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Pregame rituals (coaches, fans, and players)

Dave Berger

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I'm working on an article about pregame rituals for coaches, fans, and players. I would like to hear from you regarding what things you do (or have to do) before every game. Before the start of the period? Leave your responses below and the best, most interesting rituals will make it into my article.



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When I played in "real," contact hockey games, I would always warm up with some backhands against the boards near our bench. Then when players were taking their last skate before exiting the ice, i would skate two, big figure 8's in the neutral zone, cutting through the center ice face off dot and turning close to the boards doing crossovers on each side of the ice. It wasn't really a superstitious thing, just part of my pre-game warm up ritual.

While watching games on tv, I try not to spill any beer or pizza. :)

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Start the day deciding on whether to wear the black (big/important game) or white jersey (anytime else) and making sure to put on an orange shirt (HS colors) underneath the jersey. Wear it throughout the school day.

Get done with class/work and get ready to stand out in the student enterence: I throw on black sweatpants, bring my iPod, bring my black bomber hat and my snapback Winnipeg Jets hat. Get in line and put on black bomber hat and turn iPod on and listen to music/talk to other students

Once inside, head straight for section 110 and my spot on ice row, right next to our penalty box. Quickly put my stuff down and head to the nearest Little Ceasars stand. I would get either crazy bread or cheese bread and a kool aid slushie (blue raspberry).

When team comes out for first time on ice, throw on Jets cap and wear that until anthem. Once anthem is sung, switch to bomber hat and get ready to cheer on the team.

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This has nothing to do with the Sioux, but found it to be pretty interesting. This year my favorite football team is 0-3 when I wear apparel of that team on gameday, and they are 4-0 when they don't. Needless to say, I have now stopped wearing their stuff.

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This has nothing to do with the Sioux, but found it to be pretty interesting. This year my favorite football team is 0-3 when I wear apparel of that team on gameday, and they are 4-0 when they don't. Needless to say, I have now stopped wearing their stuff.

Well then keep wearing the apparel of your favorite team so the Packer will continue to suck up fumes. :)

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Are you scared they will pass your beloved Vikings in the standings? :p

Well you have a couple of games to make up in the standings to be ahead of the Vikings. I think that they Vikes will sweep the Packer and split with the bears go to the playoffs as a Wild Card and make a move in the playoffs.

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Well you have a couple of games to make up in the standings to be ahead of the Vikings. I think that they Vikes will sweep the Packer and split with the bears go to the playoffs as a Wild Card and make a move in the playoffs.

I hate to derail this thread but there is no way the Vikings sweep the Packers :-)

Now back to rituals...

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Meet back at West Hall after last class on Friday about 2:00...head out with the boys and get to the Spud for buck pitchers around 2:30...get to our favorite table saved by our one buddy who would always get there around 1:00 and just hang out...rip it up until bucks is over and get back to Wilkerson in time for food service (ugh)...walk across campus to the Winter Sports Center in time for warmups and a few hands of cards or dice...mix up a drink in the stall in the mens room; classy right?...watch Hrkac/Joyce and the boys pummel that night's opponent...head out to the Bridge and Whiteys for the postgame festivities...oh yeah, this was 1986-87...:)

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i had all kinds of different rituals when I played but as a fan my family does have some rituals. My wife, son and I all have to wear a specific Sioux jersey on both game days. I wear the Black Sioux jersey my wife the white jeresy and my son the green one. We order food from the same restaurant and we sit in our living room in the exact same spots. My wife wears these sioux socks she wore three years ago at the Final Five and every year since the Sioux have won the Broadmoor trophy. We also fly a UND Fighting Sioux flag outside our house during the football and hockey seasons and it doesn't come down until they play the last game of the year. Of course whenever the sioux make it to the NC game and lose we have to find new rituals as those would be deemed bad luck. Kinda weird but we love our Sioux hockey.

