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One year in the A for seasoning then on to the NHL.

I thought the same thing about Taylor Chorney...and he's ended up a journeyman with more time in the A than the N.

Both exceptional leaders and by all accounts really good people.

Regardless with Dillon, he'll have a degree and have used all 4 years of college eligibility up. No regrets.

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Not a good enough skater. His feet will unfortunately let him down.

It will be interesting to see. He improved that a lot over the course of his time here. Bochenski is a prime example of excelling in many areas of the game but not having good enough foot speed to play in the NHL, even though he's still playing professionally.

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I agree that Dillon's skating is a question mark. He has all of the other tools...

If he improves his skating, there is no reason that he couldn't be a reliable 3rd pairing dman...he doesn't have the mean streak or size to be a shutdown, and he doesn't have the skating to be an offensive dman. He is a tweaner, but a tweaner who does many things well...

I think my Chorney comparison is pretty good, but Chorney was a better skater and Dillon is a better shot blocker/lane disrupter...

The deal is that skating in the NHL is table stakes. You have to be an elite skater, then you have to fill a role.

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I did not get to see Dillon much in person--in what phase of the game did his modest foot speed show the most. I mean, there's that area below the dots where dmen need three-step kind of foot speed or quickness when they have the puck and when they don't. And there's the neutral zone down to the dots on defense where they need more up-ice (down-ice) speed. Does that make any sense?

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I did not get to see Dillon much in person--in what phase of the game did his modest foot speed show the most. I mean, there's that area below the dots where dmen need three-step kind of foot speed or quickness when they have the puck and when they don't. And there's the neutral zone down to the dots on defense where they need more up-ice (down-ice) speed. Does that make any sense?

When he needs to flip his hips and keep up he struggles. Skating sideways and backwards he's good, just not going forward.

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I agree that Dillon's skating is a question mark. He has all of the other tools...

If he improves his skating, there is no reason that he couldn't be a reliable 3rd pairing dman...he doesn't have the mean streak or size to be a shutdown, and he doesn't have the skating to be an offensive dman. He is a tweaner, but a tweaner who does many things well...

I think my Chorney comparison is pretty good, but Chorney was a better skater and Dillon is a better shot blocker/lane disrupter...

The deal is that skating in the NHL is table stakes. You have to be an elite skater, then you have to fill a role.

Agree on the skating piece....how does heatly still have a job, I'm a better skater than that guy.

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Well he did have 2 assists last game...

Very true....every squirrel finds a nut once in awhile. Guy is frustrating though....highest paid 4th liner in the league. Minny is going to fill that cap reduction nicely this offseason.

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Very true....every squirrel finds a nut once in awhile. Guy is frustrating though....highest paid 4th liner in the league. Minny is going to fill that cap reduction nicely this offseason.

Yep, the only stunner with the Wild's decision-making with Heatley is that he hasn't been dumped...in favor of Brian Bonin.

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Very true....every squirrel finds a nut once in awhile. Guy is frustrating though....highest paid 4th liner in the league. Minny is going to fill that cap reduction nicely this offseason.

Yeah I think most fans think a certain former Gopher that may be from a foreign country will probably be the one who ends up filling that open cap space left by Heatley. Glad they also get rid of Stoner too, if only they can find a way to get rid of Brodziak with those two they will be a lot better off getting rid of some pretty bad skaters who are very turnover prone.

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