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At some point in this country we entered a culture of the "smart" educated minority "looking out" for the "dumb, uninformed" masses. This is the M.O. of the politically correct. If you don't agree with them, you are uninformed or just not very bright.

  Goon said:
MPLSBISONFAN is a @$$ hat... he doesn't have a clue what he is talking about, he is just here to cause problems and troll.

i finally put him on ignore last week. i've never deemed somebody worthy of the ignore feature until now. at some point, it becomes obvious that he's not even reading the responses to his pandering because he posts the same thing over and over and over again even though it's been thoroughly addressed. that line about "respecting the ncaa deadline" for example.

i think it's been made clear by many posters that there is no respect for the deadline, but the deadline is a fact we all have to live with; we have no say in the deadline whatsoever.

to argue that we'd like the sbohe and und to at least respect that deadline and give both tribes until that deadline to get a vote together is a perfectly legit argument and has nothing to do with respecting the deadline, yet mplsbison insists on asking that same question over and over and over and over.......

if everybody just puts him on ignore, then at worst he'll be talking to himself and the few trolls who come along once and a while. at best, he'll just go away. i mean, let's face it, he has nothing to offer and refuses to participate in civil debate. why waste your time reading posts from somebody who's only trying to get under your skin, has no interest in seeing your point of view, and will say whatever necessary to create frustration or confuse the issue at hand?

  Fetch said:
I don't want to see UND hurt in any real way - but a statement & wake up call is in order - if donations are delayed to wake up some folks, then so be it

I think this can still be won - but if Apathy is going to be the norm & than everyone who just sits back & does nothing but wait & see - then the name will fail & everyone will wish they could of, should of, done something

Money talks

The really sad part is I still don't see any real Leadership moving this forward to a positive conclusion - as in doing everything to save the name

Who is doing anything to Help Standing Rock make the vote happen ? Hire them some consultants? / maybe Lawyers ? / Advisors ? / Organizers ? / Raise $$$ to Help them get it done ? ? ? FAST TRACK IT

Or is everyone just so burnt out on the whole thing ? (& have given up ?)

Maybe send the normal donations to a group to get this done & long term agreements with both tribes- in everyones best interests - also ask for others to contribute ?

We did it to get the crappy lawsuit challenge & crappy settlement with the NCAA

fetch - i don't always agree with you (usually, but not always), but i have to hand it to you: you always argue your point with sound logic, a fact for which i have great respect.

  the green team said:
Why exactly does a piece have to be balanced? I guess I don't understand. This was a story from these peoples perspectives, that's it. A week ago or so they had a full page of opinions on support of the name. So many in fact they felt the silly need to write why all of these letters that were published were in favor of the nickname. This story concerns me from the stand point that apparently when people who are different from us in this community indicate they get stared at rather than talked to, it's disappointing, although not surprising. Having grown up in this community for a long time, there is no doubt in my experiences that our behaviors in this community reflect some of the things unearthed in this story. I've seen it. Although I will say that it says more about those who make up this community and the issues they have than it does about the nickname. The correlation is weak at best.

Does the term "yellow journalism" mean anything to you? How about "muckraking"? I would have have more respect for the piece of there was actually some input from NAs who felt differently than the "victims" interviewed. God forbid there be a diversity of opinion amongst a given set of people. Moreover, you obviously can't distinguish between the opinion section of the paper, and the news section that should present a story in a more balanced manner. Apparently, neither can Chuck Haga.

  yababy8 said:

Whatever dude..

Ttry living somewhere else, in Denver hispanic gangs are targeting white people for assault/robberies to the degree that the D.P.D. advised white people not go out after dark alone in the city.

Try walk'n around the South Side of Chicago and see how the people there compare to mean North Dakotan's.

I once walked down Prospect Blv. in Kansas City just to prove to a buddie that I would live through it. Not five minutes after he let me out of the car, the police drove up to me and said, "WTF are you doing here whitey? You need to leave before you get hurt!

That same blond haired-blue eyed friend, back in college at UND, got jumped by three Native American's in the Down Under for no reason. You could probably say he is racist and said something bad like you are suggesting North Dakotans do in your post, but you might want to know that he is married to Skip Longie's great niece and she grew up on the Spirt Lake Reservation. Oh she, my best friends wife, a Native American, got a law degree from UND and is a huge Sioux Fan. She quilted me the most amazing Sioux Blanket you have ever seen.

The people from North Dakota are good people and should not for one second be stereo-typed or judged in the way you are suggesting.

There are bad people everywhere it's just a matter of percentage and severity and the folkes in North Dakota are not high on any such list.

