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Fire Muss


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Except for the fact that there is a "Fire someone" thread started every year here.

I'm not satisfied but I believe that Faison has things under control and definitely isn't motivated by threads like this - I know many here are just waiting for attendance at Nov. 9th to say I told you so - forgetting that every year that weekend is the lowest attendance for the year - I'll let you figure out why. Still haven't read any post that supports how this thread could lead to "positive" change.

A "positive" change would be his removal and a fresh start to give UND fans any thread of hope. As I said, if everyone sat quiet and internally stewed, nothing would change. Uproar leads to upheaval.

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Except for the fact that there is a "Fire someone" thread started every year here.

I'm not satisfied but I believe that Faison has things under control and definitely isn't motivated by threads like this - I know many here are just waiting for attendance at Nov. 9th to say I told you so - forgetting that every year that weekend is the lowest attendance for the year - I'll let you figure out why. Still haven't read any post that supports how this thread could lead to "positive" change.

I think that homecoming attendance told us all we (or Faison) needed to know. UNC will almost certainly be the lowest number we've seen for any of the "deer opener" games, but that's not really going to be a surprise to anyone.

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Except for the fact that there is a "Fire someone" thread started every year here.

I'm not satisfied but I believe that Faison has things under control and definitely isn't motivated by threads like this - I know many here are just waiting for attendance at Nov. 9th to say I told you so - forgetting that every year that weekend is the lowest attendance for the year - I'll let you figure out why. Still haven't read any post that supports how this thread could lead to "positive" change.

The same can be said of any thread on this website that has people complaining about how the powerplay sucks or the penalty kill, or we don't have any great big men in basketball. Really, none of that is going to lead to positive change. It is more for the fans to point out the areas they have concerns about. True, a "fire Muss" thread takes it to a whole other level, but this kind of thread was kind of a long time building with complaints about the football program.

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I guess my feeling is hardcore fans need to vent somewhere, better on a fan site than hanging signs at the game or wearing bags on their heads. Threads like these go on everywhere, half of the Griz football board is bitching about coaching and play calling, and they're 6-1...nobody is ever happy. The "fire Hak" thread will fire up soon too, at the first sign of trouble the torches and pitchforks will come out of the basement. It really doesn't mean anything or have any bearing on anything.

What does have bearing is that this program has major problems, and isn't going the correct way to fix them. When you have players getting curb stomped and dancing on the sidelines, players tweeting their unhappiness with the program during the season, and the AD having to discipline players DURING games, it's pretty obvious the coaching staff has lost the control and respect of their players, and that is never going to work.

As far as attendance, that is going to be the result of the product, and after getting blown out by Sac. State can you blame anybody for not wanting to show up? With the exception of the first half against EWU, the last 4 home games have been disasters, no attendance number will surprise me now.

I think people were pretty patient coming into this year, with 7 home games most fans were pretty high on the possibility of a playoff berth and were hoping Muss and his staff could get it done, but now that it's played out like it has, all things considered, I can't blame people for wanting a change. The fact that 70 of these 92 pages are in the last 6 weeks speaks volumes.

Well said. I have been patient for a few years but this season is inexcusable. Time for a change as there is no hope with this staff.

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The Sacramento game was my revelation that this year and this team is a disappointment. Feel sorry for the seniors who toughed it our during the transition and are now getting trashed by their own fans here. Noticed at the EW game that the Red Shirts were sitting in the stands - is that something new or a result of their antics on the sidelines?

This is the place to vent but I think when it sinks to making fun of the team, talking smack - hell some of the posts from the "Fans" here are as bad as any smack from the FU trolls - not sure what purpose that provides. Vent but at least respect your school and remember they're just student athletes.

And no matter what you say prospective athletes and their parents are coming here and reading this and while it is just a small fraction of the total fan base it does send a message and set a tone. YES - I get it that they can get it elsewhere but why would you want to contribute to the negativity and possibly be the "Fan" that posts something that changes a recruits mind.

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Please enlighten me on the value of this thread for UND and the football program and how it might create any kind of positive change..

This is a fan forum; it allows individuals interested in UND athletics (and other non-athletic, and even non-UND, topics) to communicate their thoughts and feelings amongst each other. If the fanbase and alumni base are unhappy with leadership in the football program, there's no reason they can't voice their opinion on this fan forum. I'm not saying it's going to lead to actualization by Faison or be beneficial to the program in any way, but there's still no reason such frustration can't be vented on a FAN FORUM! It's better than doing it at the actual events!!

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The Sacramento game was my revelation that this year and this team is a disappointment. Feel sorry for the seniors who toughed it our during the transition and are now getting trashed by their own fans here. Noticed at the EW game that the Red Shirts were sitting in the stands - is that something new or a result of their antics on the sidelines?

They lost the privilege of dressing for the games. It's something that should have to be earned and not only did they not have to earn it but they took it for granted. Even something as little as earning your spot on the sideline or the ability to dress for a game will make them buy in more to the program and work just that little big harder to get there.

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There have been less and less people posting on here about football. Apathy has set in, even among the most hardcore and long tenured of fans. It is good when people still care and are posting, even if it is negative.

I heard an old timer say he was going to watch the Bison game during the UND game, and that they are "fun to watch". Very troubling statement for a person who HATED the bison for many many years.

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They lost the privilege of dressing for the games. It's something that should have to be earned and not only did they not have to earn it but they took it for granted. Even something as little as earning your spot on the sideline or the ability to dress for a game will make them buy in more to the program and work just that little big harder to get there.

