said:

Just. Can't. Grasp. the. simple. can you fanman7&8

NOT their money.... they wouldn't have that money AT ALL without the Foundations continued benevolence. the University....as others have tried to crayon out for you, .... would be spending all that and extra on the D1 hockey program. there would be no money to give back, there would be no FCSJV or D1 in any other sport had there not been an REA. 


I don't think he has an issue with the existence of the Ralph, just the way that it is operated.  Does anyone really wish it didn't exist?  Play the what if game all you want, but there are many athletic departments doing well without a gift such as the Ralph.  South Dakota State and their "JV" football team just passed UND in ticket revenue, for instance.  The implication that the Ralph has benefited other sports programs at UND is very much wishful thinking.  Non hockey sports have operated on shoe string budgets without the ability to attract or maintain quality coaches, due to a lack of funding.  The AD has not been able to budget in a way that benefits the Athletic Departmnet as a whole (because the ralph spends almost all of the money that it takes in) and nearly all non hockey sports have been mediocre at best since the ralph was built, or they have been cut.  UND could greatly benefit from a diversified revenue stream as a result of a successful football or basketball team.  There gets to be a point to which there are diminishing returns for every dollar spent on the Ralph and it's hockey team.   Also, before you say anything, I'm grateful for the Engelstads generous gift, I just wish they could work more closely with the AD, rather than as if they are a for profit company. 

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1 minute ago, cberkas said:
ORHJACkA_bigger.jpg Bucci ManeVerified account @Buccigross
Follow Follow @Buccigross

North Dakota's Ralph Engelstad Arena to install largest center-hung video board in college hockey for the 2019-2020 season..now let’s drop some cash and start up that women’s program again. That’s a crime.


Buccigross throwing his two cents in to the women's hockey argument. But by all means Buccigross drop your money to restart the hockey program.

If Bucci had 2 cents of hockey IQ to throw at anything, I'd suggest he be quite unwilling to throw it away. 

Yeah, I'd like there to be womens hockey at UND, just like I'd like there to be a completed HPC2&3, and a golf course made of electrically heated glades of incandescent poly-grass, and a football stadium that doesn't make me feel like I need to start grading potatoes. 

...but id rather se that spinoramo OT winner in jumbo-vison as I suck down a couple tostadas and brewskis.

And id rather that 1st round pick visit and be awestruck at the facilities for just a bit longer too.


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30 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

I think the point is why is the football ticket revenue even a part of the conversation if the REA is generating all of this extra revenue. It isn't that people are ungrateful, it is that there are a lot of gray areas where it looks like a lot of other programs are slighted even more than it seems necessary and the REA seems to hold a little more sway than it should considering it's purpose is for the benefit of UND athletics as a whole. There are multiple instances where they seem to operate in a manner that doesn't exactly line up with that mission statement, such as something as trivial as the design of the BESC court where the REA completely ignored the athletic departments wishes.


I think you're being reasonable in your response, but still are failing to see the point.  The key here isn't about the money REA is generating.  It's about how much UND has and is saving by having REA available to them.  Money saved for the university doesn't equate to money coming from REA's pockets.

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Just now, Big A HG said:


I think you're being reasonable in your response, but still are failing to see the point.  The key here isn't about the money REA is generating.  It's about how much UND has and is saving by having REA available to them.  Money saved for the university doesn't equate to money coming from REA's pockets.

That's a good point.  

Can the relationship between the Ralph and UND not be improved to maximize the potential within the Athletic Department as a whole? 

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24 minutes ago, darell1976 said:

No but saying without the fancy hockey and basketball arenas our athletic program would be screwed is far fetched.

I never said it would be screwed.  But, the landscape of our entire athletics department and its facilities would look quite different....and all-in-all, not for the better.  

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