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The new Ralph is finally getting a good atmosphere, it took quite a long time. I think it also helps that people like Tom Behring are no longer in charge of REA and Charles "Let's dissolve the student section" Kupchella is no longer President.

This, however, has raised the ire of the anti-student, pro "family atmosphere" crowd. The whiny, crying puff piece written by Mike Jacobs in the Heraldo this week encapsulated the views of this group. If this crowd had it's way, everyone would politely clap for both teams instead of supporting one and harrassing the other. Every game would feel and sound like "Disney Stars on Ice".

As for profanity in the student section, I think it was much worse during the 1980's than it is now. If we aren't hosting the Gophers or Badgers, you don't hear it all that much. I went to games in the 1980's as a grade schooler and it was rampant in almost every home game.

The bottom line is, I didn't grow up talking like a drunken sailor because I went to the Old Ralph as a kid and today's kids won't either. Let's keep the good times rolling at The Ralph.

So since the students in the 80s did it that makes it alright? Wow, what kind of admission standards does UND have now that students try to pass that as logical or reasonable? The Ralph doesn't need the F bomb or scatological chants to be "finally getting a good atmosphere." I would hope that a few of the 13,000 students at UND could come up with some more clever chants than the 2 that the current student section over uses. If the F*** chant had popped up once or twice over the weekend, I think most people would have been able to look past it. But when it was literally the only thing that the student section could come up with, it became very disappointing.

As far as the anti-student, pro "family atmosphere" crowd I can guarantee you that I made more noise and was into the games more than likely half of the students in attendance(I know, I sit 4 seats from the student section.) I was up dancing when the band was playing, chanting "Let's go Sioux" every time someone tried to start it, and didn't sit once during overtime with the Gophers. Yet not once did I use a swear word.

Between the athletic department, student body, cheer team, dance team, athletic band, Sioux Crew and the electronical capabilities at the REA, there is no reason that creative and original chants, cheers and dances couldn't be the norm at every Sioux event at the Ralph. There is no reason that the Ralph shouldn't have one of the best atmospheres in college sports without being classless.

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And too bad a Hoogsteen doesn't play for us anymore . . . "Hoogsteen Phooey, #1 Super Guy" was the best ever. The Mickey Mouse chant definitely needs to be brought back as well. (Yes, I remember all the words!) :)

Hoogsteen Phooey, Faster than the human eye!

What's the Word? was also an awesome cheer.


I thought Karma last skated for the Saskatchewan Pats? No eligiblity left ! Skating hard, scoring goals, finishing checks & keeping the opponent's puck out of your net wins championships.


I remember some good chants from my days in the 90's but not using the Fbomb -

Three blind mice when the refs cam out was always solid - the mickey mouse was good but had the fbomb init as well.

AS far as chants borrowed from other theams, I think sieve is the only one we should steal. thats debatable or always were is too goofer-esque for me. And the sweet caroline - totally a redsox thing.

Seriously we should be leading the charge not following the bostons/goofers of the world (puke)

So since the students in the 80s did it that makes it alright?

Kids nowdays have to understand that the '80's were a completely different time back then. We had the threat of nuclear war, had to tunnel through snow hills to get to our classes, there were cattle grazing on the center medians on campus, we had to sit on hard plastic bleachers bridging four inch gaps in the plastic. Cars with fuel injection wouldn't start when it got ten below. And you could misalign your spine lugging around the portable analog music players that we had.

It was different living on the frontier back then and hence some would say cruder.

Kids nowdays have to understand that the '80's were a completely different time back then. We had the threat of nuclear war, had to tunnel through snow hills to get to our classes, there were cattle grazing on the center medians on campus, we had to sit on hard plastic bleachers bridging four inch gaps in the plastic. Cars with fuel injection wouldn't start when it got ten below. And you could misalign your spine lugging around the portable analog music players that we had.

It was different living on the frontier back then and hence some would say cruder.