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Meet back at West Hall after last class on Friday about 2:00...head out with the boys and get to the Spud for buck pitchers around 2:30...get to our favorite table saved by our one buddy who would always get there around 1:00 and just hang out...rip it up until bucks is over and get back to Wilkerson in time for food service (ugh)...walk across campus to the Winter Sports Center in time for warmups and a few hands of cards or dice...mix up a drink in the stall in the mens room; classy right?...watch Hrkac/Joyce and the boys pummel that night's opponent...head out to the Bridge and Whiteys for the postgame festivities...oh yeah, this was 1986-87... :)

That was sort of a late start... :D

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Well you have a couple of games to make up in the standings to be ahead of the Vikings. I think that they Vikes will sweep the Packer and split with the bears go to the playoffs as a Wild Card and make a move in the playoffs.


No chance!

Italian Moon buffet before every hockey game.

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Meet back at West Hall after last class on Friday about 2:00...head out with the boys and get to the Spud for buck pitchers around 2:30...get to our favorite table saved by our one buddy who would always get there around 1:00 and just hang out...rip it up until bucks is over and get back to Wilkerson in time for food service (ugh)...walk across campus to the Winter Sports Center in time for warmups and a few hands of cards or dice...mix up a drink in the stall in the mens room; classy right?...watch Hrkac/Joyce and the boys pummel that night's opponent...head out to the Bridge and Whiteys for the postgame festivities...oh yeah, this was 1986-87... :)

Why not the Antique after the game?
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I like to fire up my Hockey Mix CD - lots of good tunes by The Zambonis, Oh Canada!, Chelsea Dagger, UND songs. Driving to The Ralph it's always being played. I get excited about a lot in general but walking up to The Ralph with 12,000 of your friends is a unique charge.

At home on TV it's all about trying to replicate Red Pepper or roasting up some candied almonds. Neither one is like the real thing but then again, I'm not at all the games either.

Lots of fun bars to frequent in Grand Forks -- just saying the words "Grand Forks" makes me what to have a beer.

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Nobody has mentioned Frenchy's, which was obligatory before and after the game and where the overaged Canadian players went. Guess those folks old enough to remember have all died off or haven't quite learned how to use the internet yet.

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2 24 oz molsons per period. 2 fresh copenhagen dips each game. Usually beginning of first and middle of third. depending on how the nervs are doing

and also one free bavarian almond per game too.

That's really close to my mens league ritual too. What do you do when you are a spectator? :lol:

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I have developed some rituals pertaining to the UND goal song...

-I don't listen to Chelsea Dagger the week of a home game. My reasoning is that it will sound that much sweeter when played after a goal. If I hear it, I want it to be because UND scored.

-I don't listen to Chelsea Dagger on game days (home or road)

-After home wins I blast Chelsea Dagger in the car on my drive home from the rink.

I've noticed one on-ice ritual by a player:

Danny Kristo - At the tail end of warmups at REA, he snags a puck from the net or surrounding area, stickhandles straight up the slot to center ice, backhands the puck to the net, and then skates over to the bench to stretch. I've seen him do it at road games too.

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My toenails are painted green. My hair is braided the night before/morning of. If I am at the game, it is a certain shirt and sweatshirt with a green or white jersey, depending on the night. If I am not at the game, it is just the shirt and the sweatshirt. (yes, pants are involved as well!) I have certain Sioux socks that I wear and certain jewelry. Oh, and my hockey beads must be put on in a certain order (two green tiny round beaded ones first, then the white hockey one, then the green hockey one). And on Saturday nights, when I am at the game, dippin' dots between the second and third periods.

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Yeah, it was tough when classes would interfere with our Spud time...usually got there in time to see people dancing the 'Bird' though... ;)

Then you did not get there till between 4 and 4:30. Do you remember who started that? It was one gal and her friends. Hint she works at the UND bookstore and her nephew plays for Omaha.
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Then you did not get there till between 4 and 4:30. Do you remember who started that? It was one gal and her friends. Hint she works at the UND bookstore and her nephew plays for Omaha.

Was it Prince? Morris Day?:). Sorry, my memory isn't that good.
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