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11 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

And how are things trending in Manitoba? Seems they may be just at the beginning of the ramp up.

To quote the Sicatoka, "the Virus is going to Virus." I believe that's what's going on in Canada. I don't think that lockdowns and other extreme measures did anything but prolong the virus virusing.  IDK? 

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14 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

Speaking from the perspective of one who still lived life, took precautions, but still caught it.  There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop the spread of this virus short of sealing positives up like ET and instituting Marshall law. I don’t think that’s acceptable to anyone.  So, take your vitamins, get rest...hope your immune system doesn’t go nuts.

Exactly, I wear a mask in public. Someone brought the virus to work and infected our group. Still caught it. 

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Just now, Goon said:

To quote the Sicatoka, "the Virus is going to Virus." I believe that's what's going on in Canada. I don't think that lockdowns and other extreme measures did anything but prolong the virus virusing.  IDK? 

We have country after country after country providing data that lockdowns are worthless and simply delay the inevitable. Yet, we continue to use lockdowns in the United States. 

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19 hours ago, Kab said:

I read sturgis caused Covid cases in Minnesota

maybe Minnesotans brought Covid to sturgis  and others brought it home from them

no one knows how many Covid cases spread because of people on vacation 

people looking for scapegoats

who would cuomo blame, certainly not himself or his brother 

SD was packed with MN plates all fall from the state parks to Mt Rushmore. Blame sturgis give me a break

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53 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

Speaking from the perspective of one who still lived life, took precautions, but still caught it.  There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop the spread of this virus short of sealing positives up like ET and instituting Marshall law. I don’t think that’s acceptable to anyone.  So, take your vitamins, get rest...hope your immune system doesn’t go nuts.

Agreed.  My Grandma and her husband weren't near anyone for 7 months and they got it.

Virus gonna virus.  I'm guessing in November when I thought I had a bad sinus infection I was being a super spreader.  

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1 hour ago, Goon said:

Here's the numbers from Manitoba. 



Weird that Manitoba has far fewer "cases" than ND but pretty much the same number hospitalized. Anyone focusing on active cases to compare different states or countries isn't comparing apples to apples. With that said, the residents of midwest states and provinces need to take some personal responsibility to delay the virus a bit and spread out hospitalizations. 

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Just now, UNDBIZ said:

Weird that Manitoba has far fewer "cases" than ND but pretty much the same number hospitalized. Anyone focusing on active cases to compare different states or countries isn't comparing apples to apples. With that said, the residents of midwest states and provinces need to take some personal responsibility to delay the virus a bit and spread out hospitalizations. 

Or they're only testing people with symptoms? 

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53 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

Virus gonna virus.  I'm guessing in November when I thought I had a bad sinus infection I was being a super spreader.  

That's the same symptoms as me. Thought I had a Sinus Infection. 

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5 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

With that said, the residents of midwest states and provinces need to take some personal responsibility to delay the virus a bit and spread out hospitalizations. 

Look for cases to drop significantly in MN in a couple weeks now that youth/HS sports were suspended as of midnight last night.

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12 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

It appears sarcasm is lost on some of our friends

Everyone knows oxbow6 is a highly reputable scientific mind that opposes any intervention to slow the spread of the virus. Safe to say the sarcasm was implied by replying affirmatively to the post. Or is that too subtle for siouxsports?

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6 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

Read: opposes interventions that in practice have been an utter failure and the stats back it up, while simultaneously ruin people’s lives by shutting down their businesses.

Show us a single example of a place where lockdowns and masking have created a noticeable and permanent shift in the pandemic.

I’m not in the mood to hustle stats, but I will say this: it’d be great to be able to study transmission in a large enough sample of people that took basic mitigation measures (mask wearing, hand washing, social distancing. Maybe add in no bars/indoor dining/gyms/etc) with 100% buy-in and utilization. Kinda hard to determine what may or may not be effective when such a large percentage of the population isn’t taking things seriously and/or following guidelines. 

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1 minute ago, Kermit's Luck said:

I’m not in the mood to hustle stats, but I will say this: it’d be great to be able to study transmission in a large enough sample of people that took basic mitigation measures (mask wearing, hand washing, social distancing. Maybe add in no bars/indoor dining/gyms/etc) with 100% buy-in and utilization. Kinda hard to determine what may or may not be effective when such a large percentage of the population isn’t taking things seriously and/or following guidelines. 

As it has been said in this thread hundreds of times to many of us......"STFU and wears a mask".

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