Plastic Bleachers to sit on and portable music players, Luxury. When you had to pull splinters out of your butt after a game, F the Gophers seemed pretty tame.

Plastic Bleachers to sit on and portable music players, Luxury. When you had to pull splinters out of your butt after a game, F the Gophers seemed pretty tame.

I remember sitting next to a snow pile on the splintery butt bleachers.

But we didn't complain. We just sent dad down to fetch cocoa. As I recall kids weren't allowed near the concessions as there was something they called "heat" down there.

Back in the '80's we were so poor we couldn't afford our own Indian head logo.



Here are a couple cheers that I recall from the 70's.

Sandwich sandwich double decker

We've got the Gophers by the pecker

So Pull Sioux, Pull!

Down the river and over the falls

We've got the Gophers by the balls

So squeeze Sioux, squeeze!


Here are a couple cheers that I recall from the 70's.

Sandwich sandwich double decker

We've got the Gophers by the pecker

So Pull Sioux, Pull!

Down the river and over the falls

We've got the Gophers by the balls

So squeeze Sioux, squeeze!

I don't think those would work at the women's games. Just saying.


Home ice advantage equals classless. I am all for classless! Remember the smoke filled concourse at the old Ralph in the 80s? Fans swearing, crowd screaming...that's hockey. Hockey is not the Kentucky derby with flowers, hats, gloves, and mint julips! I've got a chant for Jacobs: F the Herald.


Here are a couple cheers that I recall from the 70's.

Sandwich sandwich double decker

We've got the Gophers by the pecker

So Pull Sioux, Pull!

Down the river and over the falls

We've got the Gophers by the balls

So squeeze Sioux, squeeze!


Home ice advantage equals classless. I am all for classless! Remember the smoke filled concourse at the old Ralph in the 80s? Fans swearing, crowd screaming...that's hockey. Hockey is not the Kentucky derby with flowers, hats, gloves, and mint julips! I've got a chant for Jacobs: F the Herald.

So you can't have home ice advantage without being classless?!?! The Ralph can't be loud and raucous without using the F word?



Everybody should just silently shuffle into their seats before the game, watch the game in silence, and then leave.

That way nobody's feelings will be hurt and our kids can learn that life is boring and there's nothing worth getting excited about.

And speaking of people's feelings being hurt, I'm not a big fan of forechecking or whatever it's called when people go careening around the ice and colliding with one another. And another thing....


They shouldn't play "in heaven there aint no beer" either, because it might offend those that don't drink.

Classless is an opinion. I've got plenty of opinions on classlessness...

So you can't have home ice advantage without being classless?!?! The Ralph can't be loud and raucous without using the F word?


There are no absolutes. There are things that are worth getting worked up about (say jackboots goose stepping into Poland, or bombs falling on Hawaii) and things that aren't worth caring about (swearing at a hockey game).

Sticks and stones remember? words can never harm me? I've got way more important things to care about than swearing at a hockey game and who thinks what is classless. Haircuts from the late 80s and cheap suits are classless too, but we all deal with them.

Way bigger stuff to worry about.


Do the students and whichever fans joined in need to say "F-ck the Gophers" multiple times during the game? What's cool or funny about that? It's lame.

I am all for a "Gophers Suck" chant or something like that but there is no need to have thousands of people using a swear word in a chant. Its classless and there a kids throughout the stands. This isn't minor league hockey, its College.

Do the students and whichever fans joined in need to say "F-ck the Gophers" multiple times during the game? What's cool or funny about that? It's lame.

I am all for a "Gophers Suck" chant or something like that but there is no need to have thousands of people using a swear word in a chant. Its classless and there a kids throughout the stands. This isn't minor league hockey, its College.

I don't know if it's classless but it's certainly boring and unoriginal.

Everybody should just silently shuffle into their seats before the game, watch the game in silence, and then leave.

That is the Sully and the John.

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