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2020 Dumpster Fire (Enter at your own risk)


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Serious questions for all who support any measure of a community 'locking down':

You can isolate yourself. You can order groceries and every other consumer good and have them delivered to your front door. You can work from home. You can achieve whatever level of safety you desire. So...

Why must everyone else play along?

Why do you have so little respect for your fellow citizens and their rights and wishes?

Is this as simple as FOMO and if so, are you at all ashamed?

Are you jealous, or afraid you might be jealous, of others who do not (for whatever reason) share your lock down mentality?

Do you fear being wrong?

Do you fear waking up someday, having the government admit it was all for naught, and having regret?  Would knowing that everyone went along with it somehow make it better?

Do you understand how a lock down can hurt others?  Professionally, personally, educationally, financially?

How can you live with yourself knowing that the community lock down you desire will hurt people?

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11 minutes ago, NoiseInsideMyHead said:

You can work from home.

How can you live with yourself knowing that the community lock down you desire will hurt people?

First, at my full time job, I have to work in the office. On the other answer, they don't care if lockdowns hurt people. They want to exercise their control. Left-leaning politicians like Lori Lightfoot, Gretchen Whitmer and Walz don't care if business have to close down. If you don't do as they say, you will feel the full force of government come down on them. They will have a job until the voting populace throws them out of office or they're term limited. 

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1 hour ago, The Sicatoka said:

Chelsea Clinton matters because ...


PS - How many Biden Secret Service agents had to quarantine. To be fair, can we do a "agents positive per miles traveled" comparison? 

Who cares what Webb Hubbell's daughter thinks?   

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3 hours ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

Trump asked aides if he could pursue a wild plan to replace the Electoral College with loyalists who would ignore the vote, report says

Member when the democrats pleaded with electors to flip? I member. 

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8 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

That was a Flop.

The Flip is in the Georgia 2 Senates races.
I encourage M's of people to move into Georgia and vote in this Senate race.

If that happens Senator Manchin becomes more powerful than we could've imagined.
McConnell would offer him the sun and the moon to change sides to the R. 

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9 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

If that happens Senator Manchin becomes more powerful than we could've imagined.
McConnell would offer him the sun and the moon to change sides to the R. 

Isn't Russia claiming the moon is theirs?
Anyway, Manchin isn't jumping ship.
All D's aren't over the left edge like you seem to think.
Any D will be able to cause a fuss if Georgia flips, they sure won't do lip service for Moscow Mitch.

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15 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

Should a passenger in an airplane be allowed to fly without a mask, and if so, do all passengers that think all should wear a mask when flying just not fly?

The only workable solution is to empower each individual to make decisions for themselves.

As we all must share the planet, if we want to control that which we inhale, we should wear masks to cover our own respiratory orifices.  Control what you can.  If the one, ten, or fifty people closest to you have no such desire for control, why impose upon them that which you could simply do for yourself?  Give them the dignity of being free to inhale whatever the living f**k they want to inhale.

If a mask does not make one comfortable enough to fly, he or she should absolutely not fly.

PLUS, the absolute best thing about this approach, is that one may continue to wear a mask in perpetuity, without need for government intervention or mandate.  If we make everyone wear a mask, and then subsequently rescind the order, then all we have done for the fearful is to kick that anxiety down the road a bit.  Sooner or later, they'll have to make the hard decision for themselves.  Tis far better for all to simply get it over with right now.

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25 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

Should a passenger in an airplane be allowed to fly without a mask, and if so, do all passengers that think all should wear a mask when flying just not fly?

Isn't masking policy dictated by the company providing you the service and not the individuals consuming the service? If a company decides you must follow certain procedures, and you resist doing so, shouldn't you be the one that foregoes the luxury of consuming the service they provide you? 

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1 minute ago, dynato said:

Isn't masking policy dictated by the company providing you the service and not the individuals consuming the service? If a company decides you must follow certain procedures, and you resist doing so, shouldn't you be the one that foregoes the luxury of consuming the service they provide you? 

True  ^^^

A case could be made that the one passenger that refuses to wear a mask when flying is being selfish. Causes delays.


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Just now, dynato said:

Isn't masking policy dictated by the company providing you the service and not the individuals consuming the service? If a company decides you must follow certain procedures, and you resist doing so, shouldn't you be the one that foregoes the luxury of consuming the service they provide you? 

Seeing as likely none of us are airline executives, and the hypothetical was asked openly, I think we're in fair territory here.

I also think the market will eventually dictate.  As soon as one airline goes maskless (mask optional), and experiences a significant revenue bump, there's your answer.

Of course, this model won't work locally, because one must have more than airline from which to choose.

Maybe the answer is mask and no-mask sections.  Harken right back to the old days of smoking!

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2 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

True  ^^^

A case could be made that the one passenger that refuses to wear a mask when flying is being selfish. Causes delays.

Because all must obey, right?  That's the true hallmark of free societies.

Simple analytical framework for you to consider...

We all agree that everyone should be free to wear a mask, if they choose.  Done.  Period.  No contest.

We will all NEVER agree that masks are effective or necessary, or that the time for masks has come and gone, or that mask mandates are constitutional on their face.  And we will NEVER, EVER change each other's minds on these subjects.  It causes grief, it causes angst, it causes stress, it causes physical violence...

Why not err on the side of immediate, mutual agreement, peace, love, and harmony?  Take the high road?  The path of least resistance?

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4 minutes ago, NoiseInsideMyHead said:

Seeing as likely none of us are airline executives, and the hypothetical was asked openly, I think we're in fair territory here.

I also think the market will eventually dictate.  As soon as one airline goes maskless (mask optional), and experiences a significant revenue bump, there's your answer.

Of course, this model won't work locally, because one must have more than airline from which to choose.

Maybe the answer is mask and no-mask sections.  Harken right back to the old days of smoking!

Markets are already driven by consumer choices, are they not? That would lead me to believe more people are consuming their product because masks are mandated and that revenue would dip if the airline switched their stance making masks optional. Once the risk, or perception of risk, from catching COVID has diminished, that is when I see it switching to masks being optional. 

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