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Fire Muss


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I get that but what about mussman makes you wanna open up thebpocket book

Nothing. I 100% agree that Mussman and this staff should not be around next season. I'm just saying that overall the university needs to invest heavily in this football program and in his replacement.

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Nothing. I 100% agree that Mussman and this staff should not be around next season. I'm just saying that overall the university needs to invest heavily in this football program and in his replacement.

I agree entirely, but what will it cost to buy out the remaining 2 years of his contract, plus how much more are we going to have to spend to get a quality replacement? On top of that, the coordinators salaries are probably going to have to get jacked up as well. You can only squeeze so much blood and I have to wonder where the money will come from?

At any rate, changes have to be made, I can't stand this disaster any more.

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So if Muss is fired.....who is on the short list of replacements? I will admit to having absolutely no clue on this one.

In my mind you open it up. Any candidate coming in here will have facilities nearly as good as anything in FCS. A team with some young talent that needs some leadership.

You may get a young FBS coordinator type coach. Possibly a current assistant coach in the Big Sky or another FCS conference or possibly some of the names mentioned earlier. I don't think you give it to anyone before opening it up.

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So if Muss is fired.....who is on the short list of replacements? I will admit to having absolutely no clue on this one.

I guess we would have to find out. I would imagine a few offensive coordinators and defensive coordinators from FCS schools and probably some from lower level FBS teams as well. Maybe a couple head coaches from successful D2 schools(not interested). Probably a few position coaches from FBS teams looking for head coaching experience. I would think there are a few rising stars in the college football coaching ranks.

As fun as our offense is at times to watch, I would rather go back to using scholarships to at least equally fund the talent on the defensive side of the ball. When we got in the Big Sky I was excited because I was hoping that the fact we played a different brand of football(at the time) than most of the Big Sky schools would make us the outlier in that conference and the team that other Big Sky schools hated to play instead of morphing into the soft non physical defense we now employ.

I am not in the "well who would we get to coach camp?", rather I am in the "someone else camp".

7-4 is the bottom acceptable level of performance this season.

I have no problem with the fact we lost to a damn good Montana team last night, what I have a problem with is we had no fire, we were unprepared, we were undisciplined, we made no adjustments to mistakes we made last week and certainly made no adjustments in game or at halftime....it is one thing to get your ass kicked, it is another to give the appearance that you are enjoying it.

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How about this....how about they hire outside of the University of North Dakota. Im sorry but we are still a Division II football program that has no hope of running with the big boys until they start investing. I was sitting front row behind the team bench last night and i honestly couldnt take it anymore. I will not attend another game until they put a respectable product on the field. This mainly includes the coaching staff.

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Southern Illinois

9 - 3

11 - 2

5 -6

4 -7

6 -5

1 -2 so far in 2013

Dale Lennon is NOT the answer

Lennon isn't coming back, but neither do I think that he, Bubba, DeBoer, etc. all of a sudden forgot how to coach. Maybe it was just a bad fit geographically, i.e. not having the same kinds of recruiting contacts in that part of the country as they did in the Dakota's, Minnesota, etc. I have no other explanation because clearly Lennon was far more successful at the dII level than his predecessor Jerry Kill.

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I agree entirely, but what will it cost to buy out the remaining 2 years of his contract, plus how much more are we going to have to spend to get a quality replacement? On top of that, the coordinators salaries are probably going to have to get jacked up as well. You can only squeeze so much blood and I have to wonder where the money will come from?

At any rate, changes have to be made, I can't stand this disaster any more.

Good thing the athletic dept has $200,000 coming from Midco each year...

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Here is one of the things that irks me about Coach Mussman. After the games he never, ever tells it like it is. He will never come and say "we flat out got our butts kicked, they outcoached us, outplayed us, and it all starts with me...". Never once has he called a spade a spade. There is always a "but" thrown in there. Like last night (paraphrasing) - "Montana played great, its frustrating, but we kept shooting ourselves in the foot". No you didnt, you got your f-king ass kicked in every phase of the game. Even the best coaches in America come out and say when they got killed by another team.

I think fans would back off a wee bit if he would just come out and do that one time. Say you got your ass kicked and the other staff out coached you. JUST ONCE. Send a message to your team that they DID NOT play a good game and they WERE NOT playing "toe-to-toe with them. Let your team know they sucked and need to get better through the media. It can be awfully effective.

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I know some will hate on me for saying this, but, with a bye week this week, letting Mussman go on Monday would let the coaching search start now. (Name Kotelnicki the interim.)

Bold.....but at this point necessary.

I wonder if there is any way to have Mussman comment on his players lack of giving a $hit on the sideline? Maybe a herald writer reads these posts and could ask that question for us.


"Coach, do you care to comment on your players on the sideline laughing and not seeming too interested in the football game when your team was down by 40 in the second half?"


"Well.....for the most part we were toe to toe with them through the first quarter....shot ourselves in the foot with some drops and just didn't execute like we thought we would be able too.....ohh the guys on the sideline don't care?"

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Here is one of the things that irks me about Coach Mussman. After the games he never, ever tells it like it is. He will never come and say "we flat out got our butts kicked, they outcoached us, outplayed us, and it all starts with me...". Never once has he called a spade a spade. There is always a "but" thrown in there. Like last night (paraphrasing) - "Montana played great, its frustrating, but we kept shooting ourselves in the foot". No you didnt, you got your f-king ass kicked in every phase of the game. Even the best coaches in America come out and say when they got killed by another team.

I think fans would back off a wee bit if he would just come out and do that one time. Say you got your ass kicked and the other staff out coached you. JUST ONCE. Send a message to your team that they DID NOT play a good game and they WERE NOT playing "toe-to-toe with them. Let your team know they sucked and need to get better through the media. It can be awfully effective.

Per Fargo Forum today..."We have the potential to be a pretty good FB team." No you don't Muss...unless you play Valpo 7 more times. This team is horrific defensively, can't run the ball a lick and is completely undisciplined.

Agree with your post above...he candy coats everything.

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Per Fargo Forum today..."We have the potential to be a pretty good FB team." No you don't Muss...unless you play Valpo 7 more times. This team is horrific defensively, can't run the ball a lick and is completely undisciplined.

Agree with your post above...he candy coats everything.

I wonder what would happen if, next game, we come out and refuse to pass the ball downfield for the first few drives and the coaches attempt a smash mouth attack with runs and screens? Anyone think the OL would maybe wake up and get an edge? There's nothing like being able to enforce your will on an opponent like we used to.

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Per Fargo Forum today..."We have the potential to be a pretty good FB team." No you don't Muss...unless you play Valpo 7 more times. This team is horrific defensively, can't run the ball a lick and is completely undisciplined.

Agree with your post above...he candy coats everything.

Problem is, if he keeps insisting they are good then it becomes clear HE can't get through to them.
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Bold.....but at this point necessary.

I wonder if there is any way to have Mussman comment on his players lack of giving a $hit on the sideline? Maybe a herald writer reads these posts and could ask that question for us.


"Coach, do you care to comment on your players on the sideline laughing and not seeming too interested in the football game when your team was down by 40 in the second half?"


"Well.....for the most part we were toe to toe with them through the first quarter....shot ourselves in the foot with some drops and just didn't execute like we thought we would be able too.....ohh the guys on the sideline don't care?"

You want the Heraldo to ask tough questions? There is a better chance of the Vikings winning the Super Bowl with Ponder at QB! :glare:

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