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Coaching Change


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Dude, you just threw me in front of a bus insinuating that I'm some pompous prick who thinks he has the solution to all Sioux hockey problems...now you want to help me up off the pavement?

I offered up my two cents earlier...grabbing the top talent in the hockey world and throwing it on one team doesn't make that the best 'team' when the skates are laced up. UND clearly needs some meat and potatoes guys and less guys waiting for an NHL paycheck. Hey, that reminds me...how many BC Eagles are in the NHL right now? Far fewer than Sioux guys...

Patrick Eaves, Brooks Orpik, Brian Gionta, Stephen Gionta, Nathan Gerbe, Cory Schneider, Chris Kreider,

BC has produced about the same number of NHLers...BC ALSO produced 3 NCAA titles

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Patrick Eaves, Brooks Orpik, Brian Gionta, Stephen Gionta, Nathan Gerbe, Cory Schneider, Chris Kreider,

BC has produced about the same number of NHLers...BC ALSO produced 3 NCAA titles

I believe I counted 14 or 15 former Sioux players in the NHL...that's double BC's.

Your title argument is 4 if you're going back to the early 2000's.

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Different team if Dell had stayed. We are average in the nets right now. For those whose lives seem to revolve around Sioux Hockey or for that matter any sport, I can't argue with whatever goofy ideas you come up with cuz it won't matter what anyone else says. Last nights game is over. This team has the potential to continue to be one of the best in the country. Without an outstanding Goalie, we will have trouble sustaining a run at title #6.

The lack of respect shown other programs whether it be the Gophers, Badgers, Michigan, Bemidji, BC or in this case St. Cloud, leads some to believe these games can't happen. Coaches can't always guarantee the kids will be ready to play.

Its a flipping college hockey game. The coaches have better things to do than read these blogs because my opinion and yours is irrelevant. If people are going to turn in their season tickets when we struggle, then you need to switch to video hockey. Hakstol has taken this team to the frozen four in more than half his years coaching. If you can get a team there you can coach. Not being able to "win the big one" is more of a media myth than fact. Vikings haven't won a supper bowl. Bud Grant was still a great coach. Wade Phillips and Marv Levy didnt' win Super Bowls but they were good coaches. They got fired and the subsequesnt teams didn't do as well.

If the Sioux hockey teams fail to make playoffs, fail to be ranked nationally and stop recruiting top recruits, then we have a problem. God help us if we start canning coaches cuz some fans can't accept that St. Cloud is a pretty good team and we can play good hockey and still lose on any given night. However we didn't do that last night Last nights game was in fact an embarrassment. Not to us cuz we didn't play. It was an embarrassment to the players and coaches. Nothing we can do about it and calling for the coaches head won't make it happen.

You summed it up perfectly...bravo!!!

The big problem I have with this is that people come in here after a loss calling for someones head, yet don't offer any alternatives for who to hire. If you want Hakstol fired, that is fine and it is within your rights to state, but you better come up with a solution for who to replace him with. This team is a top team ever year, is one of the most respected programs in the country by many NHL execs, and has many of the top players in the country every year.

I will never understand why so many people in Grand Forks want Hakstol fired, wake up and realize that Dean Blais isn't coming back and move on. There isn't a better option than Hakstol to run this team, and he is doing a great job of it. In my opinion he is one of the best coaches in the country and we are damn lucky to have him.

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I apologize to you Mafia man if I came across as thinking you were a pompous prick not my intention just I get tired of people saying step away from the cliff or break an ankle jumping off the bus, the Sioux will always be my team, just don't like the results sometimes.

You have to play it cool, if you want to be part of the in-crowd, bro. :crazy:

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Well I did research it and here is what I found. There are 11 according to http://collegehockeyinc.com/pages/former-collegians-nhl-2012-13. But it only lists 8 UND players. How up to date the list is I do not know.

That list contains a BC name or two I'd forgotten about (Scott Clemmensen) and is missing a Sioux player or two who are currently unsigned (Jason Blake, for example). Nonetheless, BC and UND are closer than I though...I stand corrected.

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Are all guys who are either in the NHl, have played as recently as last year in the NHL, or on the verge of being in the NHL......but I think Mafiaman's point was BC wins NCAA titles with less NHL caliber players and more meat and potato guys(i.e. good college players).

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Are all guys who are either in the NHl, have played as recently as last year in the NHL, or on the verge of being in the NHL......but I think Mafiaman's point was BC wins NCAA titles with less NHL caliber players and more meat and potato guys(i.e. good college players).

So far BC has 11 in the NHL this year and UND has 8. Last year it was 22 for BC and 17 for UND. The year before that I believe it was 17 for BC and 16 for UND. I don't know where everyone gets this false impression that BC doesn't have NHL caliber players. BC has been successful for the last 10-12 years because they have had very talented players and a good coach. UND has been successful during that same time period for the same reasons. UND has been to 10 straight NCAA tournaments and 5 Frozen Fours out of those 10 tournament appearances. That isn't exactly the record of a mediocre program. The only real differences between the programs have been the National titles won by BC.
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So far BC has 11 in the NHL this year and UND has 8. Last year it was 22 for BC and 17 for UND. The year before that I believe it was 17 for BC and 16 for UND. I don't know where everyone gets this false impression that BC doesn't have NHL caliber players. BC has been successful for the last 10-12 years because they have had very talented players and a good coach. UND has been successful during that same time period for the same reasons. UND has been to 10 straight NCAA tournaments and 5 Frozen Fours out of those 10 tournament appearances. That isn't exactly the record of a mediocre program. The only real differences between the programs have been the National titles won by BC.

