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Expectations for Next Season & New Coach?


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How things are now is how they'll always be, I mean because Michigan has won every NCAA hockey title since the first ever title in 1948 and Florida A&M has won every IAA/FCS title since the first in 1978, right? Packers have won every Super Bowl since Super Bowl I, right?

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Reality check people.....we are in a WORLD of hurt...and its not changing anytime soon...no matter who the coach is...

Based on your negative attitude, we should just drop the program. Of course, it's possible you are a Bisonville troll in disguise here to cause trouble. If that is the case, get lost and don't let your butt hit the door on the way out! :angry:

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Based on your negative attitude, we should just drop the program. Of course, it's possible you are a Bisonville troll in disguise here to cause trouble. If that is the case, get lost and don't let your butt hit the door on the way out! :angry:

Jheria in disguise .

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Because kids have parents and the good ones want to know what the school can offer academically. UND has a big advantage. Big Sky is a more attractive schedule for travel. Montana, Washington, Colorado, Arizona, California, Colorado,, Utah, Oregon and Idaho. UND is upgrading their facilities and has a great campus and facilities. Graduates do well. You sell the kid on his opportunity to be part of something special at UND rather than choosing a school based on their past. That is what good recruiters can do. Not sure I would want to go to war with folks who give up so easily.

Ok, Ill bite..If we have had such and advantage why are we in the position we are in?? I am an official in MN for HS football. Worked several years in ND but have worked MN the past two seasons. Trust me UND is down the list for players/coachs. NDSU/UNI are king followed by SDSU. UNI still does a very good job and has a track record to show recruits. Then it's us.

What most of my friends and most of you included fail to see is this isn't Div II anymore..The reason SU came back to the pack was a reduction in scholarships. We can't count on that again. Plus they have an actual brand in Div I FCS football. What do we have?? What's our big win??? Montana at home last year??

Also the Big Sky offers more for travel? Do you honestly think most parents can afford to fly to every away game? In the Valley most schools can be driven to. Families can actually attend the games. I totally don't get that? Again if these are such advantages where have the recruits been?

BTW I'm not giving up. Very, very happy Muss is gone. Called for his head years ago...Personally I am so tired of the mediocrity in all programs except WVB and Hockey. Not happy with our AD at all. Gave Muss way too long. Plus taking as long as it did to hire a coach did not help the current situation we are in.

One last thing. When I said we are going to get Div II talent this year is if I was a kid and getting recruiting by the local schools and others UND would be darn low on the list. The only reason we would have a chance is to promise playing time. Just facts. My kids make fun of me being a UND alum/fan. I am so sick of taking the crap I do at home regarding football. Neighbors included so If I come off as negative//well I am!!!

In closing of course we have a great academic institution! But I could list great schools across the country that have avg/bad football programs.

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Ok, Ill bite..If we have had such and advantage why are we in the position we are in?? I am an official in MN for HS football. Worked several years in ND but have worked MN the past two seasons. Trust me UND is down the list for players/coachs. NDSU/UNI are king followed by SDSU. UNI still does a very good job and has a track record to show recruits. Then it's us.

What most of my friends and most of you included fail to see is this isn't Div II anymore..The reason SU came back to the pack was a reduction in scholarships. We can't count on that again. Plus they have an actual brand in Div I FCS football. What do we have?? What's our big win??? Montana at home last year??

Also the Big Sky offers more for travel? Do you honestly think most parents can afford to fly to every away game? In the Valley most schools can be driven to. Families can actually attend the games. I totally don't get that? Again if these are such advantages where have the recruits been?

BTW I'm not giving up. Very, very happy Muss is gone. Called for his head years ago...Personally I am so tired of the mediocrity in all programs except WVB and Hockey. Not happy with our AD at all. Gave Muss way too long. Plus taking as long as it did to hire a coach did not help the current situation we are in.

One last thing. When I said we are going to get Div II talent this year is if I was a kid and getting recruiting by the local schools and others UND would be darn low on the list. The only reason we would have a chance is to promise playing time. Just facts. My kids make fun of me being a UND alum/fan. I am so sick of taking the crap I do at home regarding football. Neighbors included so If I come off as negative//well I am!!!

