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2020 Dumpster Fire (Enter at your own risk)


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12 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

This could start to domino like it did middle of March.

The governors of California, Oregon and Washington issued travel advisories urging people entering or returning to their states to self-quarantine to slow the spread..

Maybe, but it's easier to have respect for an order/mandate/recommendation when they are at least consistent and across the board.  Can still disagree with them at that point but at least they aren't playing favorites.  

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1 hour ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

Sorry man, I read another article earlier that stated one needed to be a permanent resident as planning on staying/living in Georgia to vote on this runoff, have a great evening.

And who's going to follow up on these people to make sure they remain as permanent residents?  I'll hang up and listen.

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Just now, Blackheart said:

And who's going to follow up on these people to make sure they remain as permanent residents?  I'll hang up and listen.

 Basically the same procedures for the Obama admins ice procedures...

Step1:  Pretend to address the issue,

Step 2:then never hold anyone accountable.

Step 3: If you criticize it you are Hitler.



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6 hours ago, TheFlop said:

And Burgum caves.  No better than the rest of them after all.  Obesity is basically the only risk factor when it comes to kids and Burgum just enacted policy encouraging kids to get obese.  Makes sense.

IIRC it was yesterday or Thursday with all COVID deaths for that day but one being those 80 or older 

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6 hours ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

All high school winter sports and other extracurricular K-12 school activities are suspended until Dec. 14th. This also applies to all associations, community and club sports”

Just saw this part........now Dougie has lost it. Basically tucked his nuts in. State mask mandate....no problem. Really should have been done weeks ago from just an optics standpoint. Mask mandate....been this way I Fargo for a few weeks and how well has it helped??

The bolded part if f-n ridiculous. Every day thru the last 3+ weeks of this spike it is the same demographic every day leading the charge in new cases 20-49. They make up over half of the the new cases every day! Is Burgum going to mandate the Fargo area public schools go back strictly face to face? Nope but now we'll have kids sitting at home from school, because of the bedwetting  teacher's association, not leaning f-n anything with now nothing to do after "school". Brilliant pivot. I have a $100 Dougie cancels the ND HS sports seasons all together. That'll  show the virus who's boss.

Bars needs to be closed for the same time frame if this BS is going to have any effect.


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1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

Just saw this part........now Dougie has lost it. Basically tucked his nuts in. State mask mandate....no problem. Really should have been done weeks ago from just an optics standpoint. Mask mandate....been this way I Fargo for a few weeks and how well has it helped??

The bolded part if f-n ridiculous. Every day thru the last 3+ weeks of this spike it is the same demographic every day leading the charge in new cases 20-49. They make up over half of the the new cases every day! Is Burgum going to mandate the Fargo area public schools go back strictly face to face? Nope but now we'll have kids sitting at home from school, because of the bedwetting  teacher's association, not leaning f-n anything with now nothing to do after "school". Brilliant pivot. I have a $100 Dougie cancels the ND HS sports seasons all together. That'll  show the virus who's boss.

Bars needs to be closed for the same time frame if this BS is going to have any effect.


I'd be curious what legal ground he is on when it comes to the "including clubs and associations (i.e. non school sports)".  As long as the mask part of the mandate is followed can he really stop that?  Seems ripe for a legal challenge. 

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Just now, TheFlop said:

I'd be curious what legal ground he is on when it comes to the "including clubs and associations (i.e. non school sports)".  As long as the mask part of the mandate is followed can he really stop that?  Seems ripe for a legal challenge. 

Exactly. How many sitting in the bars in ND from 500-1000 pm every day will have masks on? Zero! The hypocrisy and stupidity just reached a new high in this state.

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When the numbers don’t appreciably change in a month, how many kids’ lives are we going to ruin then?  And in whose name?  Teachers?  The 80+ set?  The whiny doctors and nurses who, need I remind you, literally CHOSE a career working with and around sick people?  As in, that’s EXACTLY what they voluntarily went to school and dedicated their lives to?

A North Dakota winter with no outlet for its youth and adolescents to burn off energy is something I’m not sure I want to experience.  What will have to happen?  Stress?  Confusion and anger?  Plummeting grades?  Social disengagement?  Disciplinary and behavioral issues?  Mental illness?  

Reams have been written on the positives and benefits of youth athletics, extracurricular activities, clubs, etc.  I guess that science just doesn’t matter anymore.  Kinda like statistics. 

Regardless of whether you believe that our children are basically impervious to COVID, I assure you that they are disproportionately suffering at the hands of the supposed grownups.  And that may be the biggest tragedy of all.

The rah rah, feel-good, ‘do it for others’ act has worn thin.  A long cold winter looms with only deepening despair on the horizon.  We will reap what we sow.

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3 minutes ago, NoiseInsideMyHead said:

When the numbers don’t appreciably change in a month, how many kids’ lives are we going to ruin then?  And in whose name?  Teachers?  The 80+ set?  The whiny doctors and nurses who, need I remind you, literally CHOSE a career working with and around sick people?  As in, that’s EXACTLY what they voluntarily went to school and dedicated their lives to?

A North Dakota winter with no outlet for its youth and adolescents to burn off energy is something I’m not sure I want to experience.  What will have to happen?  Stress?  Confusion and anger?  Plummeting grades?  Social disengagement?  Disciplinary and behavioral issues?  Mental illness?  

Reams have been written on the positives and benefits of youth athletics, extracurricular activities, clubs, etc.  I guess that science just doesn’t matter anymore.  Kinda like statistics. 

Regardless of whether you believe that our children are basically impervious to COVID, I assure you that they are disproportionately suffering at the hands of the supposed grownups.  And that may be the biggest tragedy of all.

The rah rah, feel-good, ‘do it for others’ act has worn thin.  A long cold winter looms with only deepening despair on the horizon.  We will reap what we sow.

And let's not forget about the adults that enjoy the sports, or getting together with family you only see but maybe twice a year, all this is starting to crack some of  the strongest around us.  I'm usually a pretty up beat guy, but this is really starting to wear on me.  

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18 minutes ago, NoiseInsideMyHead said:

When the numbers don’t appreciably change in a month, how many kids’ lives are we going to ruin then?  And in whose name?  Teachers?  The 80+ set?  The whiny doctors and nurses who, need I remind you, literally CHOSE a career working with and around sick people?  As in, that’s EXACTLY what they voluntarily went to school and dedicated their lives to?

A North Dakota winter with no outlet for its youth and adolescents to burn off energy is something I’m not sure I want to experience.  What will have to happen?  Stress?  Confusion and anger?  Plummeting grades?  Social disengagement?  Disciplinary and behavioral issues?  Mental illness?  

Reams have been written on the positives and benefits of youth athletics, extracurricular activities, clubs, etc.  I guess that science just doesn’t matter anymore.  Kinda like statistics. 

Regardless of whether you believe that our children are basically impervious to COVID, I assure you that they are disproportionately suffering at the hands of the supposed grownups.  And that may be the biggest tragedy of all.

The rah rah, feel-good, ‘do it for others’ act has worn thin.  A long cold winter looms with only deepening despair on the horizon.  We will reap what we sow.

This will age well.........unfortunately 

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3 minutes ago, shep said:

I want to know how many football or volleyball players got Covid from playing a game? Show me the numbers!!! 


According to a study done by the NFL, no one in any sport, anywhere has been infected from playing.  But, trust the science...

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10 minutes ago, shep said:

I want to know how many football or volleyball players got Covid from playing a game? Show me the numbers!!! 


The one handed butcher can show you and still have fingers left uncounted 

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The answer is simple......shutter bars through the New Year.  ND legislature and Burgum can find funds to cover the financial impact for those businesses. Frank's in South Fargo last night was hopping. Parking lot was packed. Burgum just too stupid and ignorant to do the right thing. He knows the demographic at the root of the spread.

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Scytl Raid

---not sure what to make of this? Of course none of the Democratic Pravda media are reporting on this.

---Scytl is denying the report

---Twitter is not censoring the stories that are out there

I guess we will see if anything comes from this. Crazy times to be alive.

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12 minutes ago, shep said:

We should have a Vaccine in 3 weeks. That should calm the herd and let everyone start getting back to normal. Shutdowns all over the world aren't working.

Should help us move forward but it's Trump's vaccine......

Same vaccine will work extremely well come January 20 though.

To your last point.......spot on. But when you have nutless leaders it's easier to punish everyone.

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14 minutes ago, planetearth said:

You’re Darrell, right?

I've been accussed of being many posters on here, so far taking them all as compliments. Thank You.
No one has yet accused me of being one of the squatters from our friendly school to the south, maybe becuase I usually step on the gas a little when they shoot arrows my way

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