Pretty big difference since this is what we all are playing for. It's the difference between Blais and Woog.

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Oh by the way the drive through pays well , I have had season tickets since 1984 and have been to 8 frozen fours so kind of a casual fan.

Is attending Frozen Fours the measuring stick for knowing who's a good coach? If so, you still have a ways to go:

'87 Detroit, '89 St. Paul, '97 Milwaukee, '99 Anaheim, '00 Providence, '01 Albany, '04 Boston, '05 Columbus, '07 St. Louis, '08 Denver, '11 St. Paul

11 > 8 so I say the coaches know what they're doing and you don't. If you knew coaching better than Hakstol, UND would be paying you close to $300K to lead the team to a National Championship this year. Send your phone # to Kelley on Monday and I'm sure he'll set up an interview.

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Dude, you just threw me in front of a bus insinuating that I'm some pompous prick who thinks he has the solution to all Sioux hockey problems...now you want to help me up off the pavement?

I am not sure why he felt the needed throw either of us under the bus, that was over the top.

Edited by Goon
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This is from the guy who pays more attention to football. UND fans DO NOT like mediocrity! If they did then why so many posts today saying the opposite?

I pay plenty attention to hockey. I've played the game for 33 years. UM fans do not enjoy mediocrity anymore than UND fans, sorry to break it to you. Same with UW, DU, UMD, SCSU, etc and I could go on. Enjoy the season. You guys have a load of talent, a great fanbase, and a great college hockey coach.

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Is attending Frozen Fours the measuring stick for knowing who's a good coach? If so, you still have a ways to go:

'87 Detroit, '89 St. Paul, '97 Milwaukee, '99 Anaheim, '00 Providence, '01 Albany, '04 Boston, '05 Columbus, '07 St. Louis, '08 Denver, '11 St. Paul

11 > 8 so I say the coaches know what they're doing and you don't. If you knew coaching better than Hakstol, UND would be paying you close to $300K to lead the team to a National Championship this year. Send your phone # to Kelley on Monday and I'm sure he'll set up an interview.

Sorry mr Rick didn't say I wanted to be coach and I only mentioned the frozen fours just to prove I get days off the fry line. Next time I want to post my opinion on a message board I will clear it with you first.
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Pretty big difference since this is what we all are playing for. It's the difference between Blais and Woog.

That topic has been discussed to death. Not all of us base our entire self-worth on whether the UND hockey team wins a national title, or base our entire evaluation of a season on whether they win the Frozen Four. The national title is the ultimate goal each season, but I would guess it is at the end of a chain of goals. If you grade a season pass/fail based on winning the national title, then UND would have about 55 failed seasons along with the 7 winning seasons.

The topic I addressed was the talent level at BC compared to UND. For further comparison, there are several other schools that have more or similar numbers of players playing in the NHL compared to UND. Right now I believe that BU, Michigan State, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin all have more, Wisconsin has approximately 17 right now. Michigan and Wisconsin had more than 20 last year. Denver, CC and Duluth aren't usually too far behind this group, and several other schools also have good numbers. UND has a lot of NHL caliber players going through the system, but they are not head and shoulders above everyone else.

The talented players that pass through the schools I have listed are a large part of why these 10 schools are usually fighting for a place in the NCAA tournament almost every year. And those 10 schools have won 17 out of the last 18 NCAA tournaments (with CC being the only one of the 10 schools that hasn't won during that period).

Edit: In case someone was wondering, Maine is the only school outside of these 10 that has won a national title during those 18 years. That was in 1999.

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You know, not that I'm saying that Hak needs to go, but I would imagine he has seen that the program is bigger than the coach. Gino found that out.

Hak knows that expectations are always high at UND. He knows he needs to get his players to perform.

However, he is a fair target for criticism. What did we have, like 5 shots on goal through the middle of the second period? That's insane.

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I'm new to this board but not a new Fighting Sioux hockey fan and it's unbelievable how many people don't want to call out the head coach when he should be called out. Season after season when we don't win the Frozen Four people make excuses for him and he makes excuses for the team. He hasn't won a National Title and he s**t canned and tried to make a scapegoat out of the one coach who has won a National Title as a player and a coach.

The book "One Goal" is a perfect example of how this team is run because the book is more about Hakstol than anything else. Coach Jackson wasn't mentioned once, Coach Eades only once and we got a whole lot of pictures of behind the scenes looks at Hakstol and his family. The book was a disappointment and so is the performance of the Head Coach who year after year can't win a title with teams, that on paper, are the most talented.

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