In closing of course we have a great academic institution! But I could list great schools across the country that have avg/bad football programs.

More NDSU talk from you - shocker. Spewing the same stuff the other NDSU posters do about reduction in scholarships, etc. UNI is far from the top when it comes to recruiting MN, you have no idea what you are talking about. You sir are a loser.

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Ok, Ill bite..If we have had such and advantage why are we in the position we are in?? I am an official in MN for HS football. Worked several years in ND but have worked MN the past two seasons. Trust me UND is down the list for players/coachs. NDSU/UNI are king followed by SDSU. UNI still does a very good job and has a track record to show recruits. Then it's us.

What most of my friends and most of you included fail to see is this isn't Div II anymore..The reason SU came back to the pack was a reduction in scholarships. We can't count on that again. Plus they have an actual brand in Div I FCS football. What do we have?? What's our big win??? Montana at home last year??

Also the Big Sky offers more for travel? Do you honestly think most parents can afford to fly to every away game? In the Valley most schools can be driven to. Families can actually attend the games. I totally don't get that? Again if these are such advantages where have the recruits been?

BTW I'm not giving up. Very, very happy Muss is gone. Called for his head years ago...Personally I am so tired of the mediocrity in all programs except WVB and Hockey. Not happy with our AD at all. Gave Muss way too long. Plus taking as long as it did to hire a coach did not help the current situation we are in.

One last thing. When I said we are going to get Div II talent this year is if I was a kid and getting recruiting by the local schools and others UND would be darn low on the list. The only reason we would have a chance is to promise playing time. Just facts. My kids make fun of me being a UND alum/fan. I am so sick of taking the crap I do at home regarding football. Neighbors included so If I come off as negative//well I am!!!

In closing of course we have a great academic institution! But I could list great schools across the country that have avg/bad football programs.

It takes a good coach/motivator to get a team winning again. If Bubba & staff can recruit blue collar players, instill confidence, and win games, the reputation will only continue to grow for this program. The team will have some talent this year, and depending on the recruiting class with FBS drop downs and JUCO players, it could have even more. All Bubba needs to do is win some games - UND has yet to have a winning record in the Big Sky. If they can do that, then they'll continue to ascend in terms of appeal to recruits. Just have some confidence and patience in the new staff; I honestly think Bubba can get this program back to playing confidently and with discipline, which will only lead to additional wins and better recruits.

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That's too extreme in my opinion. I do agree that this team will be improved next season, though, due to better quarterback play, a running game presence, disciplined defense, and improved coaching/leadership. I'd go with 4 or 5 wins, but 6 is possible.

We have/are/still loosing some offensive fire power. I would be a little more conservative until we get a look at next years team

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Ok, Ill bite..If we have had such and advantage why are we in the position we are in?? I am an official in MN for HS football. Worked several years in ND but have worked MN the past two seasons. Trust me UND is down the list for players/coachs. NDSU/UNI are king followed by SDSU. UNI still does a very good job and has a track record to show recruits. Then it's us.

What most of my friends and most of you included fail to see is this isn't Div II anymore..The reason SU came back to the pack was a reduction in scholarships. We can't count on that again. Plus they have an actual brand in Div I FCS football. What do we have?? What's our big win??? Montana at home last year??

Also the Big Sky offers more for travel? Do you honestly think most parents can afford to fly to every away game? In the Valley most schools can be driven to. Families can actually attend the games. I totally don't get that? Again if these are such advantages where have the recruits been?

BTW I'm not giving up. Very, very happy Muss is gone. Called for his head years ago...Personally I am so tired of the mediocrity in all programs except WVB and Hockey. Not happy with our AD at all. Gave Muss way too long. Plus taking as long as it did to hire a coach did not help the current situation we are in.

One last thing. When I said we are going to get Div II talent this year is if I was a kid and getting recruiting by the local schools and others UND would be darn low on the list. The only reason we would have a chance is to promise playing time. Just facts. My kids make fun of me being a UND alum/fan. I am so sick of taking the crap I do at home regarding football. Neighbors included so If I come off as negative//well I am!!!