And if you want to Psychologically understand the perspectives the people in the story have, the first thing that needs to be discussed is Shame Based perceptions and how they relate to feelings of victimization. But given how you apparently see things, that would be way over your head.

hey, stop presenting arguments backed by facts, that destroys the while anit-nickname platform. try arguing with misplaced emotions next time, then they'll understand you.


is this really necessary?:

  the green team said:
yababy should change your name to crybaby.

on another note, anybody see the irony in this post?:

  the green team said:

like most, i think it's lame to correct spelling or grammar on a message board, but when in the context of insulting another's intelligence, i would think one would be more careful.

you are all so dumm, wearaz, im smrt.

  Shawn-O said:
At some point in this country we entered a culture of the "smart" educated minority "looking out" for the "dumb, uninformed" masses. This is the M.O. of the politically correct. If you don't agree with them, you are uninformed or just not very bright.

you nailed it.

it has been my observation for many years that the most intelligent among us are smart enough to realize that they don't know everything and that intelligence comes in many forms. it's the pseudo-intellects, as i like to call them, who decide how the world works, then bury their heads in the sand, refusing to hear any angle that might contradict their stubborn beliefs.

this behavior is then justified under the assumption that, "hey, i belong to the minority of the enlightened and, therefore, do not have to subject myself to the babblings of the rest of these troglodytes who comprise the vast majority of the population".

a stint in the military would be good for such folks. it would force them to actually have to work with people from all walks of life, then perhaps they'll realize that the average person isn't so dumb afterall and they, themselves, didn't have it all figured out as they once assumed.

  krangodance said:
i finally put him on ignore last week. i've never deemed somebody worthy of the ignore feature until now. at some point, it becomes obvious that he's not even reading the responses to his pandering because he posts the same thing over and over and over again even though it's been thoroughly addressed. that line about "respecting the ncaa deadline" for example.

i think it's been made clear by many posters that there is no respect for the deadline, but the deadline is a fact we all have to live with; we have no say in the deadline whatsoever.

to argue that we'd like the sbohe and und to at least respect that deadline and give both tribes until that deadline to get a vote together is a perfectly legit argument and has nothing to do with respecting the deadline, yet mplsbison insists on asking that same question over and over and over and over.......

if everybody just puts him on ignore, then at worst he'll be talking to himself and the few trolls who come along once and a while. at best, he'll just go away. i mean, let's face it, he has nothing to offer and refuses to participate in civil debate. why waste your time reading posts from somebody who's only trying to get under your skin, has no interest in seeing your point of view, and will say whatever necessary to create frustration or confuse the issue at hand?

Yes, please. Troll is just looking for attention and doesn't care how she gets it... Just like my 2 year old... :D

Note: My 2 year old will occasionally listen to reason.

  the green team said:
yababy should change your name to crybaby. Honestly, do you let every little article in this world effect you this much, and if so, how are you able to function? Secondly, I've been to both of those places that you mentioned, doesn't make it right either way. All I'm saying is that from what it sounds, as a nickname supporter, it would seem that we missed a opportunity somewhere along the line in making a positive impact with some of these folks in the article. Of course their are some in this world you just can't make an impact with, their jaded to begin with. But for some, we've missed it as a community, and I have missed it as an individual. It is what it is. Good grief, if the article like this illicits such a response from you it probably hits a mark that is close to home. And your figures for how many articles come out in favor of the nickname to negative, is strictly perspective. You may read something into piece that was written entirely differently than I would. The fact that your immediately dismissive of anything these people say, goes directly to point that we white NoDaks aren't really that different than anyone else when it comes to interacting with those different from us. Besides even if those in this recent article were only trying to say these things to draw your ire & nothing more, I would say they were successful. I just choose to take the story for what it is... a story, look at the way I behave when I'm around other people and go from there. You on the other hand go into attack mode.

But as you said everything is above me. Let me borrow a line from Sid H. who throws it around to some of his calls. YOUR A REAL GENIUS, SIR.

Gimme a break.

I offer you a pragmatic comparison so that you might see the silliness of employing guilt and serving it on the white population of North Dakota and instead of seeing the truth in real racism- ie danger, physical harm, loss of life or property vs "they stared at me", you chose to call me a cry baby.

You, my friend are exactly the kind of person that facilitates our culture of victimization.

Just curious, when a person stares at you, why are they looking at you? I'm sure its cause your white huh? Well unless they are white too..

I'll tell you another story;

This last Christmas Eve day I was at the Independence mall in Kansas City, Missouri. I was sitting down at the food court eating an ice cream as my kids played in the play area. As I was watching them play a Black guy (around 40 yrs old) who is sitting at the table next to me asks me with a vexed tone, "Do I know you?" I said, "huh?". He said, "Well you have been staring at me and I figure you either know me or you have some problem with me."

I explained that he was on the line of sight from me to my kids to which he replied, "hmm?"

