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2020 Dumpster Fire (Enter at your own risk)


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13 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

Trumptards have guzzled the Kool-aid.

They refuse to face reality and call any source, even Fox News, "fake".

They are too far gone and hate American democracy. 


Making fun of handicapped people by using a slur that refers to them in reference to another person...again.  You're a big, tough guy.  

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10 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

Ha!   To discredit the report, Trump is now claiming he never called McCain a ‘loser’.   Riiiiiight.    

Poor, poor, Trump and his cult followers.   All these hoaxes are soooo unfair.   My god the comedy just writes itself.  



It does. 

Trumptards included.  Such thin skin. 

Just like their fuhrer, Trumplethinskin.

One of the inbreds here like to call me "soyboy", a reference to homosexuals the oppose Trump.  Lol

Hey, I'm honored.  Mayor Pete had the guts to serve his country.  Unlike Cadet Bone Spurs who is the true coward. 

I'd rather think of myself as a Mayor Pete than the orange dipwad.


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23 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

Making fun of handicapped people by using a slur that refers to them in reference to another person...again.  You're a big, tough guy.  

No @UND1983 he’s really not. He’s an internet bully that thinks he’s some how pious and superior.  The meme below really explains him to a “T”. 


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15 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

It does. 

Trumptards included.  Such thin skin. 

Just like their fuhrer, Trumplethinskin.

One of the inbreds here like to call me "soyboy", a reference to homosexuals the oppose Trump.  Lol

Hey, I'm honored.  Mayor Pete had the guts to serve his country.  Unlike Cadet Bone Spurs who is the true coward. 

I'd rather think of myself as a Mayor Pete than the orange dipwad.


I’d like to see you tell this awesome dude he’s a Trumptard. He’d quickly disarm you with his wit. 


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12 minutes ago, Goon said:

No he’s really not. The meme below really explains him to a “T”. 


I see. 

So, you feel that freedom of expression should be restricted to those that are physically menacing?


That's why you will never be in a position of authority and trust.  You are like Trumplethinskin, but without any power.

The way it should be. 

Also, I am above the fray here just by not supporting Trump.  LMFAO

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10 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

Fox News corespondent refusing to back down.  Apparently Fox is now part of the liberal hoax. 


The cult will now say that Fox News signed a deal with The Deep State this week.

Did you hear about the law enforcement personnel that were fired because they posted these deep beliefs about the Deep State and QAnon on social media?  They were insane, thin-skinned and gullible.

I'm glad I am above the fray and am better than them.

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4 hours ago, Hayduke1 said:

It's the Deep State.  

In cahoots with QAnon.

Along the Justice League.

And the Avengers.

And the Fantastic Four.

And the X Men.

Even the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers are in on it. 

Be very afraid 

Look up Nancy Pelosi on youtube she explains how to do it.

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“I like people who weren't captured," Trump said at an Iowa summit during his presidential campaign in 2015, adding, "I don't like loser.”


This is the quote from a recent article.  It completely misstates, as usual, the context of the quotes.  The two quotes were not in the same discussion.  Trump stated that he donated and supposed McCain in his run for president.  That was the context for the loser part.   He called him a loser in the context of losing a presidential election.

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2 hours ago, Goon said:

You have something wrong with you if you think that’s funny. 

If it was liberals, you would be posting it saying how stupid they are. 

Thought of you when I read this:


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23 minutes ago, Walsh Hall said:

“I like people who weren't captured," Trump said at an Iowa summit during his presidential campaign in 2015, adding, "I don't like loser.”


This is the quote from a recent article.  It completely misstates, as usual, the context of the quotes.  The two quotes were not in the same discussion.  Trump stated that he donated and supposed McCain in his run for president.  That was the context for the loser part.   He called him a loser in the context of losing a presidential election.

Exactly.  That is what I remember.  Trump and McCain have had a long running feud.

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These voters aren’t dumb enough to fall for Biden’s working class shtick. As the Washington Post recently put it, “Democrats have ceded the working class to the GOP.” Biden’s acceptance speech at the DNC dwelt on such pressing blue collar issues as climate change, gun control, and social justice. He also insulted our intelligence by blaming President Trump for job losses caused by COVID-19. Meanwhile, he has endorsed another nationwide lockdown, called for a universal mask mandate, and taken multiple positions on fracking. The collapse of Biden’s poll numbers may be accelerated by the riots but, ultimately, they mark the inevitable implosion of a campaign built on a progressive myth about Trump’s base.




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