In closing of course we have a great academic institution! But I could list great schools across the country that have avg/bad football programs.

Rocky Hager is that you.

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Ok, Ill bite..If we have had such and advantage why are we in the position we are in?? I am an official in MN for HS football. Worked several years in ND but have worked MN the past two seasons. Trust me UND is down the list for players/coachs. NDSU/UNI are king followed by SDSU. UNI still does a very good job and has a track record to show recruits. Then it's us.

What most of my friends and most of you included fail to see is this isn't Div II anymore..The reason SU came back to the pack was a reduction in scholarships. We can't count on that again. Plus they have an actual brand in Div I FCS football. What do we have?? What's our big win??? Montana at home last year??

Also the Big Sky offers more for travel? Do you honestly think most parents can afford to fly to every away game? In the Valley most schools can be driven to. Families can actually attend the games. I totally don't get that? Again if these are such advantages where have the recruits been?

BTW I'm not giving up. Very, very happy Muss is gone. Called for his head years ago...Personally I am so tired of the mediocrity in all programs except WVB and Hockey. Not happy with our AD at all. Gave Muss way too long. Plus taking as long as it did to hire a coach did not help the current situation we are in.

One last thing. When I said we are going to get Div II talent this year is if I was a kid and getting recruiting by the local schools and others UND would be darn low on the list. The only reason we would have a chance is to promise playing time. Just facts. My kids make fun of me being a UND alum/fan. I am so sick of taking the crap I do at home regarding football. Neighbors included so If I come off as negative//well I am!!!

In closing of course we have a great academic institution! But I could list great schools across the country that have avg/bad football programs.

Obvious bizun troll is obvious.

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To be honest, fgosioux does make some valid points...or at least some points I agree with. I do feel our athletic programs are mired in mediocrity right now. So we won a few Great West conference titles in some sports...we should have won them and won more based on our athletic budget in comparison to the other GWC schools. The only sports that have taken a legitimate step up in play has been the Volleyball team and the Women's hockey team at least in my eyes. Every other sport has been average at best...even including hockey (when comparing to what we expect from that program).

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More NDSU talk from you - shocker. Spewing the same stuff the other NDSU posters do about reduction in scholarships, etc. UNI is far from the top when it comes to recruiting MN, you have no idea what you are talking about. You sir are a loser.

I agree with you. The South Dakota games and maybe Northern Iowa are the only road games that very many fans might go to in the MVFC. Granted they are closer than the Montana schools or Northern Colorado but for the most part now that all games are on Big Sky television that factor is less important than you might think. The biggest thing for fans is they can watch the video of games live . The games of the MVFC that are in Missouri, Ohio, Illinois and Indiana aren't that handy either . The Big Sky locations are a lot more appealing than the MVFC locations if you are going to travel.
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To be honest, fgosioux does make some valid points...or at least some points I agree with. I do feel our athletic programs are mired in mediocrity right now. So we won a few Great West conference titles in some sports...we should have won them and won more based on our athletic budget in comparison to the other GWC schools. The only sports that have taken a legitimate step up in play has been the Volleyball team and the Women's hockey team at least in my eyes. Every other sport has been average at best...even including hockey (when comparing to what we expect from that program).

The problem with fgosioux is that he implies that there is no solution and no way to fix our problems. I have pointed out the mediocrity in our programs, but I also think we have more than enough tools to turn it around.

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Ok, Ill bite..If we have had such and advantage why are we in the position we are in?? I am an official in MN for HS football. Worked several years in ND but have worked MN the past two seasons. Trust me UND is down the list for players/coachs. NDSU/UNI are king followed by SDSU. UNI still does a very good job and has a track record to show recruits. Then it's us.

What most of my friends and most of you included fail to see is this isn't Div II anymore..The reason SU came back to the pack was a reduction in scholarships. We can't count on that again. Plus they have an actual brand in Div I FCS football. What do we have?? What's our big win??? Montana at home last year??

Also the Big Sky offers more for travel? Do you honestly think most parents can afford to fly to every away game? In the Valley most schools can be driven to. Families can actually attend the games. I totally don't get that? Again if these are such advantages where have the recruits been?

