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2020 Dumpster Fire (Enter at your own risk)


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6 minutes ago, LH Golfer said:

It is reported that school age children cannot transmit Covid to others, but young adults, many of whom are asymptomatic, can transmit the virus. 

What is the magic age between non transmissible and transmissible? I asked the google, no answer.

Who reported that children cannot transmit covid?

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7 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

Serious answer. I've been very aware of the risks prior to March as I have a couple immunocompromised individuals in my family. Now that our country is losing roughly 1,000 lives/day to a novel virus that we have no idea of long term side effects, sure my concern has grown. 

And to allow those in your family that are immunocompromised(I have a few in my family too) to be able to just live their lives normally without simply quarantining/masking/protecting themselves how they see fit, how many businesses must die, how many kids must have their education irreparably set back, how many abuse victims quarantined with their abusers, how many marriages must collapse, how many people turning to addictive substances to cope, how many suicides? How many people's lives is the appropriate number to be ruined for the immunocompromised?

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39 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

So how would personal responsibility apply to the thousands of asymptomatic covid carriers today?


Personal responsibility would be those that are vulnerable, or just freaked out by the media, having the burden on them to wear the appropriate protective mask/accessories if they chose to partake in public activities (which is a voluntary activity).  It's really not that hard of a concept.  Much easier than draconian threats for every single person to wear a mask 24/7.  

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15 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

Serious answer. I've been very aware of the risks prior to March as I have a couple immunocompromised individuals in my family. Now that our country is losing roughly 1,000 lives/day to a novel virus that we have no idea of long term side effects, sure my concern has grown. 

Same here.  Have immunocompromised people in my family too.  The reality is that the condition that causes them to be immunocompromised in the first place is multiple times more likely to negatively affect their lives than whatever the latest virus is that SE Asia has slung across the ocean every couple years.  I'm capable of making informed decisions regarding the risks we are willing and not willing to take.  Unfortunately others are apparently not so capable so they want to impose their misery on others 

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5 minutes ago, TheFlop said:

Personal responsibility would be those that are vulnerable, or just freaked out by the media, having the burden on them to wear the appropriate protective mask/accessories if they chose to partake in public activities (which is a voluntary activity).  It's really not that hard of a concept.  Much easier than draconian threats for every single person to wear a mask 24/7.  

Yeah we could do that if we had the ppe. Anyone know where I can buy some n95 masks? 

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Just now, Redneksioux said:

Yeah we could do that if we had the ppe. Anyone know where I can buy some n95 masks? 

So if everyone had an N95 mask from day one of this all, would you have been an advocate for zero locking down?

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4 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

So if everyone had an N95 mask from day one of this all, would you have been an advocate for zero locking down?

Wouldn’t need to be n95 of everyone wore a mask. But we have people even on this board refusing to wear masks in public. 

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1 minute ago, Redneksioux said:

Wouldn’t need to be n95 of everyone wore a mask. But we have people even on this board refusing to wear masks in public. 

Of course we have people refusing, because they have been around long enough to see how our government works. Always incrementally, always.

(insert boiling frog analogy here)

You never answered my question, if we had 100% compliance to masks, do you actually think our government would open everything up?

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1 hour ago, Kab said:

As long as it’s citizens but if Biden wins then you will have non citizens voting 

amazing if you like trump you are in a cult’ if you like Biden you are a citizen

do you understand ?

I see.  


So, non citizens, despite any evidence at all except for Trump's blathering, are voting in numbers high enough to elect Democrats to office?

Yeah, you're in a cult dude. Enjoy your fantasy world.

I prefer living as a citizen in the real world.


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32 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

Serious answer. I've been very aware of the risks prior to March as I have a couple immunocompromised individuals in my family. Now that our country is losing roughly 1,000 lives/day to a novel virus that we have no idea of long term side effects, sure my concern has grown. 

"Long term side effects" is the new catch phrase.  How do they know this already?  Wouldn't it be short-ter side effects that could develop into long-term?

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2 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

I see.  


So, non citizens, despite any evidence at all except for Trump's blathering, are voting in numbers high enough to elect Democrats to office?

Yeah, you're in a cult dude. Enjoy your fantasy world.

I prefer living as a citizen in the real world.


The irony of saying you live in the real world when what he is describing is exactly what is happening in reality is hilarious.


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8 minutes ago, TheFlop said:

Now we are drilling down to the problem.  So what you are saying is that in order for YOU to feel safe, you expect product A.  If YOU can't get product A, everyone else should have to acquiesce to your fears whether your fears are justified or not, even if they don't share the same fears/beliefs?

Remind me.......which side of the masks vs no masks are the selfish ones?

Oh you got me I’m selfish. Just like every hospital system out there too? 

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Wonder what everyone is waiting for? More tests, test rates to fall, deaths continue to fall, economy to drop for the democrats? Sales surge of masks etc for China? 

Someone tell me what will be different today (checks calendar, July 17) than a month or 2 months from now. I’ll wait. If you say more people wearing masks to flatten the curve again, well, no sh^t. 

This is the biggest hoax/scam in our lives. 

If masks worked then why aren’t small businesses opened? If masked don’t work, why were big box retailers at first allowed to be open for business?

Again, this virus is a mystery. So advanced, it knows who can/can’t be open. Knows one should social distance for 6 ft. Knows that one should quarantine for ~ 2 weeks (no science behind this) if one gets it. I could go on....

No surprise after the 4th of July, you started to see liberal universities cancel fall or fall/winter sports. Supporting that narrative agenda. You don’t say?

Fear, we’re all doomed, we’re gonna die  



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5 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

Oh you got me I’m selfish. Just like every hospital system out there too? 

Yes you are.  I think we had a break through today.  

The same hospital systems that allegedly were so full that Navy medical ships were needed......stadiums like the Fargodome were getting equipped with beds.....and campus dorms were considered being used as makeshift hospitals?  Those same hospital systems?  I never heard what came of all of that, did you?

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19 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

Of course we have people refusing, because they have been around long enough to see how our government works. Always incrementally, always.

(insert boiling frog analogy here)

You never answered my question, if we had 100% compliance to masks, do you actually think our government would open everything up?

I don’t know if they’d open everything up but I’d be ok with it, as long as known infections were isolated and social distancing was still in place. I don’t make the rules though, at this point we can only control our own.

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14 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

"Long term side effects" is the new catch phrase.  How do they know this already?  Wouldn't it be short-ter side effects that could develop into long-term?

That’s the key, we don’t know. But many are ready to just go off the limited info they know or think they know.

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