So here is the lesson in that experience if you choose to accept it:

Now let's just consider for a second, because we don't know, that this fella is one who feels that many white people around him have prejudice toward him as a black man. Had he been thinking he was getting stared at by a white dude who had a problem with African Americans and said nothing to me about it, he would have carried that with him forever not to mention added it to a collective of other conclusions into his prejudice bank. And further shared these perceptions with other African Americans as they shared theirs with him.

The final chapter in that whole ill condition is &^%$#@&^%$#@&*^%$-----THE MEDIA-------*&^$#&^%$#@&^%$#@

Now you have a recipe for a big pile of Sh%#t!

But hey, on the other hand we can all go buy a copy of Black Like Me and buy into the whole white people are racists viewpoint.

I'm just smart enough to see the reality of white racism in North Dakota as it compares to other demographic racism that exist in plenty across this country.

Don't worry to much about the fact that I'm smarter than you.

Your fear that it might be true and what that means to you is pointless.

Consider this- If I am 'smarter' than you- ie able to see things you can't- it is I that feel the frustration as you and the masses of others like you move through my world allowing conditions such as the loss of a team name for not a good reason, while you see me as a idiot, ie "real genius" who thinks he is more than he is.

So you live the content life contently amongst the masses, while for me, well I get as my only choices to argue against the many in a fruitless fight or just throw my hands up and say, "they had it coming"

Only problem is I have 20 years of my life invested in the Sioux name that I have come to have a pride in and love.

So see, I'm probably in possession of more 'genius' that you but I for no real reason or purpose other than being surrounded by 'lack of intelligence' lose anyway..

  yababy8 said:
I offer you a pragmatic comparison so that you might see the silliness of employing guilt and serving it on the white population of North Dakota and instead of seeing the truth in real racism- ie danger, physical harm, loss of life or property vs "they stared at me", you chose to call me a cry baby.

You, my friend are exactly the kind of person that facilitates our culture of victimization.

Just curious, when a person stares at you, why are they looking at you? I'm sure its cause your white huh? Well unless they are white too..

I'll tell you another story;

This last Christmas Eve day I was at the Independence mall in Kansas City, Missouri. I was sitting down at the food court eating an ice cream as my kids played in the play area. As I was watching them play a Black guy (around 40 yrs old) who is sitting at the table next to me asks me with a vexed tone, "Do I know you?" I said, "huh?". He said, "Well you have been staring at me and I figure you either know me or you have some problem with me."

I explained that he was on the line of sight from me to my kids to which he replied, "hmm?"

So here is the lesson in that experience if you choose to accept it:

Now let's just consider for a second, because we don't know, that this fella is one who feels that many white people around him have prejudice toward him as a black man. Had he been thinking he was getting stared at by a white dude who had a problem with African Americans and said nothing to me about it, he would have carried that with him forever not to mention added it to a collective of other conclusions into his prejudice bank. And further shared these perceptions with other African Americans as they shared theirs with him.

The final chapter in that whole ill condition is &^%$#@&^%$#@&*^%$-----THE MEDIA-------*&^$#&^%$#@&^%$#@

Now you have a recipe for a big pile of Sh%#t!

But hey, on the other hand we can all go buy a copy of Black Like Me and buy into the whole white people are racists viewpoint.

I'm just smart enough to see the reality of white racism in North Dakota as it compares to other demographic racism that exist in plenty across this country.

Don't worry to much about the fact that I'm smarter than you.

Your fear that it might be true and what that means to you is pointless.

Consider this- If I am 'smarter' than you- ie able to see things you can't- it is I that feel the frustration as you and the masses of others like you move through my world allowing conditions such as the loss of a team name for not a good reason, while you see me as a idiot, ie "real genius" who thinks he is more than he is.

So you live the content life contently amongst the masses, while for me, well I get as my only choices to argue against the many in a fruitless fight or just throw my hands up and say, "they had it coming"

Only problem is I have 20 years of my life invested in the Sioux name that I have come to have a pride in and love.

So see, I'm probably in possession of more 'genius' that you but I for no real reason or purpose other than being surrounded by 'lack of intelligence' lose anyway..

This will brighten your day. :-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZCZnRyqUaA

You're Welcome!


That's an awesome video! I did notice however that there weren't any shots of basketball included, but I've always believed there are those who feel that basketball is just loaned the name and those of us who choose to support basketball, should just be happy that we get to call ourselves The Fighting Sioux as well. Otherwise- it's kind of embarrasing and downright degrading to have to associate it with the bouncy ball sport.

  the green team said:
That's an awesome video! I did notice however that there weren't any shots of basketball included, but I've always believed there are those who feel that basketball is just loaned the name and those of us who choose to support basketball, should just be happy that we get to call ourselves The Fighting Sioux as well. Otherwise- it's kind of embarrasing and downright degrading to have to associate it with the bouncy ball sport.

I had no intention leaving out other sports. You could say I left out, football, baseball, basketball, swimming, soccer, mens/women's golf, cross country... Wrestling, nascar, poker... Oh, wait a sec, what?! :D

  SiouxForever said:
I had no intention leaving out other sports. You could say I left out, football, baseball, basketball, swimming, soccer, mens/women's golf, cross country... Wrestling, nascar, poker... Oh, wait a sec, what?! :D

SF: that is a great video. If you are still still a student you should put that in your portfolio for sure. Well thought out, and great flow throughout.

Q: what is the song in you used?

  MoreSiouxForYou said:
SF: that is a great video. If you are still still a student you should put that in your portfolio for sure. Well thought out, and great flow throughout.

Q: what is the song in you used?

Song Used, "Wavin Flag" - Young Artists for Haiti - $1.29 on iTunes or .99 on Amazon MP3 Downloads.

  the green team said:
That's an awesome video! I did notice however that there weren't any shots of basketball included, but I've always believed there are those who feel that basketball is just loaned the name and those of us who choose to support basketball, should just be happy that we get to call ourselves The Fighting Sioux as well. Otherwise- it's kind of embarrasing and downright degrading to have to associate it with the bouncy ball sport.

You may not want to go there. There are many, many former (and I would assume current) Sioux basketball players who were just as proud to be a Fighting Sioux as any other UND athlete. Correct me if I am wrong but the reason that BB pictures weren't included may have been because "Sioux" is not on their current uniforms.

  the green team said:
but I've always believed there are those who feel that basketball is just loaned the name and those of us who choose to support basketball, should just be happy that we get to call ourselves The Fighting Sioux as well. Otherwise- it's kind of embarrasing and downright degrading to have to associate it with the bouncy ball sport.

What was that name you said I should call myself?


I completely agree, that nearly all and certainly most of all men's & women's basketball players are proud to be or to have been representing and considered Fighting Sioux. The point I'm trying to make is that they along with all the other sports mentioned (baseball, golf, track &field etc., fans) are often shoved to the side when it comes to being associated with the Sioux name. This video is an example of that. Don't get me wrong, I like the video, I think it was great, very well done, but I also think it goes to show that many fans, while putting together tributes, or whatever the case maybe only attach the Sioux name with hockey pics or pics at The Ralph, when in reality- everyone who plays a sport at UND or is a fan of just about any sport at UND feels proud of being or cheering on the Fighting Sioux no matter the sport. I think we do a slight disservice to those other sports when you put something together like that, as if they don't matter (and I know to some on here that is the prevailing thought anyway, but I digress).

Overall great video, just artistic preference when you get down to it. I tend to think of Sioux with all our sports, the video like many, I think associate Sioux only with hockey- I apologize there was the shot of volleyball. Probably the more obvious thing is that it was a inadvertant omission, I really don't think the person who put this video together is against any of the other sports, but I could see if the first thing that a person was exposed to regarding The Fighting Sioux, was this video, they could come up with that they must not do anything else at that school. Which we don't, I know.

  the green team said:
I completely agree, that nearly all and certainly most of all men's & women's basketball players are proud to be or to have been representing and considered Fighting Sioux. The point I'm trying to make is that they along with all the other sports mentioned (baseball, golf, track &field etc., fans) are often shoved to the side when it comes to being associated with the Sioux name. This video is an example of that. Don't get me wrong, I like the video, I think it was great, very well done, but I also think it goes to show that many fans, while putting together tributes, or whatever the case maybe only attach the Sioux name with hockey pics or pics at The Ralph, when in reality- everyone who plays a sport at UND or is a fan of just about any sport at UND feels proud of being or cheering on the Fighting Sioux no matter the sport. I think we do a slight disservice to those other sports when you put something together like that, as if they don't matter (and I know to some on here that is the prevailing thought anyway, but I digress).

Overall great video, just artistic preference when you get down to it. I tend to think of Sioux with all our sports, the video like many, I think associate Sioux only with hockey- I apologize there was the shot of volleyball. Probably the more obvious thing is that it was a inadvertant omission, I really don't think the person who put this video together is against any of the other sports, but I could see if the first thing that a person was exposed to regarding The Fighting Sioux, was this video, they could come up with that they must not do anything else at that school. Which we don't, I know.

Thanks for the clarification of your comments. I misunderstood your point. I now fully agree with you!

And I also agree that it was a great video but wish other sports would have been included!

  UND Fan said:
Thanks for the clarification of your comments. I misunderstood your point. I now fully agree with you!

And I also agree that it was a great video but wish other sports would have been included!

I had no intention leaving out other sports. You could say I left out, football, baseball, basketball, swimming, soccer, mens/women's golf, cross country... Wrestling, nascar, poker... Oh, wait a sec, what?!

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