BTW I'm not giving up. Very, very happy Muss is gone. Called for his head years ago...Personally I am so tired of the mediocrity in all programs except WVB and Hockey. Not happy with our AD at all. Gave Muss way too long. Plus taking as long as it did to hire a coach did not help the current situation we are in.

One last thing. When I said we are going to get Div II talent this year is if I was a kid and getting recruiting by the local schools and others UND would be darn low on the list. The only reason we would have a chance is to promise playing time. Just facts. My kids make fun of me being a UND alum/fan. I am so sick of taking the crap I do at home regarding football. Neighbors included so If I come off as negative//well I am!!!

In closing of course we have a great academic institution! But I could list great schools across the country that have avg/bad football programs.

Don't read more into what I believe than is there. I listed what I would use as selling points for kids. Playing at Big Sky locations is more attractive to me than many other FCS schools. The AC's recent success is a factor in their favor. Most athlete's and coaches will choose to consider the AC based on that factor alone. That is their advantage. Once kids are on campus we show them other factors that neutralize the advantage the AC starts with. Why have they had more recent success? They upgraded their weight room and locker room facilities before we did. They moved to fcs before we did. By the time this years recruits are Soph we can neutralize their advantage. The recruits can connect to players and coaches on their visit. As long as thenschool, facilities and schedule arenattractive, those connections trump past history. Your frustrations are similar to other Sioux fans and you make some good points. To be successful you must believe in your organization and your people. Then you convince others to believe. My position coach, Gene Murphy once convinced a recruit's Mom they were going to build a new highway between MSP and GF that would make trip to GF shorter than MSP to Fargo. Once you get those recruits here you convince them they can do things they didn't even consider they were capable of.

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Based on what, your inflated opinion of teams that were on NDSU's schedule? How would Ferris State have done against SDSU?

Not just me that thinks that. Massey has them rated 210 overall in college football and UND rated @ 313.


Other stats: (throwing in NDSU just for the hell of it)

Pwr: UND 313 Ferris 211 NDSU 22

Off: UND 308 Ferris 156 NDSU 38

Def: UND 310 Ferris 304 NDSU 5 (yes according to Massey 5th best Defense in all of college football)

HFA: UND 1.74 Ferris 5.8 NDSU 2.24

SoS: UND 204 Ferris 251 NDSU 91

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Not just me that thinks that. Massey has them rated 210 overall in college football and UND rated @ 313.


Other stats: (throwing in NDSU just for the hell of it)

Pwr: UND 313 Ferris 211 NDSU 22

Off: UND 308 Ferris 156 NDSU 38

Def: UND 310 Ferris 304 NDSU 5 (yes according to Massey 5th best Defense in all of college football)

HFA: UND 1.74 Ferris 5.8 NDSU 2.24

SoS: UND 204 Ferris 251 NDSU 91

Well I guess that settles it. No need to play games any more.

UND was not real great this year, but pointing at some computer ratings isn't going to convince me that Ferris St would have crushed UND, especially after watching them blow a chance to tie it up against MVFC powerhouse SDSU (who comes in 91st in your rankings).

You realize that all computer rankings have major flaws, particularly when you start talking about teams from different divisions?

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Well I guess that settles it. No need to play games any more.

You realize that all computer rankings have major flaws, particularly when you start talking about teams from different divisions?


They did win some big games against huge competition.

Michigan Tech, Wayne St, Walsh, Lake Erie....I mean with a schedule like theirs, sign them up against Florida State. :silly:

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Not just me that thinks that. Massey has them rated 210 overall in college football and UND rated @ 313.


Other stats: (throwing in NDSU just for the hell of it)

Pwr: UND 313 Ferris 211 NDSU 22

Off: UND 308 Ferris 156 NDSU 38

Def: UND 310 Ferris 304 NDSU 5 (yes according to Massey 5th best Defense in all of college football)

HFA: UND 1.74 Ferris 5.8 NDSU 2.24

SoS: UND 204 Ferris 251 NDSU 91

yeah, because games are played on the computer. :silly:

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Not just me that thinks that. Massey has them rated 210 overall in college football and UND rated @ 313.


Other stats: (throwing in NDSU just for the hell of it)

Pwr: UND 313 Ferris 211 NDSU 22

Off: UND 308 Ferris 156 NDSU 38

Def: UND 310 Ferris 304 NDSU 5 (yes according to Massey 5th best Defense in all of college football)

HFA: UND 1.74 Ferris 5.8 NDSU 2.24

SoS: UND 204 Ferris 251 NDSU 91

That's idiotic!! Seriously, a Div II team...Do you really think NDSU was at their best that day against a crappy Div II team...Your taking stats from THAT game...Wow, you SU guys are something else.......You must be really bored to sink to this level...

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That's idiotic!! Seriously, a Div II team...Do you really think NDSU was at their best that day against a crappy Div II team...Your taking stats from THAT game...Wow, you SU guys are something else.......You must be really bored to sink to this level...

You're trying too hard.....

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The problem with fgosioux is that he implies that there is no solution and no way to fix our problems. I have pointed out the mediocrity in our programs, but I also think we have more than enough tools to turn it around.

Ok, my bad. Not saying there isn't ways to turn this around at all!! But I am tired of people dreaming that this will be fixed in a year or two. This is going to take some time. Our new coach's were put in a very bad situation by waiting way too long to hire them. That's on our AD. I like Bubba and think he has a shot to be successful. Personally I would have taken a shot at the EX-Montana coach. He has had success in the Big Sky and has run a very successful program. Did he have baggage? Certainly but so did Bohl and look how that worked for SU. Am I sold on most of the new coaching staff coming from ND? Not really but time will tell. I know it sure cant' get worse!!!

It's been a while since I posted on this site. Mostly because last time around I pointed out some things about Coach Muss and recruits and was blasted. I call a spade a spade. I am definitely not a kool-aid drinker like a lot on this site.

At the time I said Jake Miller wasn't a Div I running back. I got BLASTED!! I'm going to throw out one more. Again not trying to be negative just things I've been told.

I have friends in Minot that are very tied into athletics as Minot State. They are elated Rudolph is gone. Said he is a horrible coach. Doesn't mean he can't be a good OC. I personally think we could have done a lot better at that position on the new staff. His track record is St. Cloud State and he has zero Div I expierence. We will see...I hope I'm wrong but by far my biggest concern on this staff. On a side note he was one hell of a QB at Stanley. Watched him in a playoff game in Hazen come back from a major half time deficit to beat the Bison :)

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Ok, my bad. Not saying there isn't ways to turn this around at all!! But I am tired of people dreaming that this will be fixed in a year or two. This is going to take some time. Our new coach's were put in a very bad situation by waiting way too long to hire them. That's on our AD. I like Bubba and think he has a shot to be successful. Personally I would have taken a shot at the EX-Montana coach. He has had success in the Big Sky and has run a very successful program. Did he have baggage? Certainly but so did Bohl and look how that worked for SU. Am I sold on most of the new coaching staff coming from ND? Not really but time will tell. I know it sure cant' get worse!!!

It's been a while since I posted on this site. Mostly because last time around I pointed out some things about Coach Muss and recruits and was blasted. I call a spade a spade. I am definitely not a kool-aid drinker like a lot on this site.

At the time I said Jake Miller wasn't a Div I running back. I got BLASTED!! I'm going to throw out one more. Again not trying to be negative just things I've been told.

I have friends in Minot that are very tied into athletics as Minot State. They are elated Rudolph is gone. Said he is a horrible coach. Doesn't mean he can't be a good OC. I personally think we could have done a lot better at that position on the new staff. His track record is St. Cloud State and he has zero Div I expierence. We will see...I hope I'm wrong but by far my biggest concern on this staff. On a side note he was one hell of a QB at Stanley. Watched him in a playoff game in Hazen come back from a major half time deficit to beat the Bison :)

I spoke with a friend of mine (D-II) that coached against Rudolph many times. He told me that Rudolph is a great selection for UND.

"Elated"? "Horrible coach"? To me that sounds like a parent/s that didn't agree with how much playing time their kid was getting. I seriously doubt Bubba would pick a "horrible coach" to be his OC.

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