So there is an example of the coaching staff holding players accountable. Just one example true - but we don't know what goes on in the locker room. Muss had a twitter pumping up the redshirts yesterday so perhaps the message is getting through - although if they read here and believe it they are probably assuming he's getting fired so they probably don't care what he says or does.
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Let's see if we've made any progress on past complaints.

Amongst the many reasons are such items as:

Getting our A's kicked by an NAIA school and not giving us anything to get the taste out of our mouths - We quit scheduling them = +

Going from the best of the 4 Dakota schools to the worst - No change

Making absolutely no coaching adjustments at any time and getting out-coached almost every game - No change

Not playing to win - Tough one to judge this year since we haven't really been in a position to win any games.

Consistently playing so loose in the secondary that a very average at best QB can complete 15 in a row on us. We'd rather give up 10 yards anytime our opponents want rather than taking a chance and maybe getting beat long - Running D is so weak the passing D doesn't really matter, but we do play tighter on the WRs now.

Crappy offensive play calling game in and game out - Minimal change

Ruining any home atmosphere we had - It's gotten worse

The constant recruiting whine - before the move it was "we can't compete with NDSU because they are division I" now its "we can't compete because we're in transition" - Now it's "we can't compete with NDSU because they're better than us"?

Giving us undisciplined play game in and game out - It's gotten worse

Not appearing to make any improvements to the program - every year it's the same old crap - No change

Last - having the ugliest Sioux uniforms I can ever remember - Woohoo, new uniforms!!!


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I think that homecoming attendance told us all we (or Faison) needed to know. UNC will almost certainly be the lowest number we've seen for any of the "deer opener" games, but that's not really going to be a surprise to anyone.

that its bad wont surprise anyone, but i think how bad it is will. I think 5k is optimistic

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And no matter what you say prospective athletes and their parents are coming here and reading this and while it is just a small fraction of the total fan base it does send a message and set a tone. YES - I get it that they can get it elsewhere but why would you want to contribute to the negativity and possibly be the "Fan" that posts something that changes a recruits mind.

Our posts don't mean nearly as much as our football team's record to the potential recruits. In fact, I'd say that if they saw our posts, they'd see fans who are used to excellence and will demand to have it again. To me, that would be a positive thing.

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So you're saying you agree that the way to show support for a program is to create threads that are unending insults, put-downs and jokes about UND's football program, players and coaches and that this is the way to make sure the administration takes notice and figures out that those who are the real geniuses with the best interest of UND are lactually urking in chat rooms spewing idiocracy behind imaginary names?

Don't forget the media that covers UND athletics.

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So there is an example of the coaching staff holding players accountable. Just one example true - but we don't know what goes on in the locker room. Muss had a twitter pumping up the redshirts yesterday so perhaps the message is getting through - although if they read here and believe it they are probably assuming he's getting fired so they probably don't care what he says or does.

What did his tweet say?

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So when did Muss start to fail with the team, was it the butt kicking by the Vandals or the loss to Sioux Falls, or the blowouts last year to MSU and EWU. I was on the fence with Muss even after the USF loss, winning a share of the GWFC gave us hope but I totally lost faith last year seeing how pathetic our defense was. We held Texas Tech to 38, UM to 27 in Missoula, and 21 in Brookings, but now our defense can't stop anyone. Giving up over 50 points in a game is pathetic and Muss needs to go as of yesterday.

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Losing to Sioux Falls in 2009 was horrible, and then going 3-8 the next season should've been the final straw. Mussman should've never gotten an opportunity to go 8-3 in 2011 and get an extension after. He hasn't proved anything in my opinion. Absolutely nothing. Only moral victories of Mussmans tenure (38 pts to Texas Tech, close games vs Northern Illinois and Fresno State) are the highlight. After 5 years, that doesn't cut it anymore.

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So there is an example of the coaching staff holding players accountable. Just one example true - but we don't know what goes on in the locker room. Muss had a twitter pumping up the redshirts yesterday so perhaps the message is getting through - although if they read here and believe it they are probably assuming he's getting fired so they probably don't care what he says or does.

Who the heck cares what is going on in the locker room? Whatever it is, it isn't helping us win. I don't need to know what is going on in the freaking locker room; what has been going on in public on the field of play has been bad enough. What will it take for you to acknowledge that this regime has failed and will continue failing until Faison puts it out of its misery? More 50 point losses? More "Dancing with the Stars" tryouts on our sideline? Home attendance that could fit inside REA's Olympic Practice Arena? Please enlighten us, I would love to know. ???

Where is the freaking accountability with some of our fans? This kind of garbage should never be tolerated at the University of North Dakota. Mr. Faison, the next move is yours. Don't screw it up. :glare:

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Who the heck cares what is going on in the locker room? Whatever it is, it isn't helping us win. I don't need to know what is going on in the freaking locker room; what has been going on in public on the field of play has been bad enough. What will it take for you to acknowledge that this regime has failed and will continue failing until Faison puts it out of its misery? More 50 point losses? More "Dancing with the Stars" tryouts on our sideline? Home attendance that could fit inside REA's Olympic Practice Arena? Please enlighten us, I would love to know. ???

Where is the freaking accountability with some of our fans? This kind of garbage should never be tolerated at the University of North Dakota. Mr. Faison, the next move is yours. Don't screw it up. :glare:

You should care. It is where the attitude, accountability and discipline starts and ends. Quite clear that has been a big part of the problem has been this year. At least the coaches are sending a message that even if the results are terrible, that doesn't mean you get to goof around and get a free pass. The last thing this program needs right now is players to figure that it doesn't matter and we start seeing a rash of off-field problems.

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