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Vote on your final 5 nickname choices (just ND is out)


Which nicknames are acceptable  

234 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the final five are acceptable (you can choose more than one)

    • Nodaks
    • North Stars
    • Fighting Hawks
    • Sun Dogs
    • Roughriders

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Sorry to bring this up again, but the petition is all the way up to 3,000, so roughly 57,000 fans are not worked up enough to sign the petition. How long does the petition need to be posted to get to half (or a majority)? The majority of the fans upset/acting out on social media will be highest shortly after the event that caused them to become upset so I don't think we need to wait a couple years so people "have more time" to sign the petition. If it get up close to or passes 30,000 signatures then you can say the majority of UND fans on social media are upset and want to keep the "no nickname" option. I don't think it will come close to even 20,000...I could be wrong.

Edit: Looked at the petition wrong. It's up to 3700. Their goal is 5,000. I'm sure they will reach the goal, but still far from reaching a majority of UND fans supporting their cause.

This is silly. Not everyone has reached the level of social interaction ineptitude where they use thumbs up or thumbs down on the internet, and then feel as if they've accomplished something. For the record I like UND, but haven't bothered to "like" the UND Facebook page, either.

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This is silly. Not everyone has reached the level of social interaction ineptitude where they use thumbs up or thumbs down on the internet, and then feel as if they've accomplished something. For the record I like UND, but haven't bothered to "like" the UND Facebook page, either.

Exactly.  The posters on here saying Social media proves that the majority of UND fans are upset.  Go back a few pages to see the posts.  I'm just using their logic to show they were making a pretty big assumption based on their circle of friends in the social media world. 

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Sundogs, Fighting Hawks, North Stars, and Nodaks.  


That $80-$100K nickname & marketing consultant sure did a bang-up job on this project.  




I am in the "North Dakota" camp not the "Fighing Sioux Forever" camp although some of the geniuses on here don't think that is possible.

We went through the process of coming up with a unique name that would get people excited about a new moniker and identity......well, despite the best efforts of some on the committee, the process failed to obtain an acceptable result so now they want us to say aw !@#$ it, it's good enough when we should have the common sense to A---scrap it and start over or B--table it for now or C--take another look at some of the names that were put in the scrap pile because there were certainly 10-12 names that were scrapped that had some imagination and marketing possibilities and uniqueness to them and were far better than what is left.

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I am in the "North Dakota" camp not the "Fighing Sioux Forever" camp although some of the geniuses on here don't think that is possible.

We went through the process of coming up with a unique name that would get people excited about a new moniker and identity......well, despite the best efforts of some on the committee, the process failed to obtain an acceptable result so now they want us to say aw !@#$ it, it's good enough when we should have the common sense to A---scrap it and start over or B--table it for now or C--take another look at some of the names that were put in the scrap pile because there were certainly 10-12 names that were scrapped that had some imagination and marketing possibilities and uniqueness to them and were far better than what is left.

You realize that going with "North Dakota" virtually ensures that this whole circus will be repeated in a couple of years?

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I am in the "North Dakota" camp not the "Fighing Sioux Forever" camp although some of the geniuses on here don't think that is possible.

We went through the process of coming up with a unique name that would get people excited about a new moniker and identity......well, despite the best efforts of some on the committee, the process failed to obtain an acceptable result so now they want us to say aw !@#$ it, it's good enough when we should have the common sense to A---scrap it and start over or B--table it for now or C--take another look at some of the names that were put in the scrap pile because there were certainly 10-12 names that were scrapped that had some imagination and marketing possibilities and uniqueness to them and were far better than what is left.

All of this ^^^^^^^^^

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IMO one of the bigger issues I had with the committee throughout the entire thing was zero discussion of any logos.  When they got down to the final 15 or even the final 7, they should have contacted someone to get some logo that could be associated with each name and put them out to the public (not those god awful ones that the Herald put out).  A good, clean logo will make an average name look good.  But instead, we now have 5 names where:


2 of them we have no idea what would symbolize it (Sundogs, Nodaks)

2 that claim to have trademark issues but people know what it is (Roughriders, North Star)

1 that people know what it is, but lacks originality (Fighting Hawks)


We don't even know how the logo is going to look? Are they hiring a committee again, hire me as the consultant, I'll do it for 50K.  Lowest bidder :D

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IMO one of the bigger issues I had with the committee throughout the entire thing was zero discussion of any logos.  When they got down to the final 15 or even the final 7, they should have contacted someone to get some logo that could be associated with each name and put them out to the public (not those god awful ones that the Herald put out).  A good, clean logo will make an average name look good.  But instead, we now have 5 names where:


2 of them we have no idea what would symbolize it (Sundogs, Nodaks)

2 that claim to have trademark issues but people know what it is (Roughriders, North Star)

1 that people know what it is, but lacks originality (Fighting Hawks)


We don't even know how the logo is going to look? Are they hiring a committee again, hire me as the consultant, I'll do it for 50K.  Lowest bidder :D

Logos change all of the time.  Whatever logo is chosen now will probably be changed within the next 10-20 years, no matter how popular it is. If it isn't popular it will probably be changed before that. At least 5 different logos were used with the Sioux/Fighting Sioux nickname during my lifetime.

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IMO one of the bigger issues I had with the committee throughout the entire thing was zero discussion of any logos. 


Again, were you paying attention to the charter and commission of that committee? 


St. Peter brought up possibly working with an outside party on marketing and logo ideas for the remaining names, but Kelley had said in the past that the committee's charter was merely to pick a nickname while a logo would be developed later.
"At this stage in the game we're the nickname committee, not the logo committee," Bridewell said.




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Sorry to bring this up again, but the petition is all the way up to 3,000, so roughly 57,000 fans are not worked up enough to sign the petition.  How long does the petition need to be posted to get to half (or a majority)?  The majority of the fans upset/acting out on social media will be highest shortly after the event that caused them to become upset so I don't think we need to wait a couple years so people "have more time" to sign the petition.  If it get up close to or passes 30,000 signatures then you can say the majority of UND fans on social media are upset and want to keep the "no nickname" option.  I don't think it will come close to even 20,000...I could be wrong.



Edit:  Looked at the petition wrong.  It's up to 3700.  Their goal is 5,000.  I'm sure they will reach the goal, but still far from reaching a majority of UND fans supporting their cause.


SO you are telling me we are dealing with yet another vocal minority?!!

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IMO one of the bigger issues I had with the committee throughout the entire thing was zero discussion of any logos.  When they got down to the final 15 or even the final 7, they should have contacted someone to get some logo that could be associated with each name and put them out to the public (not those god awful ones that the Herald put out).  A good, clean logo will make an average name look good.  But instead, we now have 5 names where:


2 of them we have no idea what would symbolize it (Sundogs, Nodaks)

2 that claim to have trademark issues but people know what it is (Roughriders, North Star)

1 that people know what it is, but lacks originality (Fighting Hawks)


We don't even know how the logo is going to look? Are they hiring a committee again, hire me as the consultant, I'll do it for 50K.  Lowest bidder :D

You make a good point but the committee created so far was only charged with bringing forward nickname suggestions and nothing to do with a logo. That was from the president, so right or wrong the committee did what they were suppose to. Now whether they did a good job with the nicknames is another question.

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You make a good point but the committee created so far was only charged with bringing forward nickname suggestions and nothing to do with a logo. That was from the president, so right or wrong the committee did what they were suppose to. Now whether they did a good job with the nicknames is another question.


I do get that the charter was to get a final list of name, but how hard would have it been to get someone to get even a rough logo for each of the 7.  UND Art Students could have came up with something in-between those 6 weeks of meetings.  Give the public, who will be voting a general idea of what to expect.


Oh well, it is what it is.  Guess I will wait until August 2016 to see the final product on the field (nickname and logo) together.

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You realize that going with "North Dakota" virtually ensures that this whole circus will be repeated in a couple of years?

I disagree with this.  The university can control this.  “We have decided we don't need a nickname and are moving on”.  Create new logo depicting what North Dakota is known for and move on.

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You make a good point but the committee created so far was only charged with bringing forward nickname suggestions and nothing to do with a logo. That was from the president, so right or wrong the committee did what they were suppose to. Now whether they did a good job with the nicknames is another question.

Kelley dropped the ball on this from the beginning as most in Academia are tone deaf to how things in the real world actually work.

I said this about a month ago

Should have just had the committee formed, left out the wasted money on the consultants and brought in a few people locally with experience in the marketing business like UND alum Jason Loney of Scheels who has a little experience with Pro and College licensing and a couple key people from any of the following large regional companies whose job is to work with logos and designs like CI Apparel, S&S(Brad Ness is another alum), Lake Shirts, etc.(I left out a couple companies including mine). Narrow it down to 3 or 4 acceptable choices and have those companies go back to their marketing people and art staffs and come up with some concepts and ideas rather than pick a name and then say "welp lets see what we can come up with"

They gather the info, discuss it and announce a name and explain why they chose that name and it's over. Now they are going to end up with a name that the majority of people do not want since they dangled out the possibility of going by the current status quo of being The University of North Dakota and that is the most popular choice among the people who truly matter. Absolute transparency isn't always the best thing when you involve the general public due to the 7 out of 10 rule.

And back in September I had posted this

The fact that there doesn't seem to be anyone on the committee with a marketing background or experience in collegiate licensing is more than a little troubling. With companies in the area like Lake Shirts(Blue 84), CI Sport, Coaches Choice(in full disclosure, my employer and a big NDSU supporter), and even S&S Promotions. One would think they could find someone like a Rick Fletcher from CI whose company works with collegiate licenses all over the country and would have valuable input into what works and what doesn't from a marketing and logo standpoint, or a Brad Ness from S&S who currently have the Green and White clothing line and I believe is a UND alum, or my brother who was a collegiate buyer for Scheels for 10+ years and has worked with colleges and licenses all over the country for Coaches Choice and is also a UND grad or Jason Loney from Scheels who is also a UND grad would make sense.

I was right then and I am right now. Keep the committee if you want, tell the consultant to go kick rocks.....this could be done in under a month since they don't have to start from square 1. Take a look at the original entrants and go from there. I would guess that more from the discarded list than the current list would make final 5.

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I disagree with this.  The university can control this.  “We have decided we don't need a nickname and are moving on”.  


Really? You really believe that the university can control how media refers to UND?


The Sioux Falls Argus-Leader has already shown you to be incorrect

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