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2020 Dumpster Fire (Enter at your own risk)


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Just now, Bison06 said:

I’m no expert on these things, so how would that work? Would they have their own leadership and draft a new constitution?

The secession of CA can't come soon enough.....

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4 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

And how would the national debt and federally owned property be handled?  It'd be messy and likely violent.

Like we haven't seen chapter one of this story in the last 3+ months.

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3 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

I do think we are close as a country to an actual split though, however that takes place. It’s pretty amazing that it’s stayed together as long as it has really.

It'd be nice/cleaner if we simply went back to a weak federal government with strong states.

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12 minutes ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

I think west coast breaks away first, and sooner if Trump is re-elected. It won't be smooth since there will be an exodus/influx as it happens, and people everywhere hate transplants from California.

If the west did separate, I can't imagine the northeast sticking around long in what would then be a very red country.

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2 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

Ironically, the Democrats would be staunchly against California's succession.   

Of course........gets back to BIZ's point. CA is a weak governed state. Dems want as big a federal  government as they can get.

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1 minute ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

We got a preview of the balkanization with the reopening "alliances" that were formed, and sure enough, the Northeast banded together.

What is the value of being a single country if we can’t have a unified direction anyway. We fight with each other on every single thing and nothing gets accomplished. Makes sense to me to start forming new alliances. I’d get the hell out of Minnesota if that were the case, assuming the lines would be drawn on the current state lines, which wouldn’t make the most sense. Outside of Minneapolis, Minnesota is much more similar to the Dakotas.

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10 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

Dems want as big a federal  government as they can get.

It's basically part of the platform that a strong centralized government with an all-powerful leader can fix anything.  They never seem to expect someone like Trump to eventually be in charge of that strong central government though.

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