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2020 Dumpster Fire (Enter at your own risk)


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North Dakota remains #1....

in cases per capita.  

But, the cultists will deny this, or say it doesn't matter.  Dear Leader uber alles.

The Virus Surges in North Dakota, Filling Hospitals and Testing Attitudes


Still, partly because these outbreaks were slow in coming, public health officials say they have struggled to convince the public that the situation is urgent or that limits like mask rules make sense. North Dakota is one of fewer than 20 states with no statewide mask mandate and many counties have resisted restrictions. But as the state reaches a boiling point, health officials say they hope people now will start to take the virus more seriously.

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8 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

North Dakota remains #1....

in cases per capita.  

But, the cultists will deny this, or say it doesn't matter.  Dear Leader uber alles.

The Virus Surges in North Dakota, Filling Hospitals and Testing Attitudes


Better lock down the state and impose martial law, right?  Government checks for everybody!  And free pizza for a year!  And a unicorn!  Nobody works or goes out of their house ever again!  It’s for your own good!    

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2 minutes ago, MafiaMan said:

Better lock down the state and impose martial law, right?  Government checks for everybody!  And free pizza for a year!  And a unicorn!  Nobody works or goes out of their house ever again!  It’s for your own good!    

Who is calling for all of that? Nothing to see here right?


Meanwhile Michael Osterholm says "This is the worst case of pseudoscience I've ever seen," "This is highly dangerous to public health, especially in North Dakota."



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2 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

Who is calling for all of that? Nothing to see here right?


Meanwhile Michael Osterholm says "This is the worst case of pseudoscience I've ever seen," "This is highly dangerous to public health, especially in North Dakota."



So when Osterholm says something you agree with, he's a credible resource again?


Of course he backtracked on these comments after the media storm he took, but it doesn't change the fact that he believed it and said it.

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10 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

Who is calling for all of that? Nothing to see here right?


Meanwhile Michael Osterholm says "This is the worst case of pseudoscience I've ever seen," "This is highly dangerous to public health, especially in North Dakota."



The same clown that Walz based his nonsense on because Osterholm said 74000 people in MN were going to die from Covid. The same guy that just a few weeks ago once again suggested another national 6 week lockdown. 

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1 minute ago, Oxbow6 said:

The same clown that Walz based his nonsense on because Osterholm said 74000 people in MN were going to die from Covid. The same guy that just a few weeks ago once again suggested another national 6 week lockdown. 

You just wait.  That 74000 number is gonna hit.  Just give it enough years. 

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21 minutes ago, TheFlop said:

You just wait.  That 74000 number is gonna hit.  Just give it enough years. 

Throw in cancer, MVA, suicides, heart disease, Lake St. homicides, ect……………..yup he'll be spot on.

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24 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

Who is calling for all of that? Nothing to see here right?


Meanwhile Michael Osterholm says "This is the worst case of pseudoscience I've ever seen," "This is highly dangerous to public health, especially in North Dakota."



Some would also propose it's pseudoscience when the "experts" that are pushing masks can't tell you how effective they are due in part to differing levels of quality and user ability.......and even hint that masks only work when quarantine is used (so hiding in a bunker will by default stop the spread.....but the flimsy paper thin mask won't.  

Once again, consider the sources too.  You have a U of M guy.....and a UMD guy that isn't even a doctor railing on ND.  Get your own state in order first.  

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16 hours ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

When has that happened? Did Washington Post retract their story after O'Keefe tried to sting them?

Actually up to 321 now. Didn't have time to go through them all but WAPO is on the wall of shame at least 7 times.

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Heard an great example a few days back.  If you want to see how well most masks work (non medical grade), wait until the first cold day.  Stand outside of Hugo's or Hornbacher's and watch when people come out of the store wearing their masks. When you see the steam coming through their masks from their breathing, ask yourself, do you think those masks are really blocking anything?

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16 hours ago, Hayduke1 said:

Biden doesn't have that power right now.  Dear Leader does. Big difference.  


Jerome Powell, Fed Chair, Says Economy Has 'a Long Way to Go' as Trump Calls Off Stimulus Talks


“Too little support would lead to a weak recovery, creating unnecessary hardship for households and businesses,” Mr. Powell said in remarks before the National Association for Business Economics.

“Over time, household insolvencies and business bankruptcies would rise, harming the productive capacity of the economy and holding back wage growth,” he said. “By contrast, the risks of overdoing it seem, for now, to be smaller.”

If Pelosi will send it to Trump, he will double the dollar value of stimulus checks sent out.  That additional money plus the $400 unemployment should help the people.  

Also has money available for small business, if she chooses to send it.  

No pork attached.  Ready to be signed today if she really wants to help the weak recovery you mention above.  

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40 minutes ago, homer said:

Fred Fridley was just on the radio saying people skipping routine medical procedures in fear of Covid is playing just as much of a role as the uptick in hospital numbers as Covid itself.   Also Sanford Bismarck has 20 beds they can bring online anytime if needed and beds are available in Fargo   Great interview   You should listen to the local guys talk vs spreading fear from the guy out of state   


Well those NDSU guys are usually pretty smart. Ha ha. 

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1 hour ago, Redneksioux said:

Who is calling for all of that? Nothing to see here right?


Meanwhile Michael Osterholm says "This is the worst case of pseudoscience I've ever seen," "This is highly dangerous to public health, especially in North Dakota."



Osterholm...lol.  Partisan hack who was told to get bent back in April after all his "millions and millions are going to die" & "exponential spread" schtick.  

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10 minutes ago, Bison06 said:


I'd genuinely like to hear from some of those on here who are pro-mask with the above information as the backdrop of the conversation. How can a person rationally say that masks make a difference?

Most of those charts prove that mask mandates don't work, but they don't necessarily prove that proper mask-wearing doesn't work.  I'm only pro-mask so far as it gives some people a sense of security and makes them more comfortable going to businesses and living their lives, which society needs them to do.  TSA doesn't really work either, but I'm guessing most people still want security checks at airports.

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13 minutes ago, Bison06 said:


I'd genuinely like to hear from some of those on here who are pro-mask with the above information as the backdrop of the conversation. How can a person rationally say that masks make a difference?

I'd like to hear from those that are anti-mask justify their stance using those graphs.

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14 minutes ago, Bison06 said:


I'd genuinely like to hear from some of those on here who are pro-mask with the above information as the backdrop of the conversation. How can a person rationally say that masks make a difference?

No you don't. 

If real science and medical advice is what you seek, you would bein a minority among those in the state of North Dakota.  

Quit playing games. 

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5 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

Most of those charts prove that mask mandates don't work, but they don't necessarily prove that proper mask-wearing doesn't work.  I'm only pro-mask so far as it gives some people a sense of security and makes them more comfortable going to businesses and living their lives, which society needs them to do.  TSA doesn't really work either, but I'm guessing most people still want security checks at airports.

TSA is a poor analogy as that doesn't cause our lawmakers to live in fear and close or limit the airports.

Until mask mandates go away lawmakers are forced to make decisions based on fear.

5 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

I'd like to hear from those that are anti-mask justify their stance using those graphs.

Pretty easy, they clearly don't have any measurable effect.

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1 minute ago, Bison06 said:

TSA is a poor analogy as that doesn't cause our lawmakers to live in fear and close or limit the airports.

Until mask mandates go away lawmakers are forced to make decisions based on fear.

Pretty easy, they clearly don't have any measurable effect.

Based on what data from your link?

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7 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

TSA is a poor analogy as that doesn't cause our lawmakers to live in fear and close or limit the airports.

Until mask mandates go away lawmakers are forced to make decisions based on fear.

Pretty easy, they clearly don't have any measurable effect.

TSA does feed our fear of terrorists and we subject ourselves to inappropriate searches and pat-downs from them.  The invasion of privacy has simply become an accepted part of life.  For some reason, having my crotch scanned and patted down by a stranger is ok and a necessary evil, but placing a piece of cloth over my face is where we draw the line.  Based on Burgum's new quarantine rule exempting mask-wearers, it seems the lawmaker (technically the governor isn't supposed to create law, but emergency declaration = nobody cares about checks and balances) is hoping masks will allow decisions to be made without fear.  Mask mandates aren't causing closures, positive COVID cases are (right